Are libertarians just political hipsters

Are libertarians just political hipsters

They are worse than communists because they insist their utopia will work but they dont even make an attempt to try and outline how the mechanics of it would function.

One third is crypto-globalist, one third is Pinochetian and national capitalist, and one third wants child slaves(voluntary of course) and recreational nukes

Pick your poison

Libertarianism relies on a set of principles that have been separately implemented in different countries/states but not all at once in one place. It is not a hypothetical utopia

gass them all

Main problem with them is they are more obsessed with theory and hypothetical purity tests than being politically relevant, where their ideas might risk actually being put to the test.


>Libertarianism relies on a set of principles that have been separately implemented in different countries/states but not all at once in one place

This excuse sounds familiar...

Both sides can see how the government is too big and that the two main parties only want to expand it.

This. Though it's really easy to implement, just deregulate and privatize until eventually there's no government. Continue to do this and if people don't want to limit the size of government anymore they'll vote republican.

the libertarian party shiite, the philosophy of liberty is unflinching foundation of western government

Not the same thing. Communists say none of communism has been tried at all. I'm telling you libertarianism HAS been tried in fragments, and it worked.

>libertarianism HAS been tried in fragments, and it worked

Let me introduce you to pic related

Libertarianism is utopian in what sense..?

Libertarian propoganda. They are the same thing.


I think the civil war was a failure of the Union to solve their problems through policy. What would you do if your central government made compromises then broke them every few years.

Free trade works

Many libs have a high-horse, that much is true.
Many of them also do not have a solid platform for their arguments; they're just being contraririan because they're either trolling or stupid.

That said; the rest of us HAVE solid platforms and foundations for our arguments. We DO exist.

In every which way possible.
It is a nutjob version of a highly constructed utopia which will never happen in world 2.0.
Not only that but most of you subchimps don't even have the slightest clue about economic realities.
The only thing we can hope for is that you grow out of it once you leave your mom's basement.

Hipsters want attention by being different.
Libertarians just want to be left to do their own thing and allow other people to do theirs.
A true libertarian is the opposite of a fascist.

>doesn't outline why
It would work and it's literally the difference between having x law and not having x law

We can see each and every regulation being made, but retards like you see a giant forest and none of the trees

>what would we do without x, cries the German socialist
>the same thing we did before, said the person who isn't a fucking retard
Honestly, Germans are responsible for every terrible major ideology in the last 150 years, just fucking kill yourself

It really is too bad that the average libertarian is baseless. But I guess that's the same for every ideology


Where do I fall in then? I'm all in favor for some minarchy and glorious competitive capitalism, but I am baffled and disgusted by the vast number of brands available for me to purchase at the grocery store

>not right

haha, just about sums it up

Unironically this.