Help me Sup Forums

I'm struggling to deal with my daily surroundings. Everyone is mentally FUBAR (flag related). I'm in a sea of degeneracy. I've never done drugs, I've never had casual sex / one night stands, never used tinder, don't have any social media, don't watch porn, I follow the 14 words, I work out, I'm getting a good STEM degree. I have high emotional intelligence and social skills but no context in which to use them other than shallow socializing with leftists. Each day is a struggle and hope is hard to find. What should I do?

bump for advice

Take solace in the fact that right-wing populism is on the rise and their degenerate leftist days are numbered. Trump in the USA. Brexit and UKIP in Britain. National Front in France. AfD in Germany. Things are going our way, we have plenty more victories coming in the near future. Be patient.

>emotional intelligence
no such thing exists you loser

Help us defeat Trudeau, be a solder and keep fighting.

You're right AngloSaxon bro. I am aware of these things. I try to remind myself of the good things (pic VERY related). but I don't see them day to day. I feel like I am living so far outside of my own head & body, like I am completely emotionally checked out from my immediate surroundings. But I haven't given up yet.

Being on a campus makes things especially bad.

Calling people losers as a way of starting a conversation with them is usually a sign of low emotional intelligence.

I will, I've never voted for a left wing party before (I've never been a leftist before, ever).

How do you deal with it? do you live in the city or the countryside?

Take cold showers and pull on your ears to harden your resolve. Avoid going out unless necessary and only communicate with other people when it's essential.

It's called conditioning for a reason. Their minds are in the abyss, but they can be pulled out. We have to keep winning the culture war for conservative attitudes to be preference-cascaded back into dominance.

A lot of it depends on gen Z, but you can't really predict these things.

The best thing you can do is read, educate yourself, learn how to defend your beliefs from leftists. Read conservative books and articles, learn everything about European history, learn about the Enlightenment and European thinkers such as Edmund Burke and Adam Smith. Read as much as you can so you can dismantle leftist arguments. Defend your right-wing beliefs staunchly. If we all do this, we can make a big difference.

>I've never had casual sex
it slowly becomes a waste of time

>don't have any social media

>don't watch porn
jerk off whenever you want to

>What should I do
anything you want

dont listen to anyone trying to recruit you to a larp army with no goal

I have hope for Gen Z.

Once someone has wallowed in an ideology for long enough, especially as it has started to shape who they are (number of sexual partners, amount of drugs used, piercings, tattoos, criminal records, etc) - are they all salvageable? Is this overly optimistic?

Sometimes I look at the millennial generation and almost feel like it's a lost cause for a good number of them. I'm waiting for them to die of old age along with the boomers so Gen Z and younger can replace them and return some sanity to the west. But this is an extremely long term game.

I'm not trying to be recruited to a LARP army. I'm not part of any organization. I just have a firm, unshakable commitment to my civilization (the West) and its people (white people).

Go to bars. Find women in your social group. Most of all be a Man.

If you get a girl. Own up to that shit. Makes sure everyone knows she's yours, make sure she knows.

Don't go full autist. Just make sure she knows not to fuck with you and that she knows no one else will.

>Hahga osmetimes IM some thing that soooo
>im so not larping LOLOL
>SOMOMNE Help me.
>this is not a larp


I'm gonna give it to you straight, kid.


100% serious
full stop
you're a waste

if you're so great as you say, and yet you still need to cry about it on Sup Forums, you're not only a waste of oxygen, but delusional enough to think you're not

let me guess - you contribute nothing. you produce nothing. you fart and shit and post on this website.

there's a thousand hard-working immigrants ready to fill your void.

First of all, if what you've said is true, congratulations. You're living a moral, decent life. That in itself is a great achievement, and having honor is more valuable than most people realize.

Second, I don't know the solution to your problems or woes, but I'll be free with my suggestions.

Your lifestyle and choices seem to line up pretty well with Christianity. I don't think you should become a Christian for the sake of finding meaning, but I think you should become one because I believe it's correct. Buy a New King James Bible and start reading it. Start reading both the new and old testaments. Don't expect to figure it all out right away; people have been arguing over meaning for thousands of years. Learn about the main points every Christian agrees on. Find a conservative church. Don't go to one that just tries to put on rock concerts every week to attract kids, and don't go to one that shoves homosexuality down your throat every Sunday for two hours.

Consider moving to rural California. There you will find right wing, christian, virgin women. Why California, and not one of the other 49 states where you can find the same thing? Because in California they care about how they look, and aren't all fat slobs. Once you find her, move out of California as fast as possible, and take her with you.

After that, just work hard to support your family, and you have a chance at a fulfilling and enjoyable life.

This makes sense. I am a firm believer in choosing your debates carefully so as to not waste your time & effort.

What would be the best way to make use of these debate skills? What context would likely red-pill the most people and have the greatest positive impact? Arguing in reddit comments or even on here seems like it wouldn't be the most effective option.

God I love Canadians kek

>let me guess - you contribute nothing. you produce nothing. you fart and shit and post on this website.
Very far off the mark.

>there's a thousand hard-working immigrants ready to fill your void.
Few if any of them can fill it, and they don't belong here.

Also, go back. and kys.

>they don't belong here.


Man up or this.

Thank you user. I think looking for a wife in the church is basically the only reasonable option left. I was raised Christian, I strayed from the belief but strangely enough not in any way that made my behavior become more degenerate. I never lost sight of Christian wisdom about social issues.

>There you will find right wing, christian, virgin women.

Sounds like heaven.

You can utilize your debating skills in big or smalls ways, it's all important and it all counts. As long as you open people's minds to right-wing conservative ideas, that's what counts. I'm a nobody and I've changed the minds of my friends and family. My best friend used to be a Marxist and I persuaded him to abandon Marxism after weeks of arguing and debating. Through logic and reason and facts, I convinced him that Marxism is a flawed ideology.

If you educate yourself and become knowledgeable enough, you can have a real impact on people around you and open their minds.

LOL if they want this country, they can conquer it. I'm fucking waiting.

Also if you're self-hating enough that you think this isn't our land, you should fuck off back to Europe. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

I'm staying. What are you going to do about it?

You have a fucking stroke or what?

Congrats on red-pilling your best friend, that's good news. I guess the small things do count.

In the long span of history people have crafted many narratives to justify sacrificing themselves for the greater good. During the crusades it was good. During the Age of Empires it was for Monarchs who came from the same family. WW1 For the nation. And WW2 Fascism/communism/freedom&democracy take your pick. Countless of men died for someone else's benefit (Capitalist/Monarch/Pope/Globalist/Dictator) because they wrapped it up in a suffiuciently appealing narrative package. Make with this knowledge what you will, but after browsing Sup Forums on and off for a couple of years or so I've decided to do what's best for myself as an individual

It is, but it's still hard to do, because they still aren't perfect, and a lot of guys know about this, and get them quick. Supply and demand are both very high. Foreigners do pretty well though, just because it gives you a huge in during conversations.

You got it all wrong user
Sure the left wing promotes degeneracy but you can't say there aren't any right wing degenerates because there is a lot of them.

I wouldn't say been right wing immediately makes you not degenerate, sure you hate race mixing, the promotion of transgenders/homosexuality and open borders but doesn't mean been a right wing fat fuck playing video games all day, not exercising, drinking beer and not knowing basic life skills like how to cook isn't degenerate because that's just as degenerate than the left.

And no i am not projecting, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of the right wing

>Make with this knowledge what you will
Okay, you're a slimy marxist with an incredibly poor grasp of history.

>after browsing Sup Forums on and off for a couple of years or so I've decided to do what's best for myself as an individual
Ah yes, the meaningless path of selfishness. Sorry, I can't be and never will be a nihilistic faggot.

Read more books. Go to church.

>tfw called a foreigner

Good on you, leafbud.


it never hurts to improve ourselves

plenty of people call themselves "BASED" and are riddled with degenerate habits and beliefs

>emotional intelligence
I have no idea what this is.

Find people you can RELATE to.

come join us on the official Sup Forums discord


You're triggered because what I've said is true.
Name one thing that I said that was factually incorrect
Wasting the prime of my life on this toxic website LARPing for a racewar wasn't something I saw myself doing in the future. No amount of adhominem will make anything I say more false


Stand Firm user !


I agree that there are right-wing degenerates. Quite a few right-wing libertarians seem like hedonistic degenerates. Of all the right-wing philosophies out there, I prefer traditional Burkean conservatism. In order to avoid descending into degenerate nihilism, I think we need to remain loyal to our traditionalist Burkean heritage.

No not triggered, just sizing you up accurately. You asked me to make of the info what I would so I did.

>Name one thing that I said that was factually incorrect
>implying you didn't just denigrate every hero ever who has fought for a cause bigger than himself and basically called heroism and sacrifice worthless and those who do it "suckers"

>Wasting the prime of my life on this toxic website LARPing for a racewar wasn't something I saw myself doing in the future. No amount of adhominem will make anything I say more false

I'm not LARPing for anything. Sorry to hear you gave up, but it sounds like we didn't need a weak loser like you anyway. Enjoy your pointless hedonism while it lasts.

Have you considered stockpiling a large amount of firearms and ammunition and booking a trip to Vegas?

come join us on the official Sup Forums discord


>pull on your ears to harden your resolve



>implying giving up your own life for someone else, specifically someone you'll never meet isn't the ultimate form of cuckoldry

You can come up with your own interpretations but saying I have a poor grasp of history is categorically false. Facts are facts, and even the commies thought they were saving the world from the evil capitalists.

t. Historian

That's an option every reasonable person should leave on the table.

I'll start doing both of these things. I feel like finishing school and leaving the campus behind will be a major improvement, and give me a lot more time to make myself great again.

>emotional intelligence
fuck off sharia blue troll

start a political party


Join the 88th hitler brigade by calling this number: 1-800-FBI-TIPS


This is correct

>implying giving up your own life for someone else, specifically someone you'll never meet isn't the ultimate form of cuckoldry

It's the ultimate form of heroism if done for a good cause. Actually, as Patton said, making the other poor bastards give up their lives is even better. "Cuckoldry" is about letting your wife cheat on you, raising someone else's kid, etc and you clearly have no fucking clue what it means just like all the retards who throw around the word "cuck" mindlessly.

>You can come up with your own interpretations but saying I have a poor grasp of history is categorically false.
Denying your poor grasp of history doesn't suddenly make it good.

>t. Historian
>t. Liar

I've met tons of burnt out losers like you, you're a dime a dozen.

Or you could live your fucking life. You trolls need to get off the internet and go fucking do something else.

leave Sup Forums and never come back, its ruining you.


hi shariablue. consider sucking cock on downtown detroit corners, youll make more money that way, and have more dignity.

That's ambitious. How would I not simply split the right's vote?

Whatever you say, insults aren't facts kids.
I don't trust the historical analysis of anyone who knowingly puts feels before reals like a woman

Whatever you say, mr. zero-facts-provided. Keep LARPing as a historian.