How can capitalism be turned into a real meritocracy?

How can capitalism be turned into a real meritocracy?

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Time based money world wide currency.

remove regulations

who is that beauty

give the state complete control over the direction of production

Remove regulations
Don't give money to failing companies
Reduce gov power
Give sauce

Alexis Ren

Capitalism will never be meritocratic since money snowballs into more money.
Power and ranking should be two separate things.

import muslims

Make sure government doesn't constantly intervene/play favorites. The only way to do this is to shrink government until it doesn't have the power to do so.

Gas the jews

by the invisible hand

There too good at the game you want to play?

standardized and validated metrics

how to standardized and validated metrics? then who was authority? how is it not corrupted by money? still the best answer.

Nope. Meritocracy cannot exist with jews. They are absolutely subversive towards meritocracies.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

stupid post that must be saged.

Capitalism IS the greatest meritocracy ever user. The problem you have today is that the lefties precious BIG GOVERNMENT has used subsidies and regulations to ruin everything good about the system.

they BUILT corporate america, then, because they're so fucking mendacious, pointed to corporations and said "LOOK AT WHAT CAPITALISM DOES!"

lefties are evil, lying pieces of shit man.

Not OP, but I'm legitimately curious; Do you have any good resources to further flesh out this idea/argument?

A "real meritocracy" is and always will be a pipe dream. Even if the Platonic schools for the elite become a reality, they will eventually devolve into old boy networks where the popular ideological drivel du jour becomes gospel (see: Ivy League in America).

The closest thing to a capitalist meritocracy would be something like this:
>Keep government intervention limited to only the absolutely necessary, preventing the rise of unneeded barriers to the market
>Have strict competition law to protect smaller companies from monopolies and cartels of more powerful companies, as well as anti-competitive measures such as predatory pricing
>Scrap some retarded "muh diversity" classes from school and instead have home economics include actual home economics (so shit like "how do I file my tax returns", "what subsidies am I entitled to" and most importantly "what do I need to do if I want to start my own company"). This will be more important for turning pupils into productive citizens than "why it's important to have black kids in my classroom".
>Cut as much red tape as possible to facilitate the rise of small and middle undertakings
>Keep minimum wage low as to not make wages such a daunting cost that they will prevent new companies from arising
>Limit mass migration
This will create a greater degree of social mobility, and in the end benefit the economy to boot.

National socialism

>Meritocracy is reached by establishing the totalitarian rule of a small elite that eliminates those who vocally oppose them and/or compete for power with them
Wut? Totalitarianism is always a form of cronyism, unless the autocrat in question is some kind of infallible demigod.

calling what we have today "capitalism" isn't really right is the issue.
we have "crony capitalism", which is the direct result of big government propping up corporations and creating corporate america as we see it today.
shrink the government and you shrink the problem.
eventually it will disappear because it's provably true that corporations cannot compete, succeed or even exist without government assistance.

It already is, you faggot.

Pic related.

absolve lying cheating
encourage honesty pride

>wow that was easy

Well we start with the assumption that not all people are equal.
But we want to make sure that someone spending part of his short time here doing some beneficial work is rewarded.
Garbage man spends 200 hours per month cleaning garbage.
20 of those hours were during rain and collecting garbage during rain is harder than during a nice clear day. One day he spent 8 hours doing heavy lifting of some big non normal garbage, much heavier work than picking up small pieces of paper in a park for 8 hours.
Another day it was extremely hot and he spent 8 hours cleaning garbage during extreme heat.
Point being that not hours are equal.
But he spent those 200 hours that he could spend jerking off, watching soccer, staring at the ceiling, playing with his kids, so he has to be rewarded. A minimum worth for those hours must exist.

Then we get to the hard truth of our civilization when that garbage man gets payed 200 euros in Serbia for his 200 hours of work. Question is, is his work so irrelevant to Serbia and our civilization that whore that sucked some politicians dick for 20 minutes yesterday got the same 200 euros of government money.

Also it eliminates all money trading and money speculating cancer.

Here is a little anecdote about how limiting corporate power to protect the smaller business will never work. the big corp will become the small business to fool you, then do it again when it rises too tall. They already do it now, but I'm gonna show you how even stupid street niggers understand it as a concept.
>guy is selling drugs
>gets too hot and heavy for him so he falls back and gives the supply to trusted parties
>they do the same as the guy that gave it to them
>original guy is getting his cut and essentially moved himself up a rung of the ladder
Flipside of the deal
>selling drugs
>nigger asks to see it for quality
>ask for it back
>get what back?
>nigger has passed it off to another nigger, then another, like a game of hot potato
>risk your life trying to get it back or just let it go

Shit moves around and there are an infinite way to sleight of hand it as it moves. No system can stop it. Many have tried, none have succeeded.

>the big corp will become the small business to fool you
What's the problem with this? As long as they aren't abusing a near-monopoly, forming cartels or restricting access to the market this isn't a problem. The goal isn't to crack down on large companies, it's to give small companies a chance to enter the market and compete.

We've had this a few years ago in France (which, naturally, came under heavy criticism of the crony-capitalist media in America) when the government fined Amazon for offering free delivery services on their books. It was a form of predatory pricing which cut into the ability of smaller bookstores (that can't afford to offer free deliveries) to compete on the book market. Though if I'm not mistaken, the current state of affairs in France is that Amazon keeps paying their fines and retains their free delivery service, because it's much more profitable than the fines really harm them.

these people did well in life because they had a huge institutional establishment pushing them up the ladder.

These institutions are no longer serving this purpose. The ladder has been cut off for millions

Remove the capitalist class

You know what's nice about a free market? If you don't like what your boss is paying you, you can find a new boss that pays you more.
>B-But jobs are hard to find!
Then what do you expect? For your boss to pay you even more than your labor's market value?
>B-But muh fatcat bourgeois!
Become a fatcat bourgeois yourself then. It's not impossible
>B-But muh managing of resources, muh finding of skilled labor, much purchase of machinery, muh loans, muh contracts with other companies, muh drawing in of consumers
And now you know how your boss EARNED his Lambo

>How can capitalism be turned into a real meritocracy?

That's like asking if a cat can be turned into a dog. They're two separate things.

Why did you think they were even related?

I think your transgender doctors specialists could make that happen

>Become a fatcat bourgeois yourself then. It's not impossible
this is where you fucked up your reasoning

Who defines ability? Who defines need? What prevents someone from hiding an ability and what prevents someone from aggrandizing a need?

Capitalism is a meritocracy.

Why not? You can start your own company, and theoretically it can grow really big and get you stinking rich.

I'm 90% sure your complaints about capitalism are actually complaints about crony-capitalism, or corporatism. Which is most of the time actually a result of government intervention. I think of for example various European governments propping up failing banks during the 2008 crisis. Had they not done this, multiple major banks would've fallen, and other ones would grow into major ones. Instead they have the government by the throat and can force them to finance their continued existence.

because someone born into the working or middle class likely doesn't have the IQ level

>Capitalism is a meritocracy
Kek kys

So, you're saying a large portion of the US population sees MERIT is what Paris Hilton has to offer?

Merit does not equal what IS valuable, but what is PERCEIVED as valuable.

Are you now going to argue that capitalism is broken because of biology, and the state has the responsibility to make the clever and the dull equal?

>Conveniently leaving out that Paris' father runs one of the largest and most famous, if not the largest and most famous, hotel chains in the world
What are you even trying to argue for, a 100% inheritance tax?

I'm arguing that the point of having an economy is to serve the people. And if there is an instance where this is not happening, things need to be re-examined.

Here, Trump explains things pretty well:

>How can capitalism be turned into a real meritocracy?
Capitalism is a "real" meritocracy.
It just that people's definition of merit vary and are often very self-serving.

Another quirk is that capitalism's merit is cross-generational and unstable to the extent that the supreme merit of one generation might make the next generation less fit. So it also possesses some self-correcting properties. Also there are different kinds of merit and it's up to the people/market which one to reward.