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what a coincidence
How come dis random shooting happened right before this incredible vote bringing back the 2A and gutting the BATFE? (INB4 they shoot my dog). I guess it's just another co inky dink.
how does suppressors factor in the las vegas shooting?
Who else here /shocked/
Maybe the bill sucked and that's why he shelved it.
The optics of it sure can be used out of context. That begs the question, does the media have insiders in congress that try to pass bunk bills made to look like rightwing bills in the time of crises so that when they get shot down they can use that as a narrative pusher?
Good call Paul and don't work on the wall!
grazie signore
He just so happened to have exactly the type of weapon leftists want to use as the basis to start extreme gun restricting regulation.....riiiiiiight CIA
Why do you faggots need suppressors anyhow?
how much stock does hillary own in metal detectors since they will be installed everywhere now
Why did some Democrats have fund raising letters ready about gun control after the tragedy in Las Vegas BEFORE the shooting??? Honest, non corrupt investigators may want to check that out???
Because suppressors have literally 0 to do with gun violence
So it’s super important to do this
He's such a neo-con, cuckservative piece of shit. Damn you Wisconsin faggots for voting for him.
It doesn't. Clinton just brought it up as a hypothetical in a tweet because she's part of the anti gun lobby and Congress acted.
Every single type of scary black rifle. 29 different kinds even CA compliant kinds. A to get all those guns banned and B to instill in the minds in the normies that anyone that owns more then 1 gun is an evil terrorist they should shun and report. Just like the sandy hook kid they not only said that he had 9 guns but tried to claim he was carrying them all around Duke Nukem style lolol. A tiny 120 pound kid.
if the gunman had a suppressor he could have shot and killed people for hours without anyone noticing
What do normies need silencers for anyway? As long as they aren't after guns it shouldn't matter. Still very stupid I doubt a single one of those congressman have seen a silencers in use with their own eyes
This is how the long retreat on Conservative values happens.
The members of Congress are all servants of the Global Corporate state. The professional liars talk a good fight but never actually put up a fight at all. Their rights are never seriously in question. The rights of the people however, are always up for downward revision.
The Right talks a good fight. The Left actually fights. When the normal right winger stops trusting his government to keep him safe and instead takes his life in his own hands, things will change. Not a moment before.
For fucks sake get this guy OUT
Honestly deregulating suppressors is fucking stupid anyway. This coming from someone who owns guns. They are literally pointless toys.
Definitely, he probably could have literally killed the entire crowd if he had enough hollow point murder clips. Because no one there would notice the people dying if they couldn't hear it.
It would be suicide to do it now you fucking idiots, he will get back to it again when everything is calm
Besides, Ryan has passed tons of pro Trump shit in the House, it's the turtle & his cucked senate you guys need to focus on
Suppressors make guns silent. If he had a suppressor, he could've continued firing for hours without anyone finding his location.
Clinton is on point with this one.
Trump needs to take Ryan out
Shooting funs is extremely damaging to your hearing and it's often annoying to those who are adjacent to you, suppressors fix most of that; you will still hear it... but a suppressed firearm is much safer in the long run to those around it.
Besides, if somebody's head explodes and you "didn't hear it" are you really going to question what happened? Also, they aren't all that hard to manufacture and the bad guys will get them anyways.
This faggot has been against the 2a for a long time now and this comes as no surprise - wasn't he against CCW?
without the telltale snap of a firearm going off, how is anyone to know that impromptu nap time is actually a slaughter?
Hearing damage is a real thing. Suppressor hunting is considered polite in Europe. Your entire view of suppressors has been fed to you by Hollywood hasn't it?
Amazing how all tat came out in under 24 hours and Ryan sides quickly.
Not even Sandyhook changed his mind, but magically this did
It’s not up to you or anyone what other people may or may not need
When did everyone in this country become a bunch of control freaks
trump endorsed him. granted ryan did promise to back him up. but of course that turned out to be a lie and trumps dumbass just said his support wasnt necessary anyway
its a power struggle. if you can take a inch then do it. if you can take a mile then do it. today the left took a simple suppressor. tomorrow theyll try to ban semi auto
Ever felt like shooting a gun in your yard without putting on your earpro and waking up all the neighbors?
They don't. At all. This is just the camel getting the toe into the tent. Now they'll just find other accessories to regulate. Then they'll go after the guns.
Someone linked a pic with stories about the shooting on Sept 28th and 29th.
So what? Suppressors are useless anyway. Never stopped anyone from getting caught or heard.
It's gun related.
That's about it.
All of these traitors will die.
Yes, so what? I've never fired a gun and I hope I never have to.
because that isn't the point of them, asshole
should we ban earplugs because nobody has ever triangulated a shooter's location with them?
fucking christ, you're arguing FOR suppressors being available and you don't even know it
Give me a quick rundown on suppressors
It's like he wants to lose next time lol
>supressors make guns silent
> pic related (You)
>When did everyone in this country become a bunch of control freaks
When you decided to regulation abortion.
Do you guys seriously think Republicans should be passing pro gun laws right now?
Let it all calm down
congratulations. I've never done open heart surgery, nor do i ever plan to, but i think the tools required to do so should exist
Normal, responsible gun owners deserve to be able to use a suppressor so they can enjoy recreational shooting without needing to put on hearing protection.
bump, these fucking neocon traitors.
>make guns silent
Why do people who know nothing about guns always try to "regulate" them?
Was this deepstate shit planned before the election? Are we touching in to the neighboring timeline?
Do you need a suppressor to shoot? Why do you care?
They're just tiny regulations. Nothing wrong with that.
Movies and TV already show us what they do, silly.
Spotted the lying lefty. A suppressor is necessary for home defense so you do not sustain permanent hearing damage when firing indoors. The only thing you own are dildos and anal beads
>he could've continued firing for hours without anyone finding his location.
>meme flag
guaranteed yuropoor
Liberals think people who like guns should go deaf.
But user, he wasn't located after being heard, he was located after setting off the firing alarm.
>civilians needing supressors
Literally invented for stealth ops and assassinations.
no, them being available or not is irrelevant. Making a symbolic gesture so they don't have to actually consider banning guns is a smart political move.
Only if he used sub sonic pistol ammo like a 22
Suppressors do not work with fully automatics. The suppressors would literally melt off.
burgers have what most of us only dream of, a country if not THE country with the potential for true freedom
and yet many of you cucks would gladly give away your right to bear arms just for the illusion of feeling safer
you disgust me and you are not worthy to call yourself american
>abortion wasn't illegal for hundreds of years
And there will be another convenient shooting when it's up for a vote again. It's already been twice now, in a fucking row. The HPA was up for a vote and a Democrat shot up a baseball game. Then the SHARE act was up and a Democrat shot up a concert. It's going to keep happening too, it works too well.
Not as much as Ryan
Clinton has been studying this issue for decades. She will drag the Republicans kicking and screaming into the 21st century.
>regulate abortion
What, is it banned from people under 18? Only allowed in Sundays? What is this "abortion regulation" you are talking about?
Hej Americlap what is Ear protecion.
Everybody uses it on shooting ranges.
On the other hand its a fucking stupid argument to say: It reduces the risk of hearing loss .
Why? Because ear protection is mandatory on shooting ranges by now.
If one person buys a silencer but there are more than him on the shooting range he is still forced tu ose ear protection.
In other words there is 0 raeasons to legalize silencers
Spoken like a truly disingenuous shill
Pretending to be stupid to push an agenda is the worst kind of sin. I know that you understand slippery slope concepts and left wing policy
of course it's a fucking leaf. a suppressor lowers the sound by but a few decibels, it still would have been as loud as a jackhammer with a suppressor
This guy sort of gets it. By regulating arms, even if it's for attachments like suppressors, or even for handles or specific types of triggers, is still, definitively, regulating firearms. And it's a downward spiral from here on out.
>What, is it banned from people under 18?
America has the most regulation on abortion of any nation. Look it up, state by state.
And if he had a laser guided rocket launcher with a nuclear warhead he could have wiped out the entire city.
Let's concentrate on what happened not on what ifs
What? Where? Source please
Lol that pic
What a soft lil rhino.
>thank you for giving us a Republican majority guys!
>Lets pass more leftist legislation
>Yeah! That's why I was elected!
I'm still waiting for ONE piece of legislation that isn't some Democrat-lite bullshit.
>replying to a meme flag
liberals would ban holsters simply because they are related to guns
>I decided to regulate abortion
You and Clinton know nothing about guns so you should fuck off if you dont know anything about the subject you are discussing about.
I found some kid to cyber bully let’s fuck em up real nice youtu.be
primary him out
also perhaps the idea that people spurting blood and dropping dead isn't something that's easy to ignore, but hey, what do I know, I'm just a dumb leaf
No they don't you retarded troll.
>he hasn’t accepted that there is no fixing the West peacefully
Lol it’s okay you’ll come around soon
>Suppressors make guns silent.
wrong on every level. Go fire a gun, and not some call of duty. Do it. Go fire a real gun with a SUPPRESSOR. It certainly does not make it silent, but does change the sound profile.
I guarantee that Clinton knows a thing or two about "silencers".
If I were to shoot In my yard I'd wake up all the commies and be chased out of California. Might not be such a bad thing though.
Told everybody before the election, Ryan will always pretend to be your pal, then knife you.
Did it with the omnibus bill, did it during the election, did it after the election, does it now.
Not even liberals reading this would be surprised, if anything they'd be surprised you didn't notice what an unprincipled hack he is.
>Suppressor means you don't need earpro
Hillary probably knows more about the issue than you, Putinshill.
Back up your claim in your next post with an outside source proving that supressors silence guns completely or admit that you don't know shit about suppressors