>Muslim does a terror attack
Lefties : "muh not all muslims, thoughts & prayers to the victims & their family"
Righties : "no more Islam, we must take action NOW"
>A white guy does a terror attack
Leftis : "no more guns, we must take action NOW"
Righties : "thoughts & prayers to the victims, not all gun owners!"
Muslim does a terror attack
When was the last time a white guy did a terrorist attack?
White danger is a necessary aspect of white power. Muslim danger is opposed to white power.
I fucking hate this "look"
Oh before that?
In august in France, a white man drove his car to a pizzaria and killed a 13 year old girl and her mother, yeah of course you didn't hear about him bc he was white
This is the brize of freedom :DDD
>dude what are statistics
fucking Algerian shitskin """"French"""" posters
> left wants to ban an inanimate object
> right looks to the sentient human being that's actually responsible
its not terrorism unless there is a political motive
you can't just label any nutjob massacre as terrorism if the motive didn't have anything to do with causing terror
Well, the muzzie does it because of his religion, and he is targetting his enemies based on this religion, either infidels or other sects that are opposed to him (like the eternal Sunni-Shia conflicts).
Breivik was a terrorist, he had a clear political motivation and targeted his enemies based on that.
A random white dude shooting up other random white dudes with no motive is just that, a madman running amok.
The liberal who shut up the Republican lawmakers was a terrorist. Omar Marteen was a terrorist. Charles Whitman was just running amok.
Do you get it now? It's really not hard to understand.
Guns are only a tool. muslims are actually evil and follow a religion of killing and death
Sounds like Europe vs America.
Everyone is a hypocrite on their own special way, yes. This is as old as the spoken word.
I didn't see anything?
Where? Nothing in the news.
This, look at the IRA for white terrorism. One guy killing a bunch of people without invloving politics is just a mass murderer.
Honestly, this one post could silence half the bullshit talking points.
How Sup Forums responds to tragedies that result in a loss of life
"This is why we need the wall!"
"Fucking Muslims, deport them all now!"
"God damn niggers, it's always a nigger!"
"Obama created this!"
>After Sup Forums learns the perpetrator is white
"Something doesn't add up here, this has to be fake!"
"Lizard people NWO at it again."
"How come there's not more videos of guts and gore? This is fake."
Never change Sup Forums. Never change
>of course you didn't hear about him
French traffic accidents don't get a lot of international coverage.
If firearms are the problem, then why is the homicide rate in Switzerland so low?
t. good goy
In Paris, let me give you a link
He acted like a complete terrorist
>things that never happened
>traffic accidents
Are you fucking kidding me? It wasn't an accident he did it on his own
take guns and live in a police state like us, cool story bro
I can't read French.
>acted like
So he was or wasn't a terrorist? What organization?
Hey Stevie Wonder, do you not see this board? After people learned he was white, everyone's now saying it was a false flag. This board is full of complete fucking mouth breathing morons. The absolute dumbest walks of life live on this board.
To be honest, the lefties in the USA do cry about gun control every time a muslim terror attack happens to.
Never give up your guns USA, NEVER!
People don't have traffic accidents on their own?
>Sup Forums is one person
The irony of you calling others dumb.
Mudshits commit terror acts out of conviction, and none but the ultra-westernized ones see anything wrong with them in the first place.
Meanwhile, no gun or organization told this old fuck to go and kill tons of people, and the "not all X" actually does apply to gun owners, given how many people in the US own guns, and how many of them support mass shootings (protip, its none)
Further- this board is majority white men.
The dumbest walks of life statistically do not "walk this board". You would want a site heavily populated by people of color and women.
Looks like you fit right in. Welcome, and don't ever try to leave. Stay.
Shut the fuck up LGBTOP
The important thing is has there been any confirmation of the infowars claim of antifa material?
His motives and political affiliations are the most important thing in the story and the fact that they're being supressed suggests they are harmful to the (((narrative))).
It's suddenly like no one is even curious why a white boomer millionaire methodically planned to murder dozens of Trump supporters
Sup Forums we've got to fill in the motive before the jews succesfully make this about taking away the last goyim rights to self defense
This, I mean how dumb do you have to be to not see through this.
Ban assault trucks REEEEE
kys wite ppl cant be terrorists
How are those "Peaceful Trucks" working out for ya over there, faggot?
Sure it is called a religion but really it’s a cultural and political thing since they are a theocracy. Islam has had good reforms before the bombs
>everything is terrorism because i say it is
what were this guy's beliefs, besides the clear error that irregularity is acceptable?
he wasn't a terrorist, just a butthurt old faggot.
he wasn't part of some butthurt faggot religion with well-funded butthurt faggot organisations.
>Muslim does a terror attack in france
Lefties : wave white flag
Righties : wave white flag
>A white guy does a terror attack in france
Leftis : kill all whites
Righties :wave white flag
You know french people are behind the idea's that ruin today's western world right? Because all of you will be held responsible for being the fucking snails you are.
One is a people and ideology.
One is a device or tool.
These things are different. You don't put guns in jail you put people in jail. If an entire ideology of people believe in harming individuals who don't share their belief, they should be separated from our society
Hahahahaha France
>islam=a dangerous and evil religion, which brainwashes its believers
>gun=an asset
Didn't ISIS claim it was a muslim convert?
Guns can defend homes, what are the benefits of Islam?
Fuck off ahmed
if your named pierre : dude wtf it is not our culture and you're not even trying to understand what's going on
I guess we'll conveniently gloss over that it was righties who were targeted.
hey there bud , i see you are using anecdotes,
let me help you out there, so you don't look like a lil bitch
Leftis : "no more whites, we must take action NOW"
The reality is the left is spiteful and want to punish those who don't agree so they can validate assuage their low self esteem. Guns are just a way to do it.