Tfw you will have your land back in your life time

>tfw you will have your land back in your life time

>start a war because of 'MUH NATIONAL HONOR'
>lose war horribly
>get most of your country occupied
>occupiers buy up the northern territories where no one lived and give you back the rest
>butthurt for eternity

Blow it out your wife's taco-flavored ass.

yes, and you will destroy it, run it in the ground, you will not be able to maintain your inheritance from the white man. nature did not program you the same way it programmed the white man. brown people may win in numbers but they always lose in spirit.

whatever you say honky
in the end we won the long war
now get out

Dude, I can't wait to watch the Mormons chimp out on you beaners on live stream.

They'll let you conquer them, but you have to join their pyrami-, cul-, religion. If you don't play by their rules, Mormons are fucking mafia-tier shady fuckers.

Also, why no southward expansion, hmmmm?

reminder that mexico declared war the united states because muh tejas and got BTFO

if you were as good you would have sailed across the atlantic centuries ago and enslaved the white man. the white man has defeated himself. your people get no credit.

lmfao, you'll never take Texas.
We will just kill you all.
Spics are weak as shit.

Reminder that the natives of what is modern day Mexico are not the same natives that lived in present day southwestern US. It is not your land. You're taking it from the real native Americans that called it home you piece of shit beaner. What do the Hopi indians think of you Aztec beheader ritual killers wandering all over their soil?

But you don't value it for the land, you value it for the white people and the things they produce and maintain. Once whitey disappears, your people will abandon it.

not to mention that ALL Hispanic Texans will fucking defend tx against the Mexico hordes....

I want to hang that pajeet myself.

Comancheria 2.0 when?!

If they were facing anyone else but beaners, the diabetes and alcoholism would be a handicap. But in this match-up, cancels out...



American spics are just being bred so that when America conquers the rest of Mexico, we can use them as in-between middle management.

Texas is full of hispanisc you fucking retard. There's is nothing to take.

I only care about Appalachia, the rest of the country is lost to me

yeah right beaner, the Mormon Defense Legion will purge your kind from their territory

So you're getting Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica?

Uh... shooped for triplets, or is this the Shadow Bean Jutsu?


>mfw dumb chicanos who can't even speak Spanish say this without irony

trios mios!

No they won't

There's a reason Texas will be blue within our lifetimes

Protip: It's because beaners love open borders

Texas will rise as the forefront of the white ethnic state in 2040

screenshot this post

Feels good.

Empire of the Golden Circle when?!




Not a Mormon, but beaners don't get that the entire religion disaster preps, (until the recent hiccups) trains their boys in closed scout troops, and has a foundational myth as a damn outlaw militia.

There's a reason every Post-Apoc novel wanks out a Republic of Deseret. Although Stirling just added them to be bannermen to his Gary Stu Wiccan Jesus.

>Taking any part of Oklahoma
We will literally burn down every house, block by block, of every single one of you beaners before that happens. Imagine ten thousand methed out drunken indians, shooting everything that moves. It will be glorious.

>1 post by this ID

we won't have image files nor will we have computers as we know them today in 2040

Indeed. The Panhandle is basically white Christian Kurdistan, full of old men and bored young men who would love nothing more than to an hero while taking twenty beaners with them.

if you think Texas goes back to Mexico then you also think Mexico goes back to Spain

Illegals fear getting deported back to Mexico. Why would they "give the land back"?

>your people will abandon it
And move to where ever the white people went. Because stupid ass taco niggers can't take care of their own countries and require whites to build it so they can invade horde style.

Good luck with Texas and Utah. Texans and Mormons aren't likely to give that land up, and they are quite well armed.

they protected the border real fucking well by voting 80% for trump retard

that's why we are taking your women we just have to wait for you to die off

They fear because they already have a job, friends, maybe wife and kids, it's not the fucking end of the world if they're sent back, it's just that they may have something going over there and want to keep on it.

Lol, "Whitey stole the land we stole from the Indians"

Literally Africa 2.0 genetically

What are you really winning though if you're just an inferior waste of space? Mexico is shit, so why make more of the planet Mexico?

lmfao, no way they invade the US before Guatemala and Belize


Of course there is. We still have our government not ran by inbred cartels and our public health, water that doesn't give you the shits and tacos not made of dog. You spics haven't taken that yet

>those South American borders
absolutely disgusting

>you will get to murder nonwhites in your lifetime who try to cross the wall

You can take Cali but the rest of that stays with the US.

Why do shitskins never believe statistics? White women are the least likely to racemix.

I don't get it. Non whites always say whites are evil genocidal bastards, yet they always poke them and aggregate them.

You can go back to your designated shitting street pajeet, no one gives a fuck about what you think.

a self destructing man is inferior to all men
Latino blood burn bright
maybe you burned brighter but it was an unstable flame

White men in California voted Republican while their counterparts in Oregon and Washington voted Democrat. Interdasting

This genuinely worries me.
Is there honestly any hope for this situation?


Why just stop there if you can take more than half of USA and claim it to be rightfully yours.

demographics are destiny

Breakaway Appalachian States Of America
We're full tho

Why would they just stop there?
They'll eventually claim all former territories that were the Spanish Empire belong to Mexico.
So prepare yourself.

The Incas can own all the way to Nicaragua.

I always see mormons walking around with a random native person here. They wear white shirts, brown pants, a ridicule tie and backpacks. Never talk to anyone like Jehova's witnesses. Their churches always look the same and seem empty all the time.

Are they some kind of spies?

Just pooson the Takis chips.You'll see a 50% beaner die off in three days.

Northwest Front. Acadia (Maine/Atlantic Canada). Midwestern States Reich. And Appalachia too. New mutual Defense Bloc.

>wall going up
>sanctuary cities getting BTFO every day
>dreamers being deported
>illegal aliens say they're afraid
>norder crossings down nearly 70% from Obama's last month in office
They're all going back.

>>dreamers being deported

Unironically yes. They absolutely want to take over the world and convert everyone. There's a core of somewhat imbred (but kind of hot, as they're from aryan stock) core of OG Utah Mormons that form the elites (Quorum and Prophet).

LDS/Mormons make noises about not seeing race, and wanting to convert everyone, and they do... But they are very adverse to actual race mixing the original Nauvoo / Salt Lake stock. Kind of like Jews that way. And also like Jews, they are cunning and ruthless business people. Look at Romney.

They're kind of like Jews and Muslims together, but in a quintessentially American Flavor.

BUT I respect Mormons a lot more than Jews. Because even if they'e trying to conquer the world and weild business in a shady way, they also oppose Degeneracy(TM), produce lots of white babies, and hold disaster preparedness, self/community defense, and skills incredibly highly.

That's why their inevitable conflict with the beaners is going to be so hilarious. The cholos have no idea what claws hide under the fluffy white doggy.

And what are they doing here? Are they planning a genocide? Why converting non-whites in non-white territories?

So they fear leaving their good life living illegally in America and going back to their country of which they are actually a citizen?

It's already happening, read the news some time.

I live in Houston, anyone who's been here knows how enriched the place is.

Don't let them get you too.

You are just vassals of Rome. If and when the Vatican can take over the US they won't need your uselessness anymore.

Because they must pretend that the only thing they can "contribute" to the world, breeding, makes up for the fact they can't run a function country that isn't run by corrupt assholes cutting off people's heads. I don't know if white women are least likely, but they sure as hell aren't fucking border crossing coke mules. And if they are good riddance

No, not a genocide. They legitimately do want to convert you, and hype up their brand.

They're just rarely GOOD at it, see, all Mormon boys MUST (unless in military or disabled) be missionaries for two years. Girls are encouraged but don't have to (this has the based side effect of 21 year old guys having the 18 year old girls all to themselves back home). These are kids. And, well, they're often not the worldliest of kids before they head out.

Mormonism was very much a kind of White Nationalism in its early days. The original scriptures would make any modern "race realist" blush.

However, just like with Polygamy, they had to start letting blacks into the higher levels. And then in the last few decades they're (at least outwardly) forsaking all that white stuff to get as many converts as possible.

Theyre always "scared for their lives" of white supremacy yet they LITERALLY walk around saying "punch NAZEEZ". If they're truly afraid why must they wake the sleeping bear?

Of course there is. Deportation.

>Implying no Genocide of the brownies.

Lol! Taco nigger, you go on and enjoy living with the niggers in our various urban shitholes. Nobody gives a fuck. That's why we never do anything to improve living standards for the nogs. If your retarded sunmonkey race could ever get it's shit together enough to start living en masse outside of designated nigger zones...then maybe someone will start paying attention to you.

Mexico fucking sucks. Dirty as fuck, fat fucking torta people walking everywhere, stray dogs. Fuck that shit.

>not even the mexicans want the Dakotas
i don't blame you.

>Implying no Genocide of the brownies.
Like hell you would. Every time you're called out on on your huge groid population you always say "Oh well our niggers are BASED!" and "I'd rather have a thousand southern blacks than one northern white!"

I wasn't clear about the polygamy. Mormons were polygamous in the 1800s. Mostly because the founder wanted to be like Mohammed (lol) and get his dick wet all the time with youngins'.

But the US would not give Utah Statehood if they kept up with it. So for political power, they Mormons quietly shuffled it away, although fundamentalist breakaway sects continue it.

In the same vein, Black people were not allowed to be leaders. In the 70s they changed that. For johnny-come-lately virtue signalling.

They can, and they will go back. Spics act like they own America now. If hey we're smart they'd go ahead and try to take us out if they truly believe they're an "invasion" force. That way the rest of everyone can wake up and we can do what should've been done 20 years ago


>the native Injuns even fought against the spic menace
>muh land

I'm gonne get all them white gurls ese

It's almost like the pieces fit.

Is it even possible now?

Isn’t this based on legal hispanics.

unironically want this to happening
>smart enough to let spics take everything except utah, colorado.
>watch in real time as it goes to shithole.
>cali is gone from union as is texas.
nothing of value was lost

i fucking hate that nigger. latino this hispanic that. gas that disgusting indio.


Eyyy homes, we wuz TWI'LEKS an sheet, mang

That is one I haven't seen good sir, you deserve a (You)

guess you don't want these vip tickets then...?

>b Mestizo/Spaniard/Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
>avoid lands in NW Mexico because it's full of swamps, scalpers, snakes and snaky people
>now recruit people from Europe who already know how to build societies/civilizations to develop the land you want no part of
>promise them that if they pay taxes and develop the land, eventually they will own it
>make so much money off taxes that the wealthy Mexicans become even wealthier; so much so that Lopez de Santa Anna remarks that he wished he had charged heavier taxes
>let Whitey deal with the hard work, the travels, the deaths, the famines, the indigenous who were constantly stealing, burning, beheading, raping, murdering rinse/repeat
>some time passes and the land is purchased to become Federal expansion of US territory
>later, now that Whitey has turned scrub land into 2 of the planets most powerful economic engines, just waltz in and declare that it was always yours

pls let the capital be mexico city.
>Let the rebels rot with what they caused. Without the south it would be 90% white. I wish they would have won.

>stray dogs
I bet there wasn't a restaurant close by


>Be Iberians
>policy is mix with locals, instead of kill them and put them in reservations
>make latin america.
Port and spanish are literally the worst people. both continents could have been all white.

I don't believe anyone who is actually southern has ever said that. They're probably an illegal spic or a nigger that figured out how to use a computer they stole to make people think the south is lost. Southern whites are trying to keep our borders in check and thinking about what to do with the wetbacks and the pavement apes. Yet you can't exactly be forthcoming in this day and age

cool, love it when people living in a shitty country try to conquer a top tier nation and make it just as shitty as their own. props mexico...

George Lopez was never funny.

Would have been on Mars by now, on our way to Europa.