Would you agree to a 10-round capacity mag ban in exchange for the repeal of the NFA (short rifles, short shotguns...

Would you agree to a 10-round capacity mag ban in exchange for the repeal of the NFA (short rifles, short shotguns, silencers, and stocks on pistols)?

I'd agree to no such thing, I want ALL of my rights back.

so we get full auto guns but only 10 round mags? wtf lol

no negotiations, America is the only country where you are FREE to protect your family.
FFS : FREE to protect your family.

I'll agree to the repeal of the NFA but you're not getting muh extendos.

No, but i would agree to the repeal of the NFA (short rifles, short shotguns, silencers, and stocks on pistols)

Yes, I agree to a 100 round capacity mag limit. I believe its time we had bipartisan support for a 1000 round capacity mag limit. How many deaths will it take for us all to agree to a 10000 round capacity limit on firearms?


How about we get all of it back and then hang the traitors from lamp posts? I like my strategy more.

Maybe, but you'd have to offer self-immolation of all ATF agents involved with the Branch Davidian siege for me to consider it.

No compromise. It was tried in the past and the gun control proponents only kept taking and taking without any sort of reciprocity. Fuck that, I want my full rights.


Let's get that repeal first and then we can talk. :^)

>Would you agree to
"shall not be infringed"
I agree to nothing.

Government will never agree to restrict itself to 10 round capacity mags, or their rifles, aircraft carriers, tanks, or nuclear missiles.

This. No apologies, no compromises, because they never, ever fucking STOP! Never give an inch on a right, because once it's gone you will never get it back again.

I think we should implement a ban on shooting more than one person a day instead. This should make incidents like Vegas illegal, so they won't happen anymore.

Here's my deal: Repeal NFA and disband the ATF, and we won't kill every traitorous fucking faggot that ever had anything to do with it


What about loudeners?

hell no

Holy shit! This man has done it! He has solved all our problems. All Hail, user!

