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I always felt like Utawarerumono was basically Suikoden x Breath of Fire

Its Suikoden + something.













No No

I went into it expecting what I expected. We came to the same conclusion though. And that's the important part.









I never knew inverted nipples were a thing before I watched this show


Honestly you shouldn't have been surprised.


Here's a widescreen template.


>black ranger
>yellow ranger
Fucking hell, I'm dying here.

Is this your first time being exposed to Power Rangers

Wait is it always a black black ranger and a yellow yellow ranger?
That's incredible.


It had more to do with what looked good than the race of the actors.

Nichijou fits this much better

>Power Rangers
>When Super Sentai exists
That said, it had a really hype theme.

>Super Sentai
>when Kamen Rider exist

>Kamen Rider
>When The Unofficial Sentai exists

I learned about if from eromanga. Actually most of my knowledge of female reproductive anatomy came from eromanga.

The real question is what is the essential Super Sentai and Kamen Rider intro series?

Yeah we're off /m/ but I figured I'd ask, I've only watched Kabuto like four or five years ago and want more

Nichijou still has humor accessible to a general audience. You need a fair comprehension of Japanese culture to understand rakugo.

I haven't seen many but I love the original.
Raidaa JANPU
Raidaa KIKKU

I'm still new into Kamen Rider but Kuuga and OOOs are good places to start

thats a good one


what's this?



is this because of the piss fetish scene?

Posting the better one

OOO and W. Den-O is great too.



get this Sup Forums shit out of here


Congrats, haven't seen that joke before. Want an award?


Kek that's pretty good

He's saying faggots in the thread are reposting shitty images and they should off themselves.

No shit sherlock, and you faggots say it every thread. Not doing much of a difference is it?









Looks like I got what you expected.
The scene where the robot gets stuck in half her costume makes me diamonds every time.

>look mum I said the thing xD


It's shit

Season 2 at least.

That's why I didn't bring attention to my OC. It didn't get shit on.
It got ignored instead! ;_;

It's not that it's OC, it's just a really reductive, puerile view of the show and it's not funny enough to make up for it.
Which one was your OC?

no bully

Haven't seen it so I can't really judge

You're not missing much. It was one of those shows where some people have one super power and the MC's super power is he can learn other people's powers without limit.
It seems to be remembered mainly because the MC is a lolicon and the soundtrack draws from 80s shredders.

On mobile, sauce on watched?

It aired last season, friend.

non non byori

harry potter

Last season was the first of many where I didn't watch anything. But I'll find it from there. Thanks.


I can't imagine why anyone would watch this series and expect avatar and not fresh milk straight from the source
That was basically the entire premise of the show





>Last season was the first of many where I didn't watch anything

If it was the first how come there are many? Are you from the future?

Or maybe he's predicting that from now on all seasons will be shit.
He has come to warn us about the end of times.

NHK hit a little too close to home

I'm so happy people saved these of mine. Especially the KlK one... didn't think anyone would get it.


WEGs with a gif/webm in the end are so satisfying.
The kuroko no basket is a favorite of mine.