Vivid Strike

So what exactly is going on that causes them to throw out the entire Nanoha aspect of it?

Did Yukarin's falling out with King Records burn so many bridges that even using the old IP name wouldn't be possible?

Did Aniplex and King Records have a large war internally over the IP that screwed things over?

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Calling the show Nanoha even when Nanoha is actually barely more relevant than "MC's mother" in any random anime undermines the focus on the actual starring characters

In the past they were happy to do things that way because the show was being funded by sales of Nanoha's VA anyways.

Vivid was a mistake.

I just want my middle school lolis movie.

Yukarin could go at any moment.

>the entire Nanoha aspect
It has Vivid characters. Also, the girl in the promo is basically Nanoha.

Nanoha was originally a spin off series from a VN character, so making a spin off from another character from Nanoha is fitting.
They know that loli is best. This is why.

enjoy you're timeskip

>implying we won't get a timeskip

She is probably some descendant of Claus or relative of Einhart. That would explain why she has similar barrier jacket elements (those metal things on gloves, the sleeves look like Einhart's stockings, green color). And also why she has a leopard.

With the leopard she could be Einhart too, but the color of Teo is different and of course, hair color.