I've just finished watching The Greatest Story Never Told over a span of 2 days and I am on the verge of tears - I am...

I've just finished watching The Greatest Story Never Told over a span of 2 days and I am on the verge of tears - I am unironically weeping.
We lead meaningless lives based on shallow Jewish materialism and are led like sheep by the those in control of the flow of money, right now the only thing that keeps me going are some members of my family which has already been scattered because of chasing after wealth in western countries which are themselves being disintegrated by cultural decadence and alien migrants.

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now watch europa

Shut up and consume, you fucking retard. Or move to a country where you can.

Materialism has won.

I have, it's a good redpill doc but it's only allusions to a future battle are anti-migrant movements which either don't have a lot of traction or are complete controlled op vents such as AfD and often neglect the issue of international finance which is the source of the Jewry's power. There simply needs to be someone as charismatic and genius as Adi was, and those come once in a lifetime - on par with the frequency of the Caesars and Alexanders of world history.

They don’t talk about how Hitler was selected by the bankers. Nothing more than a puppet poster boy. Like all the others.

I propose gassing ukranians first

Got a link?

I see there are two types of people in this world...
Those with honour and justice in their hearts and those without, sadly you are part of the vast majority of the latter.

This channel has all the parts which were removed, the rest of the series is on the original EuropaTv channel, highly recommended.

You have no resistance to bullshit

>Thinking he has any say

Ukrainians are worst than muslims or black people, kys faggot

Don't bark you mutt

you seem upset, Mordechai

You are literally mongrels that are the combined rape babies of Greeks, Arabs and Mongols.

I tried to watch that at 2 in the morning and I fell a sleep in the first hour.
I'm going to watch the whole thing again.


>I'm crying

They are the real subhuman race

Gas the kikes. Race war now.

Speak with respect to your Hittite master you savage ape.

Women, we are coming

Now watch Communism by the Backdoor


Mountain nigger stfu
You guys literally sat on your asses eating toblerone while humanity was deciding whether it was going to be self-determined or a race of slaves.

Good job, friend. Glad to see you waking up to the bullshit that was pulled on us.

the greatest one sided story ever told. Congrats on watching a 20 or however long part 'documentary' making hitler/the nazis look like din du's. Half of those episodes are just text with the same 3 videos playing in the background, you can tell the person who made that shit has no actual experience in video editing.
From the top of my head from what I remember some of the bullshit lies it states:

* German POW's being deliberately starved? Wrong

* Claiming there's no evidence the holocaust ever happened. LOL

* Claiming the Zyklon-B was only used for sanitizing building. (Zyklon-B has no effect on an anaerobic bacterium like Typhus. It only kills aerobic organisms, like humans.)

* More and more holocaust denial about no death camps even though there were camps?

* "the holocaust never happened here's some really bullshit source"
Congrats on wasting your time my dude.

Thanks, I have to go to sleep now but I feel as if the state of affairs in the world is simply intolerable, especially in my country which doesn't hide very well the fact that it's directly and blatantly ruled by Jewish oligarchs. I feel like I will not be able to live with myself if I don't do my part in overthrowing these fucking psychopaths.

kek watch europa next. make sure youre hydrated

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions.

1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3)It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions.

1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.

2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.

3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.

Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.

Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story.

Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

Alot of its true but but making hitler like some great human being is pure shit he was a garbage human leader of people like the rest.. no better than Churchill or stalin.. okay better than stalin since he loved his ppl.


Holocaust is a positive myth about good people triumph over evil people and God's chosen being saved. It's not poisonous.

You clearly have not thought critically about any of the evidence presented in this doc or others or just barely watched any of it and took it out of context, it is indisputable at this point that 6,000,000 Jews weren't gassed as was claimed to anyone that cares for the truth - also just the fact that Holohoax denial is illegal in several countries should raise eyebrows, as it is literally the only alleged historical event that is enforced by law. The truth does not and should not fear being put under scrutiny.

>good people

You are clueless. Good and moral people are always bullied. That is a fact of our world

Congrats, you're susceptible to propaganda.

Underrated and a whole new fresh perspective I wasn't aware of, thank you Deutschanon. I really do have to fall asleep now.
The next time we fight it won't be like our grandfathers, but side by side.

Yes, I guess that is also why Turks are universally happened to a degree in which you are treated as a form of bioweapon to black mail other nations. Because you are moral and pure. OF COURSE! THAT MUST BE IT!


What are you talking about?

>This video is not available in your country
MOSHE why the fuck would you ban this? we need to learn about the goys and their daily life of hating us
>he doesnt know about the hohols
where you were living under a brown cock?

Soon we will recreate that magical time, only this time with an expanded guest list.

Now watch communismbythebackdoor for the full blackpill

erdoshit threatening europe to flood it with turks

Pic for you
Syrians not Turks.

Great litmus test for stupidity. If someone gets suckered in by "The Greatest Story Never Told," they should get a fast pass to a bullet in the head.

Spoken like a true commie

Based arab

Muh false dichotomy

You have a statue depicting your own conception?

You just earned yourself a spot along the wall when right wing anger reaches critical mass.

Thanks Angles
I am Greek after all

You earned your spot long ago, fucking LARPer. Gonna be pathetic when your last breaths are wheezes due to your fat ass.

>selected by the Jew bankers so he would rise to power and gas them
okay user, that makes perfect sense, really made me think
>every single thing in history was a Jewish plot

Jew shills will hang from the trees along with your kike masters soon enough.

White men have been to kind to you traitorous faggots.

>LARPing this hard

Senpai, kill yourself.

we need a white ethnostate that denounces materialism and favors education reform, we need to have a sense of white zionism, it's the only way forward from here on out, without white identity being applied to real life work, the rest of the world is doomed to suffer as slaves to the international jewish powers, we have to do what must be done.

The worst hasn't even reached you yet frate.

Not larping you fucking faggot I hope to see the day when we can start purging all the degenerate kikenigger trash that has infested white society. You kike faggots wanna lie about the holocaust well we'll give you a holocaust.

Damn wisdom, it makes us speak the truth!

Aaaand yet another underaged retard has been successfully brainwashed by stale nazi memes. Typical /pol audience - naive, gullible and dumb as fuck.

>inb4 muh joo, muh shill

Oh, so you're just an edgy little underage faggot. Cute. Have a good one, dude.

same happened to me first time I watched it

Love wins. ;)

Are you even allowed to have pictures of Hitler Klaus?

lmao that movie was stupid

TGSNT must be required viewing.

I know the feels of dying inside knowing we'll never get what could have been.

Those are Armenians/Kurds,look at maps of the Median and Armenian Empire.
trange Claim,because the last Turk with which I spoke with all force tried not to bee seen as Hittitie.

>You Ape
You should be aware of the fact that the Netherlands did everything you couldn't,beat the Habsburgs,build a real colonial Empire and build a whole trade-section based exclusively on TURKISH tulips.

wtf I hate having a spine now

guess I'll shut up, keep my head down and pay my taxes like a good goy

What did that Türk appeared like to you?

havent watched that crapheap of a docco because its not narrated. but they were probably arguing that the zyklon was to kill lice not the bacterium. typhus is spread through lice.

>wtf I hate having a spine now

oh yes, listening to old propaganda takes a lot of willpower or courage. Just like shouting "sieg heil" and following orders. Sure thing, bud.

>guess I'll shut up, keep my head down and pay my taxes

that's what you would have to do in your nazi paradise, 24/7/365. Unless you fancy an evening in a 1-star hotel "Gestapo" and then a paid vacation to a concentration camp for political prisoners for a couple of years.

Ffs, are you really that dumb to think that nazis would have allowed you to shitpost about politics and shit, like you do it right now? have you read any actual books or have you only watched YT nazi propaganda videos?

>inb4 moo joo books noty

I'll take a thousand year Reich over shitposting or other trivialities.

You'd be killed in the first wave for being an antisocial NEET...

Lol now read more about pedogate/pizzagate and then take 2 acid hits.

lot of projection there you stupid fucking kike

The fact remains you vermin are guilty of most of what you are accused of, and a total genocide of your parasitic race would be warranted vengeance. It's coming and you can't stop it.

Listen, Ukrainian friend: Eastern Europe is one of our last hopes. redpill your friends. keep the spirit alive

Have a wife, kids, and a business. Nope to bring antisocial or NEETdom.

shhh, don't tell his that, it will crush his retarded dreams about his imaginary nazi paradise where everything is perfect

>It's coming and you can't stop it.


[repeats the visibly agitated and obese nazi larper from his mom's basement]

Yeah my kids could have grown up in a non-niggerfied nation.

The horror.

I know. It's fuckin sad. I can't believe I grew up thinking Hitler was the ultimate evil. I can't believe so many of my White countrymen still buy it. I can't believe the global media and the money power can control this much from their perches. But it's all true.

Wypipo will rise again. No more white-on-white wars. We're gonna put 'em in their place.

There are some on Sup Forums today who will not taste death before they see the Ethnostate come into being.

Mockery is the only defense you have left, if that fails you and your rat family be swinging from trees. Can't say I blame you Jew bastards for trying to prevent your comeuppance until the bitter end.


give back Lwów

Except the documentary itself is a lie.
Really, search for proofs.
There are some informations that are true, but most are fake af.
Also, the author of the shitty documentary is a nobody.
Do not rely on one "proof", search for more, for counter-arguments.


the red pill is hard user, you get over it

the bloting stuff they have cut out, it's lit medival

Hitler was controlled opposition

Adolf Hitler spoke and wrote a lot about the Jews and Jewry during his time as leader in Germany. Interestingly Hitler has accepted financing from Wall Street, City of London, monarchists and industrialists. Instead of launching a campaign against England, France, Italy and the USA rife with Jewry he ordered the the military and attacked France, Czechoslovakia, Poland and a relatively weak USSR. German labour camps regretably generated income for Germany's financiers.

Hitler followed textbook German imperialism

>Attack France, again!
>Campaign into once Prussian and Teutonic Order territories
>Reich, again!
Spot the Jewry campaign

He also committed the military into the Middle East for oil, enlisted Jewish soldiers and supported wahhabist predecessors.

The Allies campaigned in Germany to stop the USSR from entering the Western part as to salvage the main financier investments. German soldiers were even waiting for Allied support. Hitler and the then German establishment were German imperialists and sellouts.

newfag, the post

Kek read a book you fucking faggot. TGSNT is mostly rehashed Goebbels propaganda playing the right kind of music to appeal to your sensitive homosexual tendencies. the story of the Red Army's come back is way more impressive.

Hey, if you want humanity to be saved, then you have to help humanity.


>The Greatest Story Never Told
I was going to watch that but the versions I found had terrible quality. I did find a much much better version on rutracker that is a better quality. I just have to mux the english audio onto the russian version.

Correction he did campaign in France.

OP you are a total Hitler faggot with no sense in his brain or any critical thinking skills.

>Yeah my kids could have grown up

and would have been forcibly conscripted to become cheap cannon fodder for their Beloved Fuhrer. And if they were born gay of not 100% perfect healthy aryans then your Nazi Friends would have thrown them to the gas chamber. And f you would have protested against it you would have met the same fate, despite being a faithful statist bootlicker before. What a bright future, indeed, you've convinced me.

>Mockery is the only defense you have left

and calling your opponents "jews" is your last defense. Because you don't have any arguments to aid your rotten and failed ideology, beside 80 year old nazi memes.

Soon it'll be illegal in the UK