What will be this season's Symphogear?

What will be this season's Symphogear?

The only anime with Nana singing the opening of course.

Scared Rider Xechs, in a very literal fashion.

Regalia in terms of being dumb fun

Regalia is cool and chuuni and stupid, I dunno if it'll be as good as Symphogear but it's neat.


Symphogear is great you dingus, I'll fuck you in the ass you think I won't but I will, I fuckin' swear to god.

I will fist you so hard that you feel my determination to fist.

If it's not good, what is it then?


Yeah, probably this.


Who cares, they're not Funi.


>What will be this season's Symphogear?
Something between cross ange and symphogear with a mix of Big O.

Nana wills it
Screen cap this post


Sometime after season 4 I guess
What letters will they give them?
I'm banking on Symphogear XD




4ンフォギア and シンフォギアGO!

I will post this every thread until they dock.

Persona 5.

if by that you mean edgy garbage with a thousand asspulls crammed up its ass, my vote goes to taboo tattoo

There's not really any trainwreck anime this season.



>child rape
>this creature

It's pretty edgy, m8.

it's not edgy if it doesn't take itself seriously
it's more like a cheesy kung-fu movie than edge, shit like Guilty Crown and Re:Zero is edgy.

They need new main characters. No one likes Hibiki after GX.

The only thing GX ruined was Symphogear threads

And Hibiki's character.

>still mad about based topdad

It doesn't take itself seriously though. Edgy things won't have people singing idol songs while fighting with cut ins shouting about love and friendship.

The only remotely edge thing was in the first episode and they dropped that whole tone literally before the episode managed to even end.

> Symphogear
> Edgy

But Micha was the silliest of the dolls

Macross Delta

I'd say that it was edgy for about the first three to four episodes, and then you had AZ REPAWTED and the series' tone was never quite the same

This scene did more damage to my opinion on Hibiki than Topdad did desu.

That was admittedly her lowest point of the series but she rebounded fast.

Maria has the sword its fucking over

>It doesn't take itself seriously
symphoasspie mental gymnastics at its finest

get cancer and die you fucking moron

Why are you so angry, do you think suplexing spaceships is taking itself seriously?

>symphogear takes itself seriously

I honestly laughed my ass off until people avoided in the bus. Worth it desu senpai.

Is there any announcement for when S4 is coming out? I can't wait to Hibiki Hibiki's Hibikis.

That and the docking were great, made the final episode for me.

S4/5 coming soon

I want to bang Yukine during transformation!

>used goods

I replayed that at least several times because I couldn't believe what I saw. Definitely one of the top scenes in terms of over-the-top Symphogear-ness.

What happens to your dick if you're inside her while she transforms?

>implying you wouldn't use used goods like Chris-chan

Yes, she is used goods but her every other trait exceeds her used goods status

It would be very painful.

>sword in a sword

that's gay user


I wanted Tsubasa to remain on the line sort of edgy but instead she had join Hibiki in being stupid. Goddammit

She was stupid since the beggining but her anger masked it

I want to impregnate Chris and take responsibility

I want to do things at home with Chris.


If anything, I say that it makes her even cuter. I want to protect her smile.


Only watched season 1 and some of season 2 when it aired. Gotta catch up it looks like.

>The gem on Maria fits perfectly
What does it mean?

Even MORE different Alcanoise and maybe some bad guy who wants to destroy the world.

And maybe some singing and henshins thrown in for good measure.

>asymmetrical docking

Classicaloid in fall