>He's an ass man
Where's the new chapter ?
>not liking ass
what are you gay?
There's a big difference between being a nice petite tight ass man with refined taste, and one of those "thicc" fat ass loving niggers.
This is a fact OP
>No qt Asian girl will ever look at you like that
why is life so hard
this guy gets it
She's white
Low test as all fuck
Both are great when they're the right shape and firmness.
>low test
Sorry I don't like fat asses.
Shit meme.
Fuck off back to ireland dude. If I want a small ass I'd just go for a man, you low test cuckold
>he's a tomboyfag
>niggers triggered
Gentlemen, gentlemen... please.
A true ass-man should have a general appreciation or understanding of most if not all variations of ass. They are great and many,
>taking the easy route
No, refined taste or fuck off.
>Liking a thique derriere with no cellulite
t. Low test Irish
Or maybe you like man ass?
Oh user, how can you live in such ignorance? Fat bottomed girls make the world go round.
You must be from some poor shithole that's conditioned you to be attracted to malnourished bony women.
Preach senpai
>big asses
>wide hips
>thick thighs
>somehow equating things that are universal signs of fertility in women is being a "nigger"
Already out, not translated
Nothing happens, Kate offers to give Mari some pasties for her tits
This is a real ass.
>if you like things that men are genetically engineered to like you're a nigger
This is your brain when you go full meme.
I can understand his niggerdly appreciation of "THICC" asses. This is however, an adolescent fascination.
I prefer firm, muscular, shapely asses.
Gross, that's a shit ass.
Faggot please.
The difference is that now big fat whales are considered sexy and curvy, back then they were just called fat asses. The world got fatter so the definition of healthy changed.
>low test "males" triggered by ass again
will this ever end?
At least you agree. But you are too understanding. "Thicc" is a plague and must be removed.
No one ever talked about fatties here until you brought it up right now, you strawman abusing retard.
I don't get why you're assuming everyone in this thread not into small asses is talking about obese asses
So triggered you have to bust out the fallacies huh
This is healthy.
This is not.
>get blown out
>le strawman
Get killed.
>>get blown out
Nah, just a bunch of niggers chimping out.
I don't get the ireland meme.
i think i remember downloading this series because of this pic, but now i can't remember where it's from.
>Everyone who disagrees with my pancake loving self is a nigger
maybe in your Sup Forums dreamworld
I will do this only once. Robotic;Notes.
>not an ecchi series
what gives
Not him but I was planning on watching this after Steins;Gate but then Sup Forums told me it was shitty in comparison. Was I lied to?
Are you alive, Ireland?
I enjoyed it.
what anime was that doujin based off of again
google isn't helping
how is there no 1080p of Masou Gakuen HxH uncensored?
>if you disagree you're a nigger!
Pathetic homo.
Someone post the ass chart.
>if you disagree you're a homo!
Pathetic nigger.
>complaining about your pseudo-intellectual fallacies
You realize you are arguing about cartoon ass size on an anime image board, correct?
The irrelevance of a subject doesn't somehow make logic unimportant
>Low test
How to spot a sexually insecure faggot from a mile away
Feel free to form a logical argument then, because pointing out fallacies does not make an argument. Pretty sure there is a fallacy for that one too, although it's all a bunch of garbage. It's a dumb man's way of saying "your wrong" so he doesn't have to form an argument himself.
You lost an argument, were ridiculed as a result of it, busted out nonsensical garbage to try and save and got your ass handed to you and now your trying to minimize and deflect it by downplaying the topic in the first place.
You are pathetic.
Liking a nice unflat ass is now sexually insecure?
*save face
What argument was there? "if you like big asses you're a nigger" isn't an argument, it's Sup Forums tier shit to egg someone to reply. You samefagging doesn't help your case.
Why don't you take your own advice in the first place then? All you did was say "asses are for niggers, lol triggered much?".
Isn't "burden of proof" one of your little fallacies? You can't demand an argument, you provide one first. You're the only ones crying about logical fallacies here.
That's not how the burden of proof works, dude.
This man is right to an extent. I mean, I'm not saying I don't like a big, thick booty, but, and you can throw all the Irish and low test memes you want, when it gets to a point where each cheek is like an entity unto itself, that is not attractive any more, it's baboon-tier. I like ass, I like ass fucking, I like hot-dogging, but for fuck's sake, I'm not looking to sandwich my junk between two whole planets.
Having said that, don't even get me started on breastfags, kill yourself OP.
Pretty sure it is. I took a semester of this retarded nonsense in university just like you guys. Only difference is I'm not parading around as some intellectual like you kids.
this might be a really stupid question but what is this and is that the actual dialog?
This guy is giving fans of petite asses a really bad name
I can't tell if he's pretending to be retarded in an attempt to save face or what
>burden of proof
>for opinions
You are really dumb. How the hell is someone supposed to objectively prove a subjective view. And it'd be on you anyway since your claiming anyone who likes asses are all niggers.
I don't even think you managed a GED much less uni if you are this wrong.
>You are really dumb. How the hell is someone supposed to objectively prove a subjective view.
Late to the conversation? They busted out the stawman bullshit after they got triggered by me calling out their shit taste.
They really don't know where they are.
>burden of proof
>for the positive
Are you really this stupid
Kore wa zombie desuka?
It's the actual dialogue.
>Logic itself is retarded nonsense
Now I understand your tastes
You can't demand an argument. If you have an issue with me calling out your shit taste then feel free to provide one yourself, otherwise you're just adding to the shitposting.
Great argument man. I'm sure there's some logical fallacy to be said here if I was autistic enough to dig it up.
>you guys like asses
>you guys like fat too I bet
>prove what I say isn't the opinion I'm peddling!
I can demand you stop being retarded though, since you are so dumb you think parroting an attempt at using fallacy claims is going to save you from being a piss-ant.
>shit taste
Keep dreaming.
>kill yourself
Do dipshits like you even realize you can't actually persuade someone to like ass > tits? Like it's not possible, this is primal hardwiring. There's no rational argument to be had.
Excellent argument.
>I'm merely pretending to be retarded.
Still waiting for that evidence about anyone who prefers asses being a nigger, my rapidly backpedaling friend.
thanks my man
OP cast the first stone, nigger.
Where? Do you know what backpedaling is? I have doubled down if nothing else.
>>I'm merely pretending to be retarded.
Nice meme.
Why are you guys still feeding the autist
>Do you know what backpedaling is?
Every single one of (You)r posts.
Backpedaling would be something like "I didn't really mean what I said, of course not everyone who likes nigger asses are niggers".
I'm not saying that. You are all niggers with shit taste.
It's nto correct but I'd guess the reasoning goes:
> liking ass is an ancient primal thing because we used to walk on all 4s
> permanently engorged breasts are a human-only thing, so the evolution of viewing them as a primary sexual characteristic would have come relatively recently
>therefore, people who like tits have newer, more evolved preferences
>blacks have dark skin like gorillas
>gorillas less evolved than humans
>we now have multiple levels of being "less evolved"
>therefore if you like ass you're a nigger
Can't be if its true. And I refuse to believe someone so stupid went to college.
Because his public display of retardation is amusing, user.
SeeFor more examples. Or him not knowing what backpedaling is, or any other word with more then five letters in it.
>there are "men" on this board who can not appreciate ass in all of its varied forms
I would be mad but honestly I just feel bad for you
>Because his public display of retardation is amusing, user.
Yeah, my reputation of "anonymous" is surely to be ruined.
>or any other word with more then five letters in it.
You literally sound like a tumblrite with these petty arguments.
Nothing will save your shit taste.
>You literally sound like a tumblrite
Yeah, attempting to insult my intelligence while in the same sentence using the improper "than".
Sounds tumblr to me.
>its "user is going to keep being a huge fucking faggot" episode on Sup Forums again
Kill yourself.
>its "user has shit taste" episode on Sup Forums again
No one has to make an attempt when your doing that job fine by yourself with every post you make, faggot kun.
Why are we even arguing about any of this?
Fat ass lovers have to try extra hard to back up their shit taste.
>that thigh gap
How do they have shit taste? There's no objective standard here. Your brain tells you something is the most important sexual characteristic and you have no say in it. They can't change it user, and you have no way of proving them wrong and vice versa. There's no argument to be made. Everyone stop.
>implying women didn't evolve to be sexually attractive from both sides
>implying the ass isn't still important
>implying white women don't have asses
>implying your opinion looks any better when you are gloating in moral superiority
>How do they have shit taste? There's no objective standard here.
How new are you? This is Sup Forums. When you don't agree with someone's shit taste then you tell them they have shit taste.
This goes for all the insufferable faggots in this thread who have forgotten where the fuck they are.