What does Sup Forums Sing Next?

Moshi Moshi, you fucks. The time has come for Round 2 of Sup Forums Sings.
Submissions for Sup Forums Sings Luluco are still up, details here: mega.nz/#!pZQUUK5C!eVfgQ2J-RfVA66KCm6HtFlUoXsTxFKbEPCVoAX78ZPI
It’s sounding absolutely atrocious, and I get a headache if I spend more than 5 mins trying to mix it, so good job. Currently sitting pretty at 65 submissions, but if you want a listen of what we got so far: vocaroo.com/i/s0A1RuDSJVOU

Now, for the important part, What are we gonna do next? Well, that’s up to you.
This thread will be more or less dedicated answering that question. I’ve already got a list of candidates that have been suggested, but I need more. Throw me some suggestions, and the ones that aren’t shit I’ll put into a straw poll when we’re done.

Other urls found in this thread:


First in the list of recommended candidates is the OP of Serial Experiments Lain: youtube.com/watch?v=4-PkAQcuZOw


Then there's this catchy piece of shit, Ikenai Borderline: youtube.com/watch?v=fLxMwrZQMj0

Then the sexiest damn ED since Luluco, which is also sounding fucking horrendous at the moment, The Real Folk Blues: youtube.com/watch?v=nftxDrStny8

When's Luluco going to get done?

In a fortnight, pay attention numbnuts.

Then the leading Cyberpunk Jam that for some reason hasn't been sung yet, Rise: youtube.com/watch?v=-rFW2Df5iRs

Then a song that I shudder to imagine you assholes trying to sing, from the edgiest show since Clannad, Higurashi's OP: youtube.com/watch?v=9opZi6PluKI

And speaking of Clannad, Afterstory's OP is also in the lineup: youtube.com/watch?v=m76lKsM_jaU

Now for the Actual Edge, Deadman Wonderland's OP: youtube.com/watch?v=2pZ-UpjtlXY

Let's make Sup Forums sings a monthly event because lol it's not special anymore ;)

If this thread dies, then you've got yourself a deal. But till then, thanks for the bump.

But we can't talk Edge without talking Pretentious, and as such Ergo Proxy's OP makes it onto the list: youtube.com/watch?v=K3u5h9cPTBw

And finally, a song I've not been able to get out my head since it was suggested, Sankarea's ED: youtube.com/watch?v=-1m01PFYLus

Now, make some suggestions you pricks.

I almost forgot; God Knows, From Haruhi: youtube.com/watch?v=r50JFfofHes

this desu. Also to celebrate B E L I E V E



This, or Bouken Desho Desho. How have neither of these been done already?

Oh mang. We need to do this

I think Sup Forums should sing JOINT, No buts!, or Contrail ~Kiseki~.


yes yes yeS yES YES YES YES YES

All of these would be great choices.

If we dont do this i riot

Yes we need to do Bouken Desho Desho

Ah, Harufags, you never dissapoint.

On a slightly different note, I just got a request for Re: Zero's ED, which I also fancy, So I'll put it up: youtube.com/watch?v=HdQCWXh3XXU

Do you guys really take pleasure literally horribly murdering your favorite songs?

Can't you, you know, just get people who CAN sing to sing, like Sup Forums does?

That's the most retarded suggestion I've ever seen.

But user,mutilating the song is half the fun.

What's the fun in that?

We should do this, im sure some of Sup Forums would participate too.

>Sup Forums
Have you ever heard them? They have the absolute worst mixers. Everyone sings at once, and it sounds like shit. Sort of like OP.

If you want over-produced garbage head over to r/anime, I'm sure they'd be happy to have you.

No thanks

Holy hell what a clusterfuck. You are gonna thin this out so that at least some voices are distinguishable, right?

I can still hear my own.

It doesn't count if you are the nigga whistling.

Yeah, Sup Forums sings spooky scary skeletons wasn't even this big of a clusteranusrape.

That's the idea. But for each change I have to go through 60 different tracks to find which one works with which, so it's slow going. And then on top of it, I get new submissions constantly, and have to add to it.
At least it isn't like the ED. Some of you assholes sent in recordings with pitch-shifted music in the background. Clashes like a motherfucker.

This, please. This song is amazing.

>go through 60 different tracks to find which one works with which, so it's slow going
Can imagine. Keep at it then, man.

Any of these! I've never participated before, I'm so excited! I'll try to do the Luluco OP if I have time.

I will most definitely contribute if we do this one

This one


Sugar Song to Bitter Step


the Sakomoto OP


better video



Nanatsu no Taizai's 2nd OP was great.

My choice

But This would be fun too.




Both better choices. Never was a fan of that OP.

Guess we have a winner. Either this or:

>some shitty seasonal OP from the IBO of Macross
>not one of the classics that everyone remembers
I hope you die.


I guess all that time I've spent learning the Japanese lyrics in the last month or so will finally come in handy.

>tfw I didn't make it into the current version of the Sup Forums sings Luluco yet

I'll be in the final version, r-right?

Absolutely this. I would take part in a Sup Forums sings Tell Me Why

The first words should be finded


Looks like the next one we're doing is God Knows, huh. I actually thought about proposing , as well as Hikaru Nara and Ichiban no Takaramono. Because I absolutely love torturing my voice.

Now I just need some time to myself to record Luluco.

Sup Forums should sing a gun into existence and shoot themselves with it.

Tanaka-kun opening.

Haruhi the one true God deserves an Sup Forums sings. I demand we do this one

Have faith Sup Forumsnon, i'm sure your voice was beautiful and he is just saving the best for last obviously

This please.

Look, if you submitted via email, it's in there.
If not, then you probably recorded with the music audible, or you fucked up in some other way.
Or you just can't hear yourself because you sang like a little bitch and it got drowned out by the 60 something screaming retards.

Link me your recording and I'll double check.

Also, which one of you fucks has been trying to scam me? Because the jokes on you, I don't even have a family.


This has my vote.

Guess I'll start practicing God knows once I've finished recording for the current project.

So no more Strawpoll?

I don't think a strawpoll is necessary. People seem pretty pumped for Haruhi.

must have

im with you on this one

Yeah this.