Why is social media so fucking liberal? It's nothing but people virtue signaling about gun control, white supremacy...

Why is social media so fucking liberal? It's nothing but people virtue signaling about gun control, white supremacy, Trump, BLM, and other bullshit.

cuz less than average people like to attach their egos to the ideology of their masters. makes em feel better about being nobodies

Yeah, but it's mostly celebrities getting on their high horses.

>as if 'virtue signalling' isn't just a neckbeard edgelord's way of describing any behavior that doesn't subscribe to their cynical nihilism and emo-myspace-esque brand of neoconservatism

moralfaggotry is one thing but say what you mean friendo

It's mostly dumb bitches,fags, and other assorted narcissistic degenerates.

>Why is social media so fucking liberal? It's nothing but people virtue signaling about gun control, white supremacy, Trump, BLM, and other bullshit.
Conservatives prefer to do something about their grievances rather than squawk like a slapped chicken.

because liberals squawk rivers of horse shit daily

It'd be fine if it wasn't so one-sided or if Twitter didn't advocate one side over another.

It's well known that people in power have to appeal to the masses; if someone criticizes any of these groups, the people in power will make life harder for them (lack of employment opportunities, hate speech laws, etc.)


Designed to be thought police ghettos of the internet.

Social media is the daytime television of 2017. Its course tent reflects shut-ins, and not the general population.

As you said, it's virtue signaling. Leftist infiltration into education, media and entertainment has created a giant leftist echo chamber over the past decades, with conservative voices not speaking up enough, because they thought they were a tiny minority (thanks to said echo chamber). It's also enforced by SJW trying to ruin the life of everyone daring to speak up against the narrative.
People don't even have to know they are virtue signaling, it's an old instinct utilized by the left. It will take some time to break the conditioning, and it's working, which is why they are now putting all their efforts into "combating hate speech", i.e. all non-leftist views, to keep that massive bubble intact.

>complains about leftism
>posts degenerate pic
Stop posting degeneracy

Only stupid people hold different ideologies than their masters. That's why Conservatives think differently

>white supremacy

What that means?You Burgers still own Black slaves?What about (((equal rights))) you gave to them long time ago?Has no idea people like Mayweather or Oprah still live under such oppression damn

is this southern's sister's ass?

hello r*ddit

You thought highschool would end when you left highschool?

Because "social" media is just that. Social. Meaning empathetic people, or just extremely emotional people, are majorly in charge of it. I don't see many conservatives whining online, but liberals I do. It's all in the type of person. Since liberals are more likely to voice their (unwanted) opinion, MORE OFTEN, they'll be the ones heard.

>It's nothing but people virtue signaling
As opposed to the alt-right's vice signalling?
You make a fair point.


It's safe to assume those are mostly bots and shills talking to each other.

It's a Jewy attempt to steer public opinion and demoralize.

>Stop posting degeneracy
More degeneracy. Less moralfag whining.