Is your waifu girly or a tomboy?

Is your waifu girly or a tomboy?

She's a trickster.



My waifu is neither Mugi or Ritsu

They are my waifu so I put them as the image.

>be me
>be tomboy
>be Sup Forumss waifu

Girly girls all the way.


I'm surprised she wasn't raped yet

>girly girls


I know it`s rare to actually like them, but something about them gives me a huge boner.

>liking girly girls more than tomboys

literally kys

My waifu is not real

Reasons they are hot. 1. Much more loving, give better hugs. 2. Need saving; it makes you feel like a badass and they are more likely to get tentacled. 3. They wear pretty stuff like dresses, heels and hairbands.

All shit reasons


Ok then, give reasons why tomboys are better.

Given up?

Tomboy is gay.

Not gay, just less hot and feminine.

Tomboys are everything girly girls are but do it better



Do tomboys call for you to save them as a monster grabs them?

They can if they want to, or if you want them too.

>tomboy lovers

Why don't you just go gay like you know you want to? They're probably dykes anyways


Tomboys are not all lesbians, girly girls are so much better through, although I can see why people like tomboys.

>They are my waifu
>not aware of the rule "one waifu for laifu"
Jesus christ, kill yourself.


A tomboy that I force to dress up girly.

They all love me through!

user, you may very well do so if you don't give in to your true desires. Don't repress yourself


i wonder where this card style picture come from.
i've seen a lot of picture like this, HS dxd, Im@s,etc

Fuck off.


My waifu Tomoyo is girly but strong.

We don`t be an hero so we can stay and be a hero to our waifus.

Actually yes

It's makes you feel even more masculine

>tomboy who's used to handling things on her own
>suddenly crying and asking to be saved

Gap moe nigga

Plus tomboys are like girly girls in that they both love stronger guys

It's got the same appeal as when a seemingly wimpy guy shows his inner badass

you're waifu is shit

kys then her

Tomboy, though she can be a bit girly at time.
Of course, tomboys being girly are the best thing.

That`s called a girly tomboy and they are probably the best kind.

>girls in hoodies and jeans flipping through manga in rooms covered in fantasy/scifi posters with stuffed animals all over the place
>girls in flannel sipping tea from delicate cups as they play vidya on PC
>girls in baseball caps and shorts roughhousing before awkwardly getting interrupted by a childish girly ringtone




All K-on girls are best girls.


Boku no hero


girly, if you want short hair go fuck a guy.

>implying in-between girly and tomboy isn't best

I prefer it to lean more towards the girly side, so 65% girly and 35% tomboy.

Kill yourself.


I hate this about Sup Forums; why do we hate each other for our taste in waifus?

same reason i hate plebs in every other facet of life

My waifu transcends girlyness and boyishness. She just is the best.

Tomboy woman.


>draw girl
>call it a guy
this should be a crime

Quite honestly, I can't see Kino as a boy or a girl.
I can only see Kino as a God.

Girly, I'm not gay.

Kill yourself, cuckfag.

>Kill yourself, cuckfag
Hurr durr! Never heard this one before!
