Sup fellow alt-righters. After being plugged in to beta-land for too long...

Sup fellow alt-righters. After being plugged in to beta-land for too long, I have finally awoken and taken the red pill thanks to the likes of Sargon of Akkad and Thunderf00t. How should we proceed in redpilling all of the normies so we can defeat the cancer that is the left once and for all?

Step one: don't identify with the term alt-right. It's a media buzzword that is as dumb as identifying yourself as something as vague as "white supremacist" or "white nationalist".

Hello there Mr. Spencer. How is being divorced from the only woman you can score doing for you?

fuck off back to buzzfeed, kike

Go to fucking r/the_donald

we don't have room for fucking kekistani cringe pussies like you

Those Youtubers are faggots and you are a shill

Bad bait

>Soyboy of Akkad

Also, don't complain about the jews just yet if you're one of those faggots. That just makes the normies think of you as a weeb faggot stereotype. Wait until the SJW's have been raped out of political power and then bring your own obscure opinions into it.
inb4 I get called a shill jew loving faggot.

Sup fellow alt-righters. After being plugged in to beta-land for too long, I have finally awoken and taken the red pill thanks to the likes of Sargon of Akkad and Thunderf00t. How should we proceed in redpilling all of the normies so we can defeat the cancer that is the left once and for all?


Nothing wrong with hiding your power level, just never forget who pulls the strings

Get a higher education.

Those pulling the strings control your heroes.

Correct. But since far right views are still the minority, it is faggotry to bring your most "Extreme" views into it two feet first.

1. Never reveal your power level.
2. Use vague code words. i.e. Globalist, not jews.
3. Red pull others super slowly...over months. I'm not, they will choke on the red pills and barf all over you.

take it step further

You could also pull a Jordan Peterson and call them post-modernists. Pretty much synonymous just makes the normies more willing to take the red pill.


this is why my party has become so fucking stupid--they get their politics from jewish comedians


>Getting a degree to do the same job and same pay as someone without

Dunno what your point is here

>Quadroon Sarcuck
>Saving literally anything

I wonder how fucked in the head you are to post this shit time and time again. Get a life you fucking trash


jared taylor. william luther pierce if they are open minded