Shit like this controversy is so fucking dumb, this was a masterpiece, you bunch of entitled plebeians.
This isn't video games.
Shit like this controversy is so fucking dumb, this was a masterpiece, you bunch of entitled plebeians.
This isn't video games.
I liked it though.
My wife Machi is so cute.
its been around forever
see the controversy about the Urusei Yatsura Beautiful Dreamers movie
Controversies can happen in anime. Remember the Kokoro Connect incident?
The controversy really was that officials on the show keep apologizing for it implying there was a problem at all. Oh and also the complete underperformance of the sales turning it into a bomb.
Wait what happened?
Ending basically undid everything they were striving for since the start of the show
Girl gives up on trying to live in the city, decides to say fuck it and remain a country bumpkin forever.
So is the manga still ongoing and the anime wanted to give it a clear ending?
My wife Machi is a masterpiece.
>people are shit
>therefore I shouldn't torture myself
>shuts herself up forever
>dies a virgin
That's a good ending in my book.
Bullying little girls is NOT FUN
Shit, I thought she was raped by the bear or something, just life happened to the dumb bitch.
Oh hey, it's my life.
>This isn't video games
Could've fooled me with that BAD END
Personally I found the ending quite insulting because Machi clearly suffered from severe social anxiety and wanted to strive past that in order to move to the city, which happened in my own life. Now I live happily in the city and this experience has almost completely rid me of my previous social anxiety, so obviously this ending is quite upsetting as it not only left the leading character still quite disturbed and dysfunctional, but sent a very poor message to a country that already suffers from too many isolated, shut-in otaku.
Basically if you unironically liked the ending you obviously have some unresolved emotional issues that the story reinforced. The only reason it was any real issue to begin with was because of how hard the writers back-pedalled, had they remained quiet fewer people would give a shit.
Kumamiko was garbage from the beginning. No comedic timing, all that shitty product placement and the lame dressup/idol crap.
I hope the author keeps getting bullied by her editor like in that one Youtube video (which caused a shitstorm of its own).
>Remember the Kokoro Connect incident?
That was some bullshit outside of the show. Not that Kokoroco didn't suck as well because they kept playing it safe.
It was nowhere as bad as all the assblasted sperlords said it was but it was still unwelcome.
Her giving up was bad enough but the weird mental regression thing came out of nowhere
>complaining about an anime ending sucking ass.
I dont even
>watching something for entertainment
What a bunch of normalfags.
I dropped this after the first episode. The ending was what I was expecting. I don't see why people who liked it enough to watch the whole thing were so angry.
This was supposed to be my AOTS, fuck.
Proper thread. With less butthurt.
>two posters
If watching anime would be entertaining, I wouldn't be on Sup Forums.
it was retarded because it was anime original
Nah, she raped him.