How the fuck do you go from this
To this
How can you ruin Manime so much and turn it into a generic edgy shonen? What the hell happened to Jojo?
How the fuck do you go from this
To this
How can you ruin Manime so much and turn it into a generic edgy shonen? What the hell happened to Jojo?
>Sup Forums will reply to this thread unironically
its fucking awesome
need more Jojos in the lyrics.
It's dark because in about 3 episodes, JoJo will start getting as dark as it'll ever be
Brutal, horrible deaths
A dreadful backstory
Endless sorrow and resentment
I think so far only Part 6 stood up to how serious the latter half of DiU was
Yeah I know what you mean, Rock paper scissors battles and an alien are super serious
One guy even loses his home and possessions in a terrible fire.
I meant the Kira parts (which will be the majority), you obnoxious faggot
Doppio is pretty much a kawaii Kyoani character
The new OP lacks the Jojo charm
you could at least try to make your bait less obvious
desu the visuals look good but the music is shit
This is gonna be your manime in a couple of years.
I laughed
I'm loving the last part of the new OP.
The very first 2 OP's can never be topped.
>How can you ruin Manime so much and turn it into a generic edgy shonen
I thought Jojo is already Shonen from the beginning..?
I was really enjoying that second opening before the guy started singing.
Parts 1-6 were in Weekly Shounen Jump.
It's a fucking seinen. You don't get explicit gore in shonens.
Also i think this OP sounds generic as fuck, like some random anime opening from late 90's to early 00's, but i'm guessing that might be the point.
The song is weak but the OP itself was hype as fuck. It looks fantastic.
Nothing wrong with changing it up.
Gyro is a better Jojo than Johnny ever could be
>It's a fucking seinen. You don't get explicit gore in shonens.
Shounen Jump '86-'04
It wasn't published in Ultra Jump until SBR
I stand corrected. Still, that's mostly because ratings changed.
If Part 1 was serialized today, it would be seinen and you know it.
>as dark as it'll ever be
The fuck, have you read anything past it?5, 6, 7, and even 8 are much darker. Not that its a bad thing, I love part 4 its the comfiest part by far. I only wish we got more Kira chapters
>You don't get explicit gore in shonen
So? Seinen is a demographic. I doubt you'd find many 8 year old kids enjoying JoJo back in the 80's/90's. Not as much as you'd find teens/young adults, anyway.
user, stop
I'm not sure what you mean. Kids loved that kind of stuff, especially in the 80s and 90s.
I was so hyped to get to Stardust because Jotaro seemed like he'd be the coolest Jojo
He's such a tryhard tho and Joseph is still the best, will Josuke let me down too?
Don't bully Johnny, he's the most developed and interesting JoJo by far. until Jojolion ends at least, I wish Araki actually wrote as fast as Rohan
Josuke takes a lot from his dad.
Nah, Josuke has a lot of character. Probably the closest to Joseph actually so you should enjoy him. Jotaro is also much better as a supporting character.
>Watch OP
>tfw Shigechi
He was just a retard, he didn't deserve that
Christ I want to watch Fist of the northstar so bad but I can't find it anywhere what the hell.
I just read it. Pretty sure there might be some torrents out there, but you might also need a viewing guide to avoid the filler.
The problem with JoJo is it should have finished with Stardust Crusaders. Everything post Stardust lacks a joining narrative. Part 1-3 have a tight consistency and continuity. Past that things get messy and confused, there's a reason the latest JoJo stuff takes place in an alternate universe, because the original time line lost the fucking plot.
I mainly want to check it out for the 80s vibe, is the manga worth reading?
Also, no villain ever topped Dio and they relied way too much on call backs to the glory days of 1-3 to generate interest.
Kill yourself.
Part 4 was the most generic shounen out of all of the parts
why are you even mad?
Don't get me wrong, it was good, but it was almost a slice-of-life at times
>No villain ever topped Dio
Kill youself user.
It's great and violent, certainly not the best story (and you can certainly tell things that weren't planned out all the way) but still a classic manga that defined Shonen as we know it.
that mean you are getting old
here OP, I made this just for you
Pucci was also better than DIO and if Joubin ends up as the antagonist of JJL, he's already better than DIO.
Dio is the worst villain. His only personality trait is being evil. He was only good in Part 1 when he was so disgustingly evil that it was actually entertaining. His relationship with Jonathan made his villainy all the more sickening and his eventual defeat all the more satisfying. In Part 3, he doesn't really do anything evil enough to capture your attention. He just lounges in his mansion and sends other stand users to fight Jotaro. There's no real connection between him and Jotaro to make their conflict all that interesting, either. Holly's illness is just an unintended side effect of Dio's stand, so the danger she's in doesn't really make Dio seem any more evil than he already is. Other villains either have more fleshed out personalities, like Kira and Valentine, or have a more dominant presence throughout the story, like Pucci and Kars. Part 3 Dio is just there for the sake of having a final boss.
Hell, even Diavolo is a better villain, if only for the fact that he's more fun to watch in a fight.
Yes he did. He tried to blind Josuke
Is there a list of references in the new OP yet?
Female hands drawn on the soup cans
Characters in the photo doing the pose of volume 41
Kira erasing the photos
Kira clipping his nails, with his victims Aya, Reimi, and Fatty shown in the reflection
Ratt melted a person into cake
Echoes Act 3 with Koichi in the background, looks like he got Heaven's Doored
Aya's arm is split from the divide, I'm not sure what that means
Rohan holding hands with someone, changes to Kira holding hands with his "girlfriends"
6 Atom Heart Fathers, the one in the bottom right stares at you while the others flicker like static
Reimi and Arnold in the ghost alley, and Killer Queen's symbol appears briefly
Josuke reaching for Kira, who has already changed his appearence to Kosaku
That's all the ones I can find.
There's also the heart rate monitor lines at the beginning that look like somebody having a heart attack.
And SHA's treadmarks
>It's dark because in about 3 episodes, JoJo will start getting as dark as it'll ever be
>this is the people that like the new OP
>the new OP was bad
Can't wait for this hot fucking meme to die
Yeah, it's a terrible singer
What is Sup Forums pretending to be mad about this time?
your pic related may be another one
But it was. Animation in both of them were pretty good so that's not a concern, but the music and tone were significantly better in the first OP. Captured the slice-of-life style of part 4 perfectly, now it's too focused on Kira.
>too focused on Kira
He's the main villain you stupid cunt. Should End of the World have been only about Jotaro and company dicking around in Egypt?
>now it's too focused on Kira.
Most of the arcs in this cour are related to him, why wouldn't he be the main focus?
>no villain ever topped Dio
The chorus is great, but the first part is terrible
Cheap trick guy in one of the photos, although it was from a scene in the previous episode.
I don't get why so many people think Chase is "out of place". Pic related is the cover of the single so it's very clearly intended to be for JoJo. I'm sure the lyrics will also be referencing Part 4 in general. They know what they're doing. Not everything has to be fucking Bloody Stream.
complete 180 to the original song, so I'm totally down with it.
It's typical Jojofags elevating it to some high form of art and acting like this song is "unworthy" of it.
>it sounds too anime!
>it sounds like something you'd hear in other shounen!
Guess what, Jojo is a shounen anime you fucking brats.
Finally someone making damn sense, Dio is the most overrated villain of all time with only a shitty meme behind him. What a guy...
>relied too much on callbacks to generate interest
>change of artstyle to the point of alienating some fans
>drops vampires, hamon other mythical shit
>tries slice of life
>tries a femboy cast
>even tries a female cast
Most of the call backs in SBR are just easter eggs too
The worst part is that song's not even fucking bad at all
I dislike. Not because its too "shounen", I just think the singer is kind of ass. The visuals, are nice, though.
I love it, makes me feel really nostalgic.
>It's typical Jojofags elevating it to some high form of art and acting like this song is "unworthy" of it.
I don't think it's unworthy, just really really unfitting.
The show has been around 90 episodes and all of those were presented with cheerful disco glee that fits the tone and humor of the series. While this looks like what they'll do if Jojo was made during the mid 2000s.
I think it's trying to get a more 90s shonen vibe but they went a few years too far. It would be more fitting if the music was more similar to Yu Yu Hakusho or DBGT. But in it's own disco way.
It just really clashes with a series that is so freaking silly.
>Stand Proud
>End of the World
>cheerful disco glee
You're talking straight out of your ass. Don't make up some bullshit pretentious reason you don't like it. Just say you don't like it.
You can't be serious saying this can you?
This is like people who think FMA isn't shounen
I love this series but some of the fans, I swear. JJBA only became Seinen in 2004 after 23 chapters of SBR because SJ were sick of him being a tricky cunt and turning SBR into JJBA2 when SO was meant to be the end. Parts 1 to 6 are all Shonen, although as they went on they pushed the boundaries of what you could do in Weekly Shonen Jump. DiU was written from 1992 to 1995, a 90s sounding OP is perfectly fine. My only issue isn't that it's too serious (this series acknowledges how stupid it is and revels in it while also being completely sincere and serious at the same time) but that it lacks any kind of campiness that even the more 'serious' OPs like Stand Proud and End of the WORLD had. It makes it seem like a Bleach or Naruto opening, which are fine it just doesn't quite fit this series. It might fit better in VA honestly. I still like it a lot.
>Stand Proud
>End of the World
Both are campy as fuck and their visuals are just as disco. They just have a goth theme.
Dude you're fucking retarded. Chase is no less campy than any other JoJo opening. And since you obviously don't know what the word disco means the music is no less out of place. You're opinions are shit and your reasoning is even shittier.
In a few episodes you're literally going to be watching a fat retarded middle schooler have his brain melted and flee in terror from a serial killer to try and save his parents only to be blown to pieces
The OP can be a bit grittier