Railgun or Index, Sup Forums?
Railgun or Index, Sup Forums?
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I like both.
I like Railgun because Kuroko
Nagai ruined Railgun, so Index.
>Biribiri without Gekota panties
I've only watched Railgun.
Read the manga faggot.
The first arc of Index had the poorest writing I've ever experienced. Did it get better after that?
The first volume was supposed to be a one-time story so it's not surprising. It's ok for the most part but only gets good in the last arc of index 2 and beyond the end of the anime, where everything starts clicking and it's consistent. That's what causes the confusion of "this anime is shit, why do people want a third season?".
Railgun manga has been more interesting than index LNs for a long while.
Railgun also has best anime adaptation, sister's arc in S was great
How long has the Dream Ranker arc been going on for now? It only got good when Frenda showed up.
How do you fags always find something to complain about?
You don't understand what is to have a waifu.
I don't have the Gekota pantsu one.
Here you go, christmas in july I guess.
>garbage or trash
I'd rather puke all over your dead body OP.
this but for Saten.
She's dead. She didn't fly so good.
Episode 7 and considering dropping this. I feel like I only like romance shit nowadays
Episode 7 of which one? If there is anything that needs to be seen from this series, it's the first 16 episodes of Railgun S.
should i read the manga before indox novel? or after a certain volume or something?
It get goods after episode X
So watch until the end.
Index I. Shouldn't I be watching this in order?
I mean it's an okay premise and all but it feels a bit cheesy, what with all this friendship power gary stu bullshit
My Misaka onahole is probably the loosest fit of all 13 anime themed holes I have.
Isn't she supposed to be a middle schooler? Also not so big. My niece over the 4th of July was tighter than that.
Your dick is small
Railgun manga can be read before the LN. The manga just skipped the battle royale, which is volume 15 (volume 14 is the first volume past the end of the anime). A lot of the railgun side villains become relevant to that volume so it's nice to get to know them a bit before they get fucked.
Pedoposter get out.
Normally I love leering perverted girls but Kuroko
Heavy Object
>calls herself railgun
>doesn't hold both arms parallel in front of her to attack
She should call herself Gauss Gun instead
which one comes first?
She creates the electric currents of the rails in empty air.
Her arm works like a Railgun
so i'll watch that one first then, even if it's shit
I'd rail her with my gun if you know what I'm saying. And if you don't, I mean I'd ravager her shithole while nibbling her earlobe and rubbing her off. I'd fuck her like a feral animal who hasn't fucked for 21 years.
Nah you need two parallel rails with current running in opposite directions to make the force
It's not like she can emulate two rails with one arm
The first season is mostly cute girls and filler, the real shit goes down in the second season with actual character development for the protagonist.
>It's not like she can emulate two rails with one arm
But she can. Word of god.
Maybe with two fingers but they aren't parallel by any means and the trajectory would be fucked up
As far as we know the current can just be flowing in the air parallel to the coin. It doesn't need to flow through her arm's length, since she's shown to be able to control the flow of electricity in the air.
In that case we should see an arc since you're gonna need at least a few kilovolts to make bullets go that gast
It's shown every time she shots it.
>spiraling around
Further proof that's it's a gauss cannon
Index. It had the better theme songs. Unfortunately the singer retired which really sucks.
Also Haruue in the thread!
Daily reminder.
>I'm just a pathetic kid who can't even save a single girl.
I want to own a railgun.
Index in the thread!
Accelerator = Anti-Social Personality disorder
Kakine = Inferiority Complex/Sociopathy
Mikoto = Intermittent explosive disorder/Depression/Erotomania
Mugino = Megalomania/Psychopathy/Erotomania
Misaki = Paranoia/Narcissism/Borderline?
Number 6 = "..."
Gunha = Aspergers
Did I get it right?
What about Index or Haruue?
Misaki is more Depressive than Mikoto
DOOM 4 has a sick gauss cannon
Magnetic weapons are always my favorites
So I started watching Index guys and I actually am really starting to like Index now that I'm almost done with the first season although It's not even close to as good as Railgun was so far but that's besides the point. The point I'm trying to make is this other series is making me acutely question which girl is going to end up with Touma. I thought it was definitely going to be Mikoto but now I'm thinking Index has a legitimate shot at him. It's getting exciting.
Index as in the character.
Misaki WANTS Mikoto, but cannot possess the Ace because of her powers not working.
It's likely something that it goes beyond Kuroko's obsession, and the only reason it hasn't gone yandere is because Misaki is at heart a fragile little girl.
Presidential Kuroko?
I probably has to the do with the fact that her first and only real friend has the exact same face
She might not give us the future we want but she'll definitely give us the future we need!
It probably has to do with the fact that her first and only real friend had the exact same face
I'll take your song and +1 up you.
She's loves herself.
I would like Index more if she stopped biting
She's literally just abusive tsundere loli #5476
Not always.
Why didn't they just kiss?
Face it, she's just another Taiga/Louise
I like the song but it has nothing to do with Index and Touma shipping.
Stiyl must remain eternally cucked.
Those slutbags are not as good as Index.
This scene right here made me fall for mikoto
Best girl Railgun = Haruue
Best girl Index = Index
What about this one?
>not shorts
You don't need luck, you're good.
Understandable. She's an intelligent woman.
Mikoto is gonna let Touma ruin her on their wedding night
Seven is average. Kuroko deserves nothing less.
He's cool although he's pretty much useless.
>Badly written femdom shit
Epic distraction.
He's currently the strongest person in the verse besides Crowley/aiwess.
Kuroko is gonna marry Aogami
They'll show up at the reunion with 7 kids and nursing baby
wew lad
He's basically a little girl in the eyes of the stronger characters in the series. He might as well be hosting lucky channel because he literally has no power to change anything. He's basically been turned into a pathetic loser like all the espers.
Magic gods and dodge is ded.
So other than Crowley and his buddy literally no one alive is close to him.
Best pairing coming through
>he literally has no power to change anything
Then how did he save an entire continent?
He could have dealt with Kamisato and even that lab coat bitch in a few pages of kamachi wasn't keeping him locked away.
They would sing this together and Kidd under the moonlight.
Maybe if England and the various magicians that live there ceased to exist, this would be true.
>go to england
>visit london or wherever laura's base is
>plasma bomb the entire region
>follow up with several tornado's incase
>fly back home
>than how did he save an entire continent
Well Haruue Saved Academy City and everyone inside it from total annihilation and she's not powerful.