
They paid for the guns themselves you fucktard

His arsenal is aright yo

I'm not asking third world immigrants and lazy fucks to pay for my guns.

Third world immigrants and lazy fucks are asking me to pay for their healthcare.

Sage this retarded shit.

Ther have a right to pay for treatment just like he paid for guns. Why are commies so retarded?

There is nothing to defend here. It is ILLEGAL for a hospital to turn patients down. And I'm sure there are a few Americans who would be willing to chip-in and pick up the hospital bill.

Our constitution says nothing about medical treatment.




So get rid of gun free zones. Almost every larger attack in recent time has been on people in 'gun free' zones. It's almost as if taking away the rights to defend yourself may cost you your life and hinder your freedom. That seems to be the 'right' that is forgotten. Owning guns saves more lives than it takes in U.S.

You have a right to purchase healthcare, too.


>owning items means we should force people to pay for other peoples health

I wish Australia was more like the USA just without niggers.

Were the guns free?

Sage this shit.


are they really that stupid?

terrible, I can't defend this as a burger

Who's been denied treatment for their injuries? I want names, Mz. Jew.

As for regular healthcare, that's you, your family, and your friends' business. If you're such a miserable piece of shit that you have no family or friends or that they don't care whether you're healthy or whether you die, maybe you'd better "hurry up and die" as that Alan Grayson faggot said when describing "Republican healthcare." Almost nobody used to die of preventable illnesses back before we had obamacare. Why? Because people weren't cunts and if you were ill or injured, your community would step up and take care of you because they liked you.

You dont have a right to other people money or labor.

I don't have to the bill of rights states it pretty fucking explicitly faggot

Please show proof where a single person was refused care. False and homosexual please use a green spice that rhymes with rage.

this ya fuckin dunce
Gun ownership is a right
Access to Health Care is a right
The Government can't stop one from accessing either of them and neither are free

>life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

life before liberty

it's in our constitution

no one was.

guess who's paying for it tho

(it's taxpayers)

if medical care is a right does that mean you get to enslave doctors to care for all the worthless pieces of shit who dont even bother avoiding preventable diseases?

Give me liberty or give me death.

No one forces you to have a gun, and no one should FORCE you to pay for health insurance you don't need or want. FORCING me to pay for something I don't need ONLY so that someone else can benefit from my labor is theft.

IF however, they forced every american to have a gun, and use it you may have a valid arguement.

Both are RIGHTS. You have the right to keep and bear arms. You have to the pursuit of happiness.

You don't have the right to bill me for your diabetes.


Not provided by govt.
Can buy shit ones and good ones.
>free health care
Provided by govt. = privilege
Not provided by govt. = buy shit ones and good ones.


>muh constitution
All privileges given by the government and can be taken away just as easily. No such thing as a right beyond the right to life and even that can be taken away in a case by case basis

who was denied treatment?

wtf I want free guns now

Our constitution doesn't grant rights.

The rights are natural.

Learn to read.

where is my free gun?

You are well within your rights to pay for your own healthcare just as you are well within your rights to buy a gun.

How broken does a person's mind have to be to be unable to grasp this?

Neither of these things are equivalent, or you want to make it a right then change the Constitution.

They had donations come in the next day in the millions to help with medical costs, btw.

Perhaps you should defend your taking advantage of a tragedy to push a political agenda OP. You people are literally worse than the shooter. Bottom feeding scavengers.

She has a point government supplied guns for everyone


>Debating with a woman/tranny
Only a cuck would do that.

based swede holy fuck

Fpbp everytime

>it’s in our constitution

I know this is b8 but I can feel the rage boiling up anyway

She's cute.

Both are a right but neither have the right to my money

I heard you guys were giving away free guns in here

I haven't had health insurance for over 10 years, yet I pay the penalty just because it's cheaper than buying overpriced insurance that I can't afford. So where the fuck is my penalty money going? To insure people who can't afford healthcare?



They are both a privilege and a right.

We don't subsidize gun ownership. You have the right to purchase guns and you have the right to purchase healthcare.

You don't have the right to be given guns for free and you don't have the right to be given healthcare for free.

He paid for the guns. Doctors can't be expected to work for free.

This shit is not hard.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think any of the victims were denied treatment if they didn't have health insurance.

Canadians once again proving to be the biggest subhuman piles of waste in human history, I will not shed a single tear when your filthy pigshit country is a smouldering ruin. Fuck you, fuck canada and fuck all canadians.

>bennie frank as bitch tits bob
