Refuses to speak out about gun control

>refuses to speak out about gun control
>sends flowers to the cops instead
BLM on suicide watch
Why is /our girl/ so perfect?

Taylor is a lovely woman

based tswift

i love you Tay Tay.
Stay away from niggers, please!

tay is the best

God she's so perfect.

That's so kind.

I wish she had feminine penis.

>Uhm... I'd like to be excluded from this narrative pls

-Taylor Swift

I wonder if she ever comes here, to where her true fans live

o/ sieg

she is actually the WORST. A Cucking shrill hooter with no talent and questionable genetics.

I bet she has the most pristine vagena

Based Nazi TayTay won't let the herself be used by the Jews to take the goyim's guns

taylor if you're reading this keep up the good work.



I want to watch her get blacked tbhfam

She opened her fuck chute to a nog.


>tay tay will never send you flowers when you're in the hospital

She named her cat because of trips. Don't have the screenshot.

she is not your white hero, or she would have stayed in pop country; she loves the black and the jew and cucking white men; learn it, live it, LOVE IT.

one day your daddy will let you fuck him again, pedro!

how did that wiimoji escape into the 3d realm?

le "I'm letting this guy buy me drinks even though I earn 100x what he will make in his lifetime during the short course of one of my heaven-scented farts. maybe, just maybe, I will lead him along long enough that he spends his last dollar buying me a good bottle of gin before I promptly call security on him" face

She started as a country music QT. She's never been a full member of degenerate leftist (((Hollywood))).

>choosing the career path in her profession that will make her 500 million dollars as opposed to 50 million
She did what anyone would

what do you look like?

go away cucks!

>Why is /our girl/ so perfect?
She's one in a million. It kills me to think I might never marry someone like that.

I do

I look like YOU

Stannis Dutyposting from Book Patricians?

Sup Forums is going to be on suicide watch when she inevitably gets engaged to Taeshawn.

Look at her face- she doesn't really enjoy being around them.

if newfags don't even know that shit then all hope here is lost.

she doesn't really like being alive... she is a self-hating bi-valve

no one with eyes that small is human.

She is literally the last bastion of purity in pop music, has never been grotesquely slutty as is the norm, never spoke out against drumpf, continually respects cops. She's /ourgirl/ to the core

Aryan princess

Holy shit.


>I wonder if she ever comes here, to where her true fans live
She does. I forget what board. There is some user who has the screenshots, but her cat is named after a thread poll for digits. No shit. I am sure if you can google you can find it.

Also by and large the hottest girl in popular music. And she will never cuck


>>fucks may celebs but cries "oh poor me" in break ups then profits from record sales from said break up

>>. mentality of a 12 yr old

>>OH WAI--

Taylor is at the end of the day a (socially left leaning)centrist capitalist that wants the widest possible audience.


Kanye West > T Swizzle

>>can't sing, has cucked - often

I meant in her music. She's never had a miley/katy perry/ariana phase. Singing about fucking a bunch of guys and partying excessively, it's just innocent lovelorn teenage pop songs

Perfect aside from the fetal alcohol syndrome thing

Trump has some perfect-ass teeth

I almost love her as much as I love Jesus. She's so perfect. A gift from God.

learn to greenpost newman

"same species"

I love Taylor. I wanna receive flowers from her as well. Heck, I'd shockfreeze them and display them somewhere nicely and hope they'll never wither.


well-done steaks will do that for you.

Celebrities often do a procedure of applying fake teeth above their own.
It's on MSN main page or health page. I don't know the name. Go there, it's not so expensive.

>>purity =/= quality

she sucks

fuck, she is so hot

She will never be happy or have a normal relationship. Men in her position rarely sit still long enough to get married and normal men who want a family probably wouldn't be interested.

>fetal alcohol syndrome
>philtrum grooves

pick one

she is a goddamn jew-gray alien. look at that honker. NOT HOOMAN.


fetal alcohol syndrome, because that's what she's got

>pop star with corporate record deal
>not a clapped out whore




Anytime I find myself in a difficult situation I remind myself to do it for taytay, and it gives me the strength to go on.

she doesn't fit any symptoms apart from being on the skinny side, you dunce.
I swear, soon Sup Forums will say anyone with more than two holes on a smooth face is a jew or something.

>wears super short skirts and shows midriff

you a fucking muslim or something?

Is it me or has taytay put on some. T H I C C NESS?

I lift for swift. On those last difficult reps, her face pulls me through

Proof me it isn't

>tfw taytay will finally fill out in your lifetime

Just not a degenerate. Women should dress modestly to even be considered ""pure""

>tfw she's too pure to ever have a nip or pussy slip
shittiest double edged sword ever

my girl Becky!

I do like her, not really a fan of her music but by Christ is she attractive.

What the fuck was she doing with that retard Tom Hiddleston? Seriously love you can do so much better than that ginger dildo.



Wha... wow

I'm the same height as her and I really just want her to full on soccer kick me in my balls. That's it


Don't you think our girls need a role model who will teach them the importance of being in a relationship, true love, and marriage? I'd rather have my daughter listen to her than what this generation is getting shilled into their ears.

That's /ourgirl/

Christ, Drake looks terrible in this photo.

No thanks - I like thin women

Thinking the same thing here ťbh fæm.

Good man. Those last reps are where the gains are, bruh. Praise taytay.

>tfw you realize if Hitler won every woman would be like TayTay for a thousand years

What a babe

>Why is /our girl/ so perfect?
maybe she does not want to reduce her record sales by offending retards



>those child bearing hips

need to impregnate

I would honestly shoot myself if there was a chance of receiving flowers from taytay

Damn. She makes Kim look subhuman next to her.

it's true...the poor dear. all these nice guys in this thread. she'll never meet one.

she (taytay) is a subhuman lurch - check that HUMP. she probably eats babies.