ITT characters that ruined the series

ITT characters that ruined the series

Harem MCs.

Pic unrelated


>I went into Berserk expecting a party straight from a jrpg going on different quests and I was not let down

Wrong picture. Here's a better one.

Don't shit talk my daughteru I'll fucking gut you.


Before Schierke you still have Guts, Puck, Isidro, Farnese and Serpico

It was a JRPG party before Schierke. She just gave everyone some use while also introducing magic to a FANTASY world which was pretty overdue.



>I read manga for the rape, gore, teenage angst and edge. Guts' soul should be pitch black, like mine. Crawling in my skiiiin

I mean, without Yuji a lto fo shit wouldn't have happened. Though, he didn't do shit but be annoying for majority of the time. He only set Shana straight on a path to power. Then accidentalled the Snake and became god tier.

Still upset Thousand Changes died for almost no reason. He could have just went to the new world with everyone else like it never even happened.

The moment she gone retard she became cancer.

>"I need you to hold off the endless waves of enemies, while I prepare this Deus Ex Machina spell."

Literally every fight scene since Schierke has been introduced. I still like her regardless.

If they don't fix her, they really need to just kill her off. Farnese can get Guts on the rebound.

she didn't for me.

Shes one sexy little girl, gives me a stiffy every panel shes in

I'm honestly surprised there's not more Berserk r34 that isn't Guts and Griffith blowing each other. There's so much potential there.

>characters that saved the series
Fixed that for you. The endless quest for Casca which nobody has given a single shit about for years would have actually killed the manga if Schierke wasn't around to keep things interesting.

Berserk's like an unnaproachably attractive girl. Nobody feels comfortable r34ing it because they know their art would just look bad compared to Miura's. Just look at the impossible standards people have for Berserk anime.

>Just look at the impossible standards people have for Berserk anime
The 1997 series looked just fine.

The 2016 show looks like complete shit though.

>used goods

She saved Berserk.
Berserk went to shit after the eclipse and her introduction saved Berserk.

It's a tossup between this loathsome cunt and her baby daddy.

>conviction arc was shit
>going into detail about spirits and magic and introducing a final fantasy character with a crush on the MC saved it

Yuji is part of a trend of that time. You had an interesting character or many, but the focus was all on the boring relatable(?) guy.
Instead of making an action anime about Shana kicking those alien or whatever they were asses, we got the puberty dramas of that little shit.

>Sup Forums suddenly hate Berserk

What the fuck happened?????

Obviously the industry is different than it was in 1997, for whatever reason studios don't seem to be able to produce the kind of art quality they used to.

An adaptation has to choose between being a slideshow with good art or going CG and actually having animation for the huge amount of combat in the series.

10/10 I kekked

Miura is drawing berserk from forever and is bored and tired of it. So he turned it into your average shitty shonen, with lolis, retarded moe girls and shit.

The 1997 series had its fair share of stills, but it was fine when needed.

They could've given berserk to tons of different studios.

Everything adapted by Ufotable looks pretty good.

Despite the meme that Madhouse is dead, they still make adaptations with high quality.

Even Bones, for fucks sake.

I don't think he even knows himself what he wants to do with it

he had a great idea and he built a great world and characters but he didn't have it in him to wrap it up. Now we have this mess

It was already going to shit but still, I fucking hate Biba.

good first post

>Ufotable looks pretty good

They use a lot of effects, who cares? The result looks amazing when shit's moving.

Half of Season 2 is dedicated to this little cunt. We could have had 6 more episodes of chill ass bantz but this guy fucked it up

If Shierke doesnt win this shit show i'll riot. Who even cares about Casca anymore? She's been a retard for 20 years now. Im honestly surprised Guts could hold a grudge for this long


Schierke is great and all but frankly I doubt anyone who associates with Guts to the end will be able to get a happy ending.

The setting and plot were very clear.
Miura is changed.
Now he want to draw cute girls and comedy. He simply lost interest in this manga. And the readers with him. That is all.
Readers kept defending it no matter what in memory of the past glory, but as chapters goes by and Miura keep sinkening in moe and shonenshit the realization that this once masterpiece is turning into a shitpiece cannot be denied no matter the fanboyism.

isidro shouldn't exist desu, too many childrem

He should've ended berserk 10 years ago and made a different manga about a dark fantasy harem then.

He changed after Lost Children then and the Conviction arc was the downfall of the manga. The introduction of the prostitute girl and those other girls was a prelude to everything you guys hate.

They're directly obscuring key points in the action with huge blotches of featureless color, most likely intentionally because the underlying actual animation isn't very good to begin with. It's just a modern example of the classical shortcuts around doing actual animation.

Betrayed by best friend, comrades killed, girlfriend NTR'd, lost arm and eye.
Well shit he was angry. And that's the problem now. Guts without rage is like a pornstar without dick. having to nurse Caska and with this inner beast bullshit the author literally castrated both him and the story. He have destroyed everything he built at the beginning, and what every reader were waiting for years to return. He gave us the beatifull lost childrens arc to raise our hopes up, and make us scream "yes, the black swordman is back! Finally!" and then he slowly destroyed them.

>tfw any evangelion jokes I could make ITT would imply that shinji is not the worse character
>tfw it bothers me that people might think that I don't think shinji is the worst character even when I'm annon

Berserk is meant to be a dark fantasy though. The main draw of the story used to be seeing a lone wanderer slaying demons on a quest for revenge, killing anyone in his way. Guts is now surrounded by kids and hasn't killed a single human since the Conviction arc.

I was going to post a girl from Zeta, but there are so many it's actually hard to pick.

Here, pick one, there's no wrong answer:
Four, Rosamia, Fa, Reccoa, Sarah, Beltorchika.

And Katz, why not.

What pisses me off the most is that yes, the manga was edgy. Guts was extremely edgy in the count arc. But he still had those moments where you could tell there was a human being under that madness. From the very beginning without having seen Golden Age you could tell he was a victim who HAD to be mad in order to survive in the mad world he was in, he had no other choice. If he didn't let the rage and madness fuel him he simply wouldn't survive. The struggle was real, and golden age only made it better since the characters were so beautifully fleshed out and the climax was incredible. We could really feel his pain and sympathize to what he had become

now we have a stereotypical shonen protagonist with a band of comedy reliefs. I wish the manga would've ended ages ago

This desu.

Compared to other mecha teen protags, Shinji is not even that bad, seriously.

You can't stay mad forever, Casca is not sane yet but she's safe at his side, he has a group of people he can trust, he's getting tired of just being pissed at things and just starting to accept that shit happens to him.

Schierke is like the spiritual guide for Guts and the party. She's needed to help bring him back from insanity as well.

Berserk is meant to be whatever the fuck Miura wants it to be.

Yes, and it looks great. Literally nothing wrong with taking a shortcut if it works. What's awful is being cheap with an awful result, like Berserk 2016.

If you take out all the shit you just mentioned. Then it would literally be a generic fucking God eater Rom com.
How are you going to write a western Dark age setting, War Dark fantasy story without rape, Deep emotions, and ACTUAL REALISM!
It's like if I wrote a world war 2 Japanese perspective novel without including the Raping of nankin. It just breaks the immersion.

>The main draw of the story used to be seeing a lone wanderer slaying demons on a quest for revenge,

No that's what made people want to stay and read, so he can eventually achieve his vengeance along with curing his lover. The main draw was the Golden Age arc and his pace from his hard work of going from a lowly mercenary to a Knight.

Miura intended for this manga to be a fantasy manga of his own vision and has shown that by constantly changing settings and Guts mentality. He's not the first mangaka to diverge from his original idea.

In just the arc before the Sea God, A bunch of pregnant women got turned into demon factories. The arc before that had trolls fucking adults and kids.

I don't get this image.

People acting like Schierke hasn't killed people/demons with her magic.

Edgy... no, grimdark. Was appreciated at that time. It was not like now that kids get all triggered and oversensitive when they spot a shade of grey.
And a manga like this MUST be grimdark. Else... well, you would get today's berserk.

You know it's true

You can have a dark fantasy with a colorful cast of characters including women and children. Do you people believe only grisly buff dudes are allowed to suffer in a dark fantasy?

We are complaining that now Miura want it to be shit.

>Reread Berserk yesterday
>Realize how full of shit Sup Forums generally is

It's like half of you didn't bother reading past the first arc

It's not shit, he keeps it fresh by changing the manga ever so slightly as time goes on.

Edgy Guts served his purpose at the start, but his time is gone, after that the manga spent a lot of time showing how fragile Guts really is, that the tough guy act was just a front.

If Berserk was just mindless blood and edgyness, I sure as fuck would've dropped it.

Take that back you piece of shit

Tell where I said that. Tell me where anyone said that.
My post is right hereTell me who said that.

Or you could stop being stupid and actually read the books.

Read the LN's, still wanted more animated and would have been happy if they skipped him entirely

She doesn't get as much time to show her cuntiness in the anime, but goddamn is she fucking infuriating in the manga. And she gets away with everything she does while the people that rightfully try to get back at her get told off for being too mean.

Someone hasn't read the sea god fight.

That's not Isidoro.

ITT faggots.

Nice purely subjective opinion. All you're saying here is that you think covering animation up with white flashes looks good.

Isidro tap that loli witch ass yet?

He's also completely worthless.

You're a dumbass.

Woops. You seem to have posted the winning girl of a popular series, and arguably the best of the bunch (it's a tight race), so obviously as measured against the taste of your piers yours is for shit.

That is your loss.

>fantasy story


And any anime character that comes in episode 3 or 4 after lewd shit is established as a basis for what happens during our heroes journey to come and cockblock our MC even though our heroine is totally fine with it.

>loli ruining anything
Pic unrelated.

This-Beserk is shit. Only its art is good. That's why reading all those tears about the anime is so great. Without the art its got nothing left.

I hate characters like this

>You can't do X to them
>But I can do X to them

Frustrating as hell.

In stills it looks good, great even, but it's not that great in motion.

> The main draw of the story used to be seeing a lone wanderer slaying demons on a quest for revenge, killing anyone in his way.

b-but Berserk is a literature-tier masterpiece


>what is Puck

There's always the other Shonen, Akame Ga Kill.

>actual realism

Oh my God! Have we been reading the same shit?

i just dropped psycho pass the other day. tried to watch it cause hype but all the characters were just so annoying and made me roll my eyes constantly


That's not Griffith.

All new characters in Nanoha Force.

>People like moeshit!berserk unironically

As expected of Sup Forums

>implying Naruto was good in the first place

It's Evil Dead tier.

Is the boat a character?