I think it's pretty faithful for the most part.
Berserk Ep2
Well, sure its painful to read, like the manga, but in a complete different meaning
Too bad everyone's gonna be complaining about the rape horse next week
I thought for sure it was going to be this episode but maybe we can get the sacrificial orgy scene.never
I think it was much better done this week. I'm sure people still hate it but, I enjoyed this episode.
its dangalang time
Berserk is pretty fun, but nothing can save how awful that animation looks
This episode wasn't nearly as bad as the first, but that ep 3 preview fucking terrifies me
They scrapped the entire Lost Children arc.
Too much loli T and V I guess
Feels like someone slapped a sketchy filter over a cutscene from a late 90's PC game.
It's like why isn't this show just motion captured and 60fps at this point?
How do you like your breasts senpai?
Why was Guts so tired? He needs to step it up.
Is this what berserkposters consider a quality memeing?
Im making a better one now.
Gravity doesn't work on boobs in Gut's world
>rape horse next week
shame really I would have no problem with them skipping the eclipse but fuck, lets see guts rekt some shit
>all those CGI bodies writhing en masse
the horror. the horror.
Really looking dignified there
>implying her tits aren't firm from all the training
But episode 3 is an original episode.
What did the preview show again?
What the fuck, I don't remember her screaming being that loud, did you edit that?
Since it's CGI, does that mean they can just uncheck the "invisible nipples" button in the settings for the BDs?
This is Sailor Moon tier
Stuff that never happened in the manga for starters
She can't see elves what does that mean?
She doesn't believe in Santa.
And also Puck is one fairy-ass Elf.
Meant to say lack of
The music was actually pretty good this episode. It actually fit the Berserk style a little.
Also it's by the guy who did fucking NGE's OST.
So the first episode was rushed and they're skipping shit so they can shove in their own fan fiction?
so, if they cut out the part with all the loli death, and theyre gonna cut the part with the demon bestiality, i think its safe to say theyre gonna cut the legendary troll rape cave, too?
i want off this not so crazy ride, right now
I predict that they're going to avoid showing the rape horse and just traumatize Farnese through other means, hence ep3 is going to have anime original scenes. The episode title is still "Night of Miracles", after all.
It's done.
anyone else think grif VA was shit?
Can you help me to remember Puck's face?
Nah, they just want to give fans different stories. Why just rehash the manga when you can do something else? If you want the manga just read the manga.
I'm used to English Griffith but yeah, he didn't sound right at all.
>next episode they're already removing content because the hack author regrets his manga's edgy past
uh huh
If I wanted new stories I'd go watch a new show.
how did he come up with a rapist horse
Tales of women having sex with horses and horse like animals goes back 1000s of years.
But that is like watching DB and only wanting to rehash the freza saga
You saying people didn't like Dragonball Z because it rehashed the freza saga from the manga?
>not amazan
You were so close too, user.
He did the movies too, didn't he?
Nothing more hype than HAAAAI YOO
As an artist I'd say they would be normal looking with nips but it's all rounded
Honestly, I am excited for the next episode, mostly because it's going to be written by Miura, and I want to see how he handles a less lighthearted segment nowadays.
I mean, if the script is good, it will heighten my hopes for the manga's future.
Ohhh yeaahhhh......
>that smug fucking look
The 2d close-ups look great imo, I wish they'd do all the talking scenes like that, how hard would that be?
Superior version
You really think they are going to show this on TV?
Don't be dumb now, user. If anything hope for a BD scene but that depends on how much additional budget they are willing to spend on them.
HBO Adaptation?
Too bad it'll be cut
Apparently next episode is an original story written by Muira, so hopefully it'll be good
Oh! She actually did hit him with her sword. The animation led me to think he coincidentally ran out of energy and fell down before she actually hit him.
Pretty much agreed. The dialogue for the most part reassured me that they want to stick to the character drama of berserk with how Guts was picking apart Farnese and Azan, which is obviously good.
Looks like they're going to make the next episode take place in some abandoned castle or something rather than outside. A change of scenery won't affect much, just hopefully it's nothing more than that.
Also it'd be nice if they have nipples in blu ray, because it just looks ridiculous.
He's not talking about skipping the golden age. He's (I assume) talking about Lost Children and parts of Black Swordsman, neither of which have been animated before.
Logs confirmed OP, this explains Naruto's obsession with the subject.
This one isn't fair. One is a panel and the other is literally 1 frame. You can barely see anything during this punch, it happens in a split second.
they made Guts look too old
They should've ctrl+c, ctrl+v'd some more soldiers.
These are all fine.
These are unfortunate.
God damn it these scenes should atleast be 2D sakuga.
I'm glad Farnese's VA was good, she really sold the crazy.
Is that the apostle that tracks down Guts and Casca after Guts wakes up?
Can this show do fucking anything right?
Wait is it going to be that thing with the twins from the ps2 game?
It could be in a flashback? If they're skipping the actual scenes, they need to remind anime only fags what an apostle is so it makes sense to bring one in from the manga rather than making an OC one. If they're doing that, I hope they don't randomly drop Rosine in later though, might fuck our chances of a decent Lost Children OVA at some point.
wow that guts guy must be a complete fucking wimp to be tired already
>these are all fine
Good to see you again, brother rabbit.
too much rendering for the potato pcs these nippons use
Better than the first episode? Yes or no?
Follows the manga more closely
Still full retard CGSHIT faces everywhere
And preview for episode 3 seems to have things going completely off the rails
Expect absolutely no rape horse or sword riding
Yeah, I wished they'd found some way to explain Guts being injured though.
Comparing frames of animation to manga panels is retarded.
Yes, pretty much picking up with the manga instead of mishmashing stuff together, so it's just better by default.
No idea what they're going to do with the 3rd episode though.
Virtually every single non cgi anime out there that is an adaptation of a manga lives and breathes by hitting the key panels from the original work.
If it can't do even that right, it isn't even a slideshow adaptation, it's a fucking abomination.
He fought that huge tree thing in the previous episode. He didn't act like he was too injured by it, but that's the only possible explanation.
hahahahaha, the CLANG