>robot waifu
>no thread
You people are an embarrassment. I don't even recognize you anymore Sup Forums.
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I just went through the VN again before I watched the first episode.
Holy shit it was even more devastating. I don't even know how that's possible, as I knew what was coming.
Fuck everything.
And now this thread will die just like her.
Fuck, why are the only good series with robo-waifus the ones where they die?
Robots are built for death.
You didn't like Big O?
Sup Forums pretty much approved this, just gunna be a major tear jerker, looking forward to the rest
Well to be fair to him he is half-right. In Big O Dorothy actually pulled a Jesus Christ and rose from the dead.
The people who would like it already know the full story and the people who are discouraged by the ending will just avoid it.
This. It's too painful to watch a robot daughteru die a painful death and we can do nothing to prevent it.
>it got an anime
never thought I'd see her again
This season is really trying to break me isnt it?
What are you talking about an... oh wait.
Please no, I can't handle this show.
oh fuck man
>robot waifu makes a trash bouquet acting cute
Goddammit, I know where this is going...
I'm going to try not to cry, but probably will cry a lot.
Sorry. To be fair, I got this girl I met at work to read it. I'm sure she'll be surprised~!
That would fucking blind him permamently. Guess the robot scene at the end is going to be retarded.
Why would it blind him permanently? I doubt the output of nightvision goggles is enough to inflict that kind of damage. Maybe to the goggles, but not to his eyes.
>pointing a grenade launcher like a gun
>at close range
A lighter flame is enough to blind someone using modern nightvision goggles temporarily.
I also felt like that was kinda weird, but i just kinda let it go
It shoots tears
Do robots feel pain?
In Planetarian? Yes.
Does she have a vajayjay?
How many episodes is this? So I come in time for the tears.
Did someone say planarian thread?
I heard it was five and a movie we won't get for years.
Tears time if they come would be what, episode 4-ish? I kind of forget how the story goes.
...so there's still hope for a Saya no Uta anime?
I hope not. SnU is garbage.
no it wouldn't friend
I'll fight u kid
MAL says something about a movie coming in september this year.
I can't bring myself to watch this. I played the VN many years ago....
I think this will go nice with it: brokenspineprods.bandcamp.com
Will they animate the drama cds?
Yes, it'll be the movie.
I don't think you can animate meat world vision.
I don't know about you guys but the chibi song kinda ruined the grimdark post-apocalypse X moe robot feeling for me... Also the first two scenes feel kinda out of place and rushed (the robot awakening and the staff leaving).
It doesn't seem like it's going to be 12 episodes.
It's only five episodes, I think.
It's gonna be a disappointment isn't it.
It's not like the VN was that long. We still have the movie to tell the story of Junker after the five episodes.
I meant they could have just thrown out those two scenes. Who cares about those people? You don't really need to explain what Yumemi is when you don't even get to see any of her since you just started watching.
The kinetic novel didn't do it, why did they have to?
Those scenes were in the novel though. iirc they were in her memories after she got shot by the robot.
>The kinetic novel didn't do it
Except they were in the VN.
jeez how slow are you
The movie is for the drama CD iirc
>I'm going to try not to cry, but probably will cry a lot.
I know user, I know
Who says it has to be loaded with 40mm grenades?
Other than the fact they explode later on.
Yumemi is really cute. Shame she's gonna kick the bucket at the end.
I liked her name from the fan translation better.
He lost his main weapon and only had his M79 grenade launcher left
The M79 grenade launcher is a single-shot, shoulder-fired, break-action grenade launcher that fires a 40x46mm grenade which uses what the US Army calls the High-Low Propulsion System to keep recoil forces low, and first appeared during the Vietnam War. Because of its distinctive report, it has earned the nicknames of "Thumper", "Thump-Gun", "Bloop Tube", and "Blooper" among American soldiers
Seen in terminator 2 and mjf's platoon weapon in Casualties of War
For close-in situations, the minimum arming range (the round travels 30 meters to arm itself) and the blast radius meant a grenadier had to use his .45 cal. pistol, or fire and hope that the grenade acted as a giant slow bullet.
I don't disagree in one bit user, but so far that's all he's got left since he lost his primary weapon, that's all i'm saying
This is not a good season to be blue.
The jump from the name-giving scene to the evacuation scene is too sudden.
Robot waifus are best waifus:
- Personality can be customized to be loyal, kind and loving (mathematically proven to not be like 3DPD)
- Eternally beautiful
- Can protect you from aliens, monsters, humans
- Sufficiently advanced nanotechnology can prevent CLANK CLANK (see Alita's Imaginos body)
Thats what happens when try and translate a story from write format to visual.
I just started watching the first episode and I thought I was going to be okay, but then that song started playing and her old crew was there and all my feels from when I read the VN are back what do ;_;
I'd add some scenes of her working from a first person perspective. Give an impression of the passage of time.
I think I'm gonna wait till all the episodes are out to watch it but have they really put this scene in the first episode? That should have stayed at the end shortly before she dies.
>crying over a stupid robot
They have no feelings, I bet you idiots cried when this guy died too. I bet you also cry whenever you lose your cellphone or whenever your toaster breaks.
To be fair though I've never played the VN and I have no idea where this is going.
End yourself, cancer.
>To be fair though I've never played the VN and I have no idea where this is going.
Maybe you shouldn't comment on things you are ignorant about, then. That way you won't look like an idiot.
>piss people off
>acquire (You)s
>feel good about myself
>mission accomplished
And no, this isn't like the "hurrr I was only pretending to be a retard" pic, because at the end of the day I'm still a retard.
>t the end of the day I'm still a retard.
Yes, you are. You can do it. (Suicide I mean.)
In the VN he says he has flechette rounds for it.
No, I will not kill myself for the same reason that people with Down syndrome, dogs, niggers don't kill themselves.
Was going to read the VN, but I don't feel prepared for it.
So I'm just watch the anime and see where it goes
Please read it. It's extremely short, and studio David might fuck the anime up at some point.
So, would you guys say they managed to re-create the atmosphere from the games?
Nendroids when?
Fuck nendos give me a scale.
The only good things that came out of David was InuBoku and apparently Jojo. So I wouldn't keep my hopes up either
A scale where she's sitting on Jena would be absolutely beautiful.
>I've seen things Customer-san wouldn't believe. Stars burn their last off the shoulder of Orion. I watched constellations glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears...in...rain. Time to die.
She's just a machine.
Anime is just drawings. Films are just actors. Books are just words.
Or maybe something even worse.
Life is just pointless.
Humans are just organic machines. Why would any machine have feelings?
I think he did it just to threaten her.
How many cell phones have you gone through in your life already?
Robots like all other electronics in this day and age will have planned obsolescence. That way they can market their waifu robot mk2, now with Bluetooth™
from the last thread
Humans have feelings thanks to chemical reactions to changes of state.
Would a robot have feelings bases off of their own machines workings. Would a low battery cause them to feel sleepy or tired. Would static charge cause her to feel frisky?
man the vn destroyed me. I was expecting that to happen but it still hit right in the heart ;;
What kernel she use? Linux? NT? BSD? Mach? ... or, I know it is ridiculous and unrealistic, HURD?!
This should have been a movie.
Good news user.
A distant sequel drama CD is gonna become a movie.
Holy shit, these are adorable.
I wish there were more anime with robots in them.
I want to hug a robot.
We're still getting plenty of mecha.