*breathes in*

*breathes in*





requesting the webm of him getting punched out

>you have a right to the labor of others

Based Trudeau

Yeah BASED, as in, he sucks a brown dude right down to the BASE of his cock.



Can we just kill him, like right now... please

Oh god I hate this country.

Half of his French tweet is missing lul. Quebec butthurt soon.
Fucking anglos with French names.

Why is he tweeting in Spanish?

Whats wrong with what he has said, kiddo?

You leafs used to be so much better at baiting.


If we passed universal healthcare the gun grabbers would still try and grab the guns

Slow erosion of the constitution/ American culture truly is depressing



He's right you know.

Who do I vote for next election to stop this country from going the direction it's going? Will conservatives change things around or is everyone bought someway or another?

Unironically this

Who is this person and why should I care for his opinion?

wow he is so attractive inside and out!! you fucking losers are so jealous

Stop sending your people to the US to get medical treatment please.

Hold a referendum on becoming the 51st state.

And this is the brize without any guns. Ever hear of the phrase "Kill billions to save trillions"?

Nice bait.

>visits the US
>gets shot
>he wins

Why do leftists love this false analogy so much? I have the right to purchase firearms and I have the right to purchase healthcare. I am not entitled to either one for free or at the expense of my fellow taxpayer.

Healthcare currently makes up 42% of Ontario's provincial budget with interest on debts making up another 8%. Literally bankrupting the province. At least it's """free healthcare""" though.

we are not forced to have guns, healthcare would be forced on us to pay for it, stupid Canadians

They act like we forcing gun manufacturers to supply free guns for everyone.

And this is the price of no guns. You ever hear of the phrase "Kill billions to save trillions"? Sad world we live in.

Only our politicians do that. Everybody else just waits around a year to use the national MRI machine.

>Canadian healthcare is """free"""
>American guns are not


The French has a typo lol.
He missed out the word 'healthcare'.

What happened to 'heads of state should get off Twitter'?

Why would you ever vote for anyone but conservative here? Ya theyre shit, but one proper look at the alternatives and the choice is clear.

I wouldn't care if it was just employed whites who were benefitting from it.

the fact that it's something an 11 year old would find profound?

he's a cuck

Look its very easy to understand.

Trudeau wants to destroy Canada.

Trudeau is paving the way for total complete state surveillance and criminalizing speech those in power do not agree with.

>me on the left
>bad guys on the right
not much of a brize :DDDD

He forgot a word in the French sentence, which therefore doesn't make sense
It says:
> in a country which treats firearms as a right, but as a privilege.

goddamn i love being free. don't you Canadians still have to pledge loyalty to the monarch? man, I feel sorry for you. look how gay your leader is. almost as gay as the nigger that used to be our leader. the opinion of any American that can vote is more important than yours, and you are a world leader. how does that make you feel?

Can't wait for Trump's response.


>There's something seriusly wrong with a country that treats gay adoption as a right and the abuse that it causes a privilege

2nd amendment
>in the constitution
Universal healthcare
>not in the constitution

Access to guns is a right. Access to health care is a right. No government agency should be making sure everyone has a gun, no government agency should be making sure everyone has healthcare.

I can't believe this fucking drama teacher is the leader of my country.

The translation doesn't mean anything ...

There is something seriously wrong with a country that has a cuckold as prime minister.

Thats french.

LOL oh god what a knuckleheaded thing to say.. that’s really their PM? hahaha

Also where is the tweet about the lucky 50 winners

I saw Justin Trudeau at a supermarket in Ottawa yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, "Oh, like you’re doing now?"

I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any electrical infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Burger education

Is this real? Like no way the leaf could be this autistic to make a nonsensical politically charged quip about a neighboring nation following a national tragedy... right?

>just employed whites who were benefitting from it
Say hello to your Somali nurse for me. Only takes her 30 minute to find a vein for your IV.

>That's what I'm good at!

I hate this shitty argument.

You do not have the right to free healthcare in the same what you do not have the right to free guns. Imagine the quality of publicly funded guns not for military use.


No it's bait

sage and kys

lol this pasta

>constitution doesn't say anything about health care being a right
>thinking rights mean the government has to give you the thing
>a world leader doesn't understand basic principles

Really makes me think.

This. Healthcare is a right and when you pay for it the government can't take it away. What's he complaining about?

>Trudeau wants to destroy Canada.

He already has.

I live in a white province not Cucktario so no Somalis here :)

The right to own a firearm.
Not the right to a fire arm.
We have a right to get healthcare.
We do not have a right to healthcare.
There is a difference, not that I would expect a former part time ski instructor to know positive vs negative rights, even if he was elected by retarded Canadian women to be their nation's premier.

Just nuke my fucking country guys.

because we here in america like to live even if it's with medical debt

where's the tweet in chinese? gotta show respect to the native cultures in hip multicultural Canadian society.

>Something wrong with a country

Actor cuck, I'm not going to defend my country from enemies, foreign and domestic, with health care.

Trudeau and OP can't wrap their heads around that concept because they're a limp wristed faggot that don't know anything about self sacrifice for a common good.

>that shitty French translation that makes no sense, with missing words and all

That motherfucker doesn't even speak French? He doesn't even have someone in his com team who does? They seriously use a shittier version of google translate for that?


>world leader
Trudeau is lucky if he can lead his country out of the third world he's careening it towards.

canada got free healthcare ?

Why hasn't he gotten into a debate with Neil deGrasse Tyson yet? Would be a fight for the ages!

oh shizzle!

Yeah ;_;

Yeah but it's French why should he give af?

oh jesus

why is he talking

I'd rather be shot than raped by muslims

damn she was qt

>has to say everything twice to appease the english speakers

french is the worst language, ooh la la

>when the puppet doesn't know it's a puppet


Maybe because it's not real?

There isn't really a good choice right now. We're still trapped in the "Obama" phase with Weedman. Hopefully he'll be single-term. I'm thinking of joining a nationalist party myself.

the tweets not even real

shit bait leaf faggot

No its not a right. You have no right to make a doctor take care of you. A person doesn't have to become a doctor in the first pace. So you are taking that for granted.

I'd rather live and be in debt than die saying "at least I had free healthcare!" Even then, there's no guarantee that you'd be in debt. The risks are too high under the Canadian system. Here in the US, we used to care about life. Luckily, there's still some remnant from the old days.

Jesus Christ this is fake you idiots. Sage

And yet Canada enjoys security because of the US. Actually any ally if the US exists thanks to the US.

but doesnt canada win if we have guns

Fucking Canadians. Why you won't you just be right wing and normal again.

>Retarded fag that legalized doggy blowjobs gives his retarded opinion on American 2nd amendment and that immediately means Sup Forums got BTFO once again


>white province
I'm skeptical.
You better not say Newfoundland.

Maybe because 25% of your country speak french you dumb leaf