2 days to go
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw you will never perfect sex with Chiri.
Yesturday's tread almost lasted to today ;_;7
You're my favorite user.
death is near
who /matoi/ here
post best matoi images
Yesterday's thread was shit
>the exact same second
We're all in sync for despair.
I actually am a little too scared to go into the final thread.
Agreed. To come so close to a full 24 hour run and to archive just before the finish line is so disgustingly inproper.
How far did it get? I saw it this morning with like 120~ images and was worried I wouldn't be able to dump today's chapter.
Me too man.
It got spammed to bump limit because people wouldn't let it die naturally.
last post was about an hour ago.
I still maintain this is one of the bests twists I've ever seen in a manga
OP what will you do with your life when this is finally done?
Good. Another pointless daily shitpost thread will finally cease to exist.
i feel like i had no chance of seeing this twist coming holy shit
Cheers, as always.
Goodbye, manga dumper.
what anime is this so I can understand this image.
Thanks for the dump.
Jokes on the newfriends. The journey was much better than the destination. D-day will be a shitfest I guarantee it.
>2 days
Wait seriously?
You're not bullshitting me right?
After seing yesterday's thread, I believe you
Thank you. As always.
>The journey was much better than the destination
Japan's obsession with the journey rather than the destination has left me in despair!
It's happening.
So.... what will we actually DO in two days?
Marathon the show together?
Get drunk together?
Grow taller together?
All of the above?
We kill ourselves together.
Use the google, user.
And you have to hurry.
There are 3 seasons and ovas
Season finale OVA of the ending will be revealed in 2 days.
is this the actual, final ending? what a mood shift for a comedy
Two more chapters.
There's gonna be a marathon here.
And afterwards, group suicide.
>Haven't been on Sup Forums in months
>Check it on a whim
>See this thread
>Holy shit this is still going and the count down has got that low?
>might as well read the chapter, they're always funny
Will mods be gods and made the thread a sticky?
>abyss watchers
It'll only be an attempt, assuming you've been keeping up with your neck training.
What time will it start ?and when it will all end ?
Nobody wants that. Nobody.
I feel like a sticky might actually happen.
And that will make everything 10x worse.
this neadlessly dark and depressing ending to a comedy manga has left me in dispair
I hope that when the time comes, a janitor will be closeby, waiting for a link to the stream to be posted, before he 404s the thread.
I'm scared.
I fucking hope not. Its going to attract the memesters, shitposters, and people who dont actually care about these threads.
>posting in a sticky :XCCDDDDDD
user, I hate to break it too you, but there's no fucking way in hell you're going to make it in time for the final thread.
There are simply too many episodes you'd have to grind through, and SZS is NOTORIOUS for being hard to marathon.
Just watch Season 1 and season 3, and the ovas if you want to make it in time.
When is it starting?
how bout you just spoil it for me then?
There's nothing to spoil. Except the ending, which isn't even animated. Yet. ;_;
Every day until you turn pure.
It was a punishment for lewd Chirifags' heresy.
We already have these people.
>What's the joke?
>Is this the last chapter?
>I'm finally going to watch this so I can feel included!
i mean, i just wanna understand the image. i wanna too
Read the manga
Then just watch the episode.
I'm positive Chiri wants to do it properly.
Listen to the radio show.
which episode do I need to watch?
all of them.
Thanks for the dump, user.
I wonder if the 'anal' lewd Chirifag will return in the next two days? inb4 he has made himself taller
fuck it, i'' laugh first THEN watch the series. now who's laughing?
Oh, and I forgot to mention pseudo-namefags who go by personas and post the same thing every thread.
So who is your favorite girl?
Mine is Kafuka.
Having 2 days left to watch the last 8 episodes has left me in despair
It sure won't be a proper laughter.
If I can watch 50 episodes of CG in two days, you can watch 8 episodes of SZS in the same time.
It's called being a tripfag, you gloriously obvious newshit. Holy fuck.
>inb4 facetious / meme'ing / being ironically newfaggy
You weren't. Don't even try to lie. Please fuck off.
>tfw I was introduced to this at anime club in high school when the first season was new
I feel old.
Is this that thing called "shitposting"?
And you two, I have no fucking words to express my disgust...
Chiri wants to "do it" only with Sensei. Know your place, scum.
I already forgot the many lewd Chirifags that came and left.
then stop watching anime and read a book you inexpressive faggot
Isnt it funny? As we approach death, the threads fight in a futile attempt to live longer as they notice it.
I don't really mind if I do it with Chiri or not. I'd probably just do it with Nami and take responsibility. It's only normal to want to do things like that.
40% explosion ending is the most proper way to end the final thread.
Don't ever post again. Being hipster-tier levels of ironic / memetastic do fucking nothing for you. Nobody thinks you're cool, you convince nobody, and you win nothing.
>>>[s4s] / leddit / Jewtube And stay there.
It seems as though I need to kick higher, kindness-kun
What the fuck does that even mean? Stop being a retard.
No, the most proper way to end the last thread is to have the BGM of the first SZS scene playing in the last thread. Might as well stop with what we began.
Read the manga
It needs to be exactly 50%.
>BGM of the first SZS scene playing in the last thread
That can happen to.
I remember that Kino thread where kinomod put the ED on repeat in the thread.
Good times.
If the mods allow this to happen, I will break down into tears.
That shit gets me every goddamn time.
>rewatching zoku
My blood is leaving my brain.