Is disowning members of your family degenerate?

My brother and his wife are full on antifa sjw commies and I disowned him today
My dad sad "do what you gotta do"

Anyone else have to disown their lefty family members?

It's not ideal, but circumstances might demand it.

No, my sister committed bestiality when she layed with a nigger and I told her the bible says she should be put to death with the nigger. I told her to never contact me again, I told my mom to never contact me for allowing this and stopped supporting them. Last I heard they're both on welfare

big if numbers confirm

Dont talk politics with my family.. it's culturally a no no here


Completely degenerate. He's your blood, bring him into the fold.

I've disowned about 85% of my alchohol drinking hollywood-loving degenerate family

My mom and dad are pretty redpilled on race, new world order, the jews, the media and everything else. So I like them, but the rest of my family are completely disgusting to me.

My grandmother is now living with her high school boyfriend. My grandpa (who was a world war 2 veteran in general patton's army) passed away, and she started living with her high school boyfriend less than a year later.

An absolutely disgusting degenerate, and she is like 85 for fucks sake. I don't answer her phone calls or acknowledge she exists.

if any of my family were to be commie antifa fucks i would personally do as my forefathers before and purge them

i would disown you, glad your mom disowned you for being racist.

If they are toxic or crazy, fuck no

My mom didn't disown me, I disowned her and stopped sending her money. I'm not a racist I support all races Anglos, Germans, Irish even the French what I don't support is treating animals like Humans and laying with these animals. The bible is clear about the severity of this crime.

based leaf, good job user if they burn the coal they pay the toll

Be good to your mom, you'll miss her when she's dead.

I'm seriously considering "formally" shunning my mother for marrying a nig (3rd marriage and she's a christcuck, of course). Never met the "step father"

My son's other grandmother is druggie trash, and the sperm donor on that side is so shitty he's been shunned for years and years. Too bad my son doesn't get to have grandparents.


I really cannot wait for these people to either starve or get 3rd degree bedsores from being in a shitty state nursing home with negress and Filipino nurses

Not to defoo is be degenerate user.

Pro tip.

Humans are animals.

No we aren't we are made in Gods image

For the first time ever, a fucking LEAF is speaking the truth. Preach it brother.

if you went through all logical venues to convert them from not being fucking retards and it didn't work you're better off walking away

Thank you