Yet another Berserk Thread

Sup Sup Forums, just watched episode 2.

And i really started to think when Farnese started talking about the Band of the Hawk (which she didnt in the Manga if i remember correct), why people dont recognize Guts?

The Band of the Hawk were basically Popstars, and Guts was the second in Command, so how is it possible that barely anyone recognizes him? The only instance i remember is in the Ballroom, when the Muslims attacked. There was some Nobleman who recognized him at least.

Can someone explain?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because Griffith was the hot-shit leader that mingled with royalty while Casca was the general-chick. Guts was some officer that was absurdly good at fighting, but he didn't really have any distinguishing features. All his crazy-looking trademark shit like the Dragonslayer, robo-arm, and berserker armor happened post-eclipse.

He had an exceptionally big Sword pre Eclipse already, and amongst Soldiers he was the Hot Thing actually, not Griffith.

So i dont understand why Miura wanted to make him some nameless Ghost post Eclipse. I mean the Timeframe between the Eclipse and the current Arc is only a few years.

>amongst Soldiers

Not many of those left post-eclipse senpai. Hard to remember "that mercenary dude with a pretty big sword" 3-4 years after literal monsters started walking around.

There's no form of photography or anything in Berserk, so the only ones who could recognize him are those who met him in the past. Most people who knew him before the Eclipse are dead, and the ones who aren't were mostly noblemen and random citizens who might have seen him during victory parades and such.

Photographs don't exist in Medieval times, all you get is hearsay, even if someone heard of Guts it would be difficult to recognize him, Guts does have a reputation among warriors as the hundred man slayer, Silat, Isidro, and midland guards know about this legend. The Midland noble guy only recognizes Guts because he's seen him before on the battlefield, and even to him he was just one of Griffiths soldiers.

I liked this episode a lot more than the last one. I guess I got used to the CG, and they used Hirasawa's music. Minimal djent guitars. Hopefully they keep this up.

They had caricatures and drawings.

Regardless, Guts is easily discernable becasue of his height and the fact that he carries a huge sword. You're defending bad writing. It's okay, Berserk isn't supposed to be perfect.

People would have heard of a tall man carrying a very big sword. Rumors fly by fast.

Because there is no internet in the Berserk universe. Yes, people know about Guts, but they won't recognize him because they've never seen him before.

Most people don't recognize him because they aren't even from the same country. It doesn't even make sense that Farnese recognizes him.

aside from the 10fps with the gci, it wasn't that bad. Gut's model is still way off and the pacing seems really fucking rushed, but it wasn't a complete disaster like the first episode

next episode will be important since we'll see how they handle the darkness and demons and what not. I have a bad feeling they'll fuck up the tone completely, but we'll see

Again Guts isn't famous because of his appearance or sword, his call to fame is that he killed 100 men. I don't know how numerous or practical greatswords were in medieval times, but Guts old sword isn't as unique as his giant anime sword, especially in a world where huge weapons like horse slayers exist anyway.

More the sword than the height, though. Remember, there are guys who are bigger than Guts, but they still use fairly proportional weapons. I do agree that at least other mercenaries and soldier-types should probably have at least a guess of who he is.

Guts got his fame as the "100-slayer", but it went pretty much as a legend among soldiers.

>would have heard of a tall man carrying a very big sword

We saw like 4 "tall men with big swords" pre eclipse. People know of his legend but nobody really knows what he looks like. Midland solders heard the story of "the 100 man slayer" but they don't really know its him specifically, just some tall dude with a big sword.

He only gets famous once he starts really fucking shit up but thats because he has one arm, no eye, wears all black, swings a sword the size most knights, and cleaves demons in half.

Is Vritanis in Midland? I'm not sure.

There were soldiers from many different countries there because the Pontiff tried to form some kind of Holy League against the Kushans.


Midland is in worse state than Velen from Witcher. The whole place is basically razed at this point.

desu Midland doesn't exist anymore

streaming or torrent?

I don't remember, how much does his party know about his past?

Only Casca knew I think

What the fuck?

A few people HAVE recognized him, like when he went to that party of nobles to get farnese

But typically guts is going through hodunk backwood towns, wilderness or is fighting demons who do know him, he isn't constantly around the peerage and those that WOULD know him

His party knows about 'the Raider Commander' and the band of the hawk, but they don't know that guts is said commander, just that he used to be a mercenary. Guts purposefully doesn't talk about it,

Name more than one member of the Backstreet Boys.



Just like everyone else has said, griffith was the poster boy of the band of the hawk. I like how Guts isn't well known. It makes him more mysterious to other characters. I love the moments when people watch him cutting 10 people in half with one blow thinking "so this is the black swordsman..... sugoi"
Guts is so badass in the new anime besides the mediocre animation I'm really enjoying it. I hope Farnese crawls all over his dick.

>Anons' opinions about Post-Eclipse Berserk
Foreshadowing most likely, user

Yeah, but this was during snake lord arc. Griffith was dead back then. Did the anime do some weird shit with it?

John Lennon?

David Beckam

Anyone got a cap of the last shot with Serpico? It was reminiscent of the 90s anime.

>why people dont recognize Guts?
It's been years also a few due, the guy at Farnese's mansion remembered him.

>Can someone explain?
people forget that this manga has a large scope and there was no facebook.

most people in the world don't even know who griffith is let alone guts.

>Implying it won't be skipped

People complain about the 90's anime having too many stills, but to it's credit they were some damn good stills.

yes they were. that one looks worse than the manga like what the fuck?


Haven't even bothered watching, any good QUALITY moments to laugh at this episode or should I just not bother?


Am I a bit too extreme for believing that Berserk deserves better?

Me on the right

Do you think that we'll have nipples in the BD?

You know, I really thought Berserk was popular in Japan. But it can't be, because if it was they would've hired a decent fucking studio and done it right.

>one of the soldier actually says "H-HAYAI" during the fight with guts

Is that the japanese equivalent for the wilhelm scream?

I'm 100% sure they will add nipples as separate object to the model which will result in some retarded outlines.

In other words, the nipples look JUSTed like everything else.

Nick and Carter

>show for mature audiences
>can show blood and gore
>literally has a rape scene in the OP
>censor nipples by making them nonexistant

What's so bad about nipples?

Don't forget to buy the BDs, user.

It's probably not a problem for Japan, but since it's also released in the US then I guess that they need to censor it.

Nipples are too sacred to be rendered in their shitty engine

why do they retcon


God I fucking love Farnese, best girl.

I don't get how it didn't get better.

Maybe I'm out of the loop, but it seems to be a pretty huge series and have a rather large fanbase.

I don't get how it gets shit on like this.

I hope the shitty anime at least inspires a bunch of high quality Farnese R34.

>I'll finally get to see naked Farnese animated
>I've dreamed of it for years, my dick can't take it anymore

>skeletons everywhere
>two human corpses
>nope, skeletons didn't kill them. and whoever killed the skeletons wasn't trying to protect the monk and his daughter. nope, he killed both them and the skeletons 'cause why not.

Yeah, they weren't planning on animating past golden age so they just did that.

Maybe counting it hard for them.

>episode 2 was actually alright

said people who didn't read the manga


This, One piece isn't big out side of Japan, yet it has over 700 episodes with higher quality than this
At least they are doing JoJo justice anime wise

>change the story
>shit voice acting
>shit music
>shit animation
>shit fight scene

k y s

Humans don't see the supernatural at this point, like Guts

In the comic this meant that the lolis just looked like dead girls, and in this scenario it means Farnese stumbled upon a bunch of ancient skellingtons and assumed Guts had just killed then

And a fucking tree too I guess?

Why are they blowing the budget on random closeups of peoples' faces and letting the physics engine handle all the fight scenes?

>700 episodes with higher quality than this
mmmmmm no. A good 200 of those are QUALITY worse than this honestly.

that scene changed. in the manga they bring up the mountain of dead children that guts killed and guts is like "w-well.."

That's the pig apostle right?

Puck pretty much knows everything, Schierke has seen the eclipse in his mind, but doesn't really know any details. Caska is retarded, so obviously she's oblivious to everything. Azan, Serpico and Farnese know that he's the "black swordsman", but I don't think they made any connecion between him and the band. Isidro Ivalera, Roderic and Manifico know shit. Did I miss anything?

Yes. We already have the manga. Ya can't get all good ma boy

Should've put more [CLANG]

>Azan, Serpico and Farnese know that he's the "black swordsman", but I don't think they made any connecion between him and the band

So animu Farnese knows more already than manga Farnese post-boat?

CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING way to make it worse:

anime original scenes/ending

>anime original scenes

Literally next episode

Literally the previous episode

Wasn't in the manga. But in retrospect, things really have become shit since Griffith has started his rule.
Except obviously back in the black swordsman arc he wasn't ever reincarnated yet, so this doesn't really make much sense. But the '97 anime was pretty much stand alone, and never meant to continue, so it works well within it.

You've gotta be kidding me.


So there's no RAPE HORSE?!?!

No Rape Horse confirmed

Instead we get Miura's Magical Mole Mansion

I know we complained but the movies are masterpieces compared to this

I'm still trying to look at the bright side.

The way Guts eat the meme rabbit made me hungry.

JoJo has always been solid, DavidPro knows what they're doing. I would seriously do just about anything to get DavidPro to do Berserk, it'd be fucking glorious and everything Berserk deserves.

Nope, next week's Miura's own story apparently. Judging by the preview, it's gonna have the possessed dogs + the pig apostle.

[CLANGing intensifies]

What's there complain in these movies? Explain please.


A lot better than the first episode, but still a shitty adaption.

Who cares, it's not like this awful CG blob is any attractive. I'll stick to the qt manga Farnese, thanks.

After the civil war in Midland Guts disappeared, the band of the Hawk collapsed, Guts got injured during the eclipse, and Guts got more injured fighting Apostles. So he looks pretty different than when they would have seen him.

It was just Forces foreshadow, he knew that's the only thing that could make this episode any bearable.

what the fuck is going on with Guts' arm in this episode? seems like they did a shit job rigging these models, which would also help to explain the wonky movements (and lack thereof).

It was written during the nineties, HAYAI wasn't stale yet

better listen to Forces to numb the pain

I don't even know why scenes where people standing around needs to be 3D.

3D should only be used to make action scenes easier to animate.

so when did guts get the behelit?

Not necesarily. Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the episode Farnese just brought up the band of the hawk, without even implying she knew he was part of them.
Anyway, just checked the interrogation scene from the manga, and there was no mention of the band.

>Sup Sup Forums

Even worse CGI that this series in the battle scenes, and plenty of cut out material.
I found them somewhat enjoyable, but they would be terrible, and would likely make no sense if I didn't already know the story.

>Even worse CGI that this series