Hinduism General

"Indian Paganism :The Last Living Expression of Aryan Beauty" - Savitri Devi, A Warning to the Hindus


>What is Hinduism?

Hinduism is the oldest organized religion in the world. It is the Sanatana Dharma, the Eternal Law. It has no known origin and no founders - it is a synthesis of various Indian cultures and practices from as early as 4000 BCE.

Hinduism differs from Christianity and other Abrahamic religions in that it does not have:

>A single founder,
>A specific theological system,
>A single concept of deity,
>A single holy text,
>A single system of morality,
>A central religious authority,
>The concept of a prophet.

Hinduism is neither polytheistic, monotheistic, trinitarian or henotheistic, yet it is all at the same time.

The development of Hinduism was influenced by many invasions over thousands of years. The major influences occurred when nomadic "Aryan" Indo-European tribes invaded Northern India from the steppes of Russia and Central Asia. They brought with them their religion of Vedism. These beliefs mingled with the more advanced, indigenous Indian native beliefs, often called the "Indus valley culture."

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/reneguenon/1921 - Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines #page/n1/mode/1up

>Political Significance of Hinduism in this Age

All the decadence of the world today has been predicted by Hinduism.


Prophesied events during a Kali Yuga

>Rulers will become unreasonable: they will levy taxes unfairly.
>Rulers will no longer see it as their duty to promote spirituality, or to protect their subjects: they will become a danger to the world.
>People will start migrating, seeking countries where wheat and barley form the staple food source.
>At the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no topics on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints and respectable gentlemen of the three higher varnas [temperament] and when nothing is known of the techniques of sacrifice, even by word, at that time the Lord will appear as the supreme chastiser.

Kali Yuga with regard to human relationships

>Avarice and wrath will be common. Humans will openly display animosity towards each other. Ignorance of dharma will occur.
>People will have thoughts of murder with no justification and will see nothing wrong in that.
>Lust will be viewed as socially acceptable and sexual intercourse will be seen as the central requirement of life.
>Sin will increase exponentially, while virtue will fade and cease to flourish.
>People will take vows and break them soon after.
>People will become addicted to intoxicating drinks and drugs.
>Teachers will no longer be respected and their students will attempt to injure them. Their teachings will be insulted, and followers of Kama(lust) will wrest control of the mind from all human beings.

>introduction to Hinduism for westerners
archive.org/stream/reneguenon/1921 - Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines #page/n1/mode/1up

>Bhagavad Gita



>MAHABHARATA by C Rajagopalachari

>Ramayan Anime



>Indian culture
Bitch lasagna

Even the best curry in the world was invented in Britain not India.

Yes bangaldeshis are British now.
It's not even close, they nerf the curries for Hwhite people

pure nonsense. Hinduism kept people backward. I would rather be christian than a Muslim or hindu.

>cbse education
You do realize Christianity in India has a caste system and your backwards argument is Christian propaganda to subvert local culture and spread their religion?




Fuck all these, I would rather be a Sikh.

Yes a sect of Hinduism

Lurking with Indian Satan

Red pill me on Savitri Devi. I have heard of her but I don't know what she teaches.

And Islam too, but at the same time it is nothing like those two fucked up religions. I find Sikhism the most sane one simply because it is a man made religion. A sane rational dude saw how fucked up Hinduism and Islam was and simply said enough, and came with a very beautiful sane religion if practiced in it's pure form.

She was quite into indic religion, she even converted to Hinduism iirc, she believed Hitler was an avatar of vishu and he was here to save us, it's quite sad that the board that introduced me to her no longer remembers her

No Sikhism is a warrior hindu sect, it didn't arise against Hinduism but for Hinduism, it 2qs quite common for the eldest son of the house to join the khalsa the sepreate religion bit is anglo dnc

It was formed to save Hindus because Hindus were too big of a cucks and Muslims were pure savages. But it is probably the first religion to respect and empower women. Hinduism is extremely imperfect religion. In terms of religion, if anything comes closer to making sense, it's Sikhism for me, free of superstition, false worship and miracles.

You don't know anything about Indian history or Hinduism, read before Shitposting

I always got the feeling that it was some kind lost knowledge as well. A shame really.
Is esoteric Hitlerism a thing in India or is it some meme cult?

Esoteric Hitlersm isn't a thing in India at all, tbqh Indian don't even know we owe so much to Germany for our freedom, but for some reason mein Kampf is a bestseller in India

lol, here we go. A butt hurt Hindu crying out his cuck feelings. I don't know anything about Indian History? How did you exactly conclude that, please do explain. Maybe you need to come out of your bubble and look at your history again.

Do you have a theory of why that might be?

Ok I'll assume you are a Punjabi in the US, let's reiterate the facts, if hindu were cucks how did the Muslims boil 6iyr guru or why was it that that Rajput kingdom stayed intact even after centuries of Islamic invasions, their is a reason you don't hear about dynasties in punjab, pro tip almost all converts including Sikhs are low caste it's the Rajputs that give your community the name.

Nonsense. Sikhs reject castes, which is a foundation of Hinduism.

Yes the caste system in Sikhism is a prank, right harpreet?

Well i believe we aren't taught blatant propaganda when ww2 is taught so a fair amount of them want to know about Hitler rest i believe a lot of edgy kids read it too

Hindus were cucks because they were getting slaughtered, your Rajputs might have been good at fighting in their hometown, but they didn't have balls to take go on war against all muslim rulers slaughtering Hindus. And punjab was doing all the hard work, your Rajputs were way back geographically. And your timelines are very off if you are comparing Rajuputs to the foundation of Sikhism to save Hindu cucks. You don't understand Sikhism if you are asking how were Mulsims able to boil Sikh gurus. Anyway, I have to go, if this is still alive, I can go into details tomorrow.

BTW, I'm an Atheist. Fuck all religions! Religion is for weak minded cucks.


See this is why I think talking to you is a waste of time. You are absolutely clueless about your Indian history. You are talking about religion which are hundreds and some thousands of years old but discussing in their present form. And yes, Krishna, Sikhism is a first religion which saw everyone as equal. Please go read your past or clarify if you wanna talk about history or present.

Don't understand your Indian humor.

Ah yes the ebil caste system #equality #femminism
It isn't Indian

Oh boy! Did you just compare modern day feminism to Sikhism in its pure form?

You are a lost confused soul buddy. I think it's better for you to live in your bubble. Please do convince yourself that whatever narrative you have formed in your head is right. That would be best way for you to go. You can't handle facts.

I just want reddit to leave

We wuz curries n shit


Sup Forums is monotheistic site. Your buthurt heresy would actually be more welcomed on reddit.

Ah yes following Jewish religion is based, always remember kids muhammad was a pedo and Islam is Arab nationalism

And as you certainly cannot read Hinduism isn't polytheistic

Why are you so butthurt about the "Jewish religion" and Islam if you are so certain in Hinduism? I guess even you guys can't wrap your head around the shit your faggot gurus spew?

Isnt Hinduism outside of the HKs (or the Buddhists if you want to go that way) something for Indians only?

I thought that it was the one major religion which you cant convert into as a westerner.

Because your Jewish religion attacked and killed million of my people? And gurus are fags

Yes you cannot convert to Hinduism but you can read the texts and follow them or learn from them

Look at the mohammadan ape pretending that he belongs to the rest of the modern world. How cute.

Shouldn't you be going to go wipe your dick on a brick somewhere ahmed?

Can you explain this reason a bit more its a very foreign concept to a monotheist. Why would the divine be limited to one group of people without the Jewish "chosen race" doctrine.

I've been to India and have to disagree.

The divine isn't limited, it's just that the religion has to official way to convert as it has to central authorities and secondly tge religion is so deeply ingrained into the subcontinent that's it's pointless for outsider to convert as they would have no social stature

Indiophile user here.. I love it when alt right ppl hate on me for being a Mahayana Buddhist (hurr that's a Chinese religion for chinks) when Indian religions are Aryan heritage and most Pollacks worship a literal jew..

>(((ALT RIGHT)))

it's not a matter of converting to some isolated belief system it's a matter of meditating on the absolute truth of texts like the upanishads

(((kike on a pike)))

> it's pointless for outsider to convert

But it would enable them to gain that social stature and more easily live according to the teachings rather than having to try and go it alone.

Why Mahayana and not Therevada or Vajrayana out of curiosity?

There are castes in sikhi

>ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्
>उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षीय माऽमृतात्

Based Hinduism.

But how will you get into a social system that is thousands of years old, as I said you could definitely convert and be accepted here a lot of western actually do that but people who read into Hinduism know conversion is point less as you could gain everything from whatever is to be gained from Hinduism without conversion

I am an initiated Vajrayanika but I said Mahayana because Vajrayana is just Mahayana x lots of interesting forms of practice.. Theravada is for plebians

Any Hindu denominations that DON'T believe in reincarnation?

Alakh niranjan

Afaik, no

That's the best part.

They got the idea of reincarnation from us Buddhists

>you could gain everything from whatever is to be gained from Hinduism without conversion

Could you gain a community though?

A side issue to this have you met many western converts? What type of people were they and how did the other people in the community view them?

Isn't Tibetan Buddism pretty close to Hinduism?
No u

Indo-Europeans believed in it before they even came in contact.

How long have you been in it?

What are your thoughts on Nyingma compared to the other schools?

>Theravada is for plebians

Isnt it closer to what we know of the original Buddhism?

she realized that arya dharma was a thing.. women aren't good sources for philosophy

There was a period around 800-1200AD where Tantra was kind of its own thing and Shaivite tantrikas and Buddhist ones shared ideas and visited one another's holy sites

Shame. What about the... what are they called? Something with an N I believe? Nandars or something?

Worst part.


You could absolutely gain community but i do get your point, for a country that isn't India Hinduism isn't a sustainable religion, and anyways i am not advocating for the religion just doing my part in spreading the knowledge of my people
>have you met...

I have but they were part of the hare krishna movement, they have a legit community and were well accepted in the community, but for the common man that's bizzare they'll happily accept you in thier community given time

>a literal jew
Where do you guys get such hatred for the Jews? Also Jesus was a lot more than "a literal jew".

Do you mean to say nastiks?

I've been an initiate for like 4 years but before that I was a hare Krishna and did a lot of study and meditation on eastern religions.. if you're curious my YouTube channel has 18k subs www.youtube.com/shaktipatseer2

I'm a Sakya but I have empowerment and instruction from all the major schools.. I really like the Nyingma because their worship of Guru Rinpoche as a Christ like figure jives with my ideas about him and I have lots of practices that I got from nyingma Lamas..

The thing about theravada being plebians has been a meme in Mahayana since before Christ.. Mahayana never added anything which was inimical to Sakyamunis teachings it just made them more lucid.. kind of like how the early Christian patriarchs created rituals.. From an advanced philosophical standpoint i.e. madhyamaka I can see that their views are lacking and they are inferior generally but of course the theravadins will call me a heretic..

No, no. I'm thinking of a bunch kind of like the Kailash. They are Hindu but they're old school Hindu. With yajna and everything, I believe.

Are you jealous of the Children of Israel because God choose to give them the Word first?

>You could absolutely gain community but i do get your point, for a country that isn't India Hinduism isn't a sustainable religion, and anyways i am not advocating for the religion just doing my part in spreading the knowledge of my people

How do Hindus view other peoples religions? and what do happens to people who reject Hinduism when they die?

As for the hare krishna how culty are they?

I really like nyingma .. I feel the other schools focus too much on other saints besides padmasambhava

We believe most religion are different paths on the same mountain, with one ultimate goal of liberating ourselves from the cycle of life and death, you can reject religion but that won't free you from your dharma

>hare krishna
Quite culty although they are irrelevant in India

Almost all Hindus participate in yagyas

Your thoughts on Rene Guenon?

>We believe most religion are different paths on the same mountain

>Because your Jewish religion attacked and killed million of my people?

>Ah yes following Jewish religion is based, always remember kids muhammad was a pedo and Islam is Arab nationalism
What did he mean by that?


Thanks for the thread user, going to sleep but I'll read through it tomorrow

I only treat indic religion are real region, all cut dick religion are just Jewish propaganda, but yes most Indians are naive i was talking about them

Not quite like these fellows. They're pretty much like ancient Hinduism, pre-Upanishadic.

>organized religion

Thanks any videos of yours you would recommend in particular?

Im currently looking into it (and reading Words of My perfect Teacher) but the only group around is a Rigpa one and they really have a hard on for Sogyal Rinpoche which worries me a tiny bit.

Can you give me your opinion on the other Tibetan schools?

> kind of like how the early Christian patriarchs created rituals.. From an advanced philosophical standpoint i.e. madhyamaka I can see that their views are lacking and they are inferior generally but of course the theravadins will call me a heretic..

Do they loose anything by not having the same focus on/use of the Pali Cannon?

I quit the hare Krishnas after meeting a disciple of Prabhupada who wasn't in iskcon and was really cool and wise but his disciples who were my age made a bunch of drama about me and my friends and said we stole some yuppys iPhone and then was like jk she found it.. they're incredibly literalist about the puranas and teachings and I didn't like that..

side note: I redpilled the fuck out of one of Tripurari Swamis disciples and now he's basically a Hindu Nazi kek

>muh giant world turtle...

Pretty op, understood Hinduism to a good extent i suggest his book to most westerns as a starting point for Hinduism
I'm probably unaware of them
Fits the definition of organised religion

It's like you think Indians are superior than Jews. Why is that so? You guys shit on the streets while Judeo-Christianity shaped the Western world. Where are you pulling the Indian superiority from?

Hans go back to sleep, no one believes that
They unironically have faulty translations


>hare krishna
Kill these morons. They walk under my windows every day, yell the mahamantra and knock on the drums. I hate these faggots so much.

Jej, we have written history on this subcontinent for atleast the last 5000 years, your kind just stole from us, don't worry the pendulum will swing in time

Isn't the bhagat geeta banned in Russia?
The wiki article on them is pure propaganda so it's quite hard to believe

>mfw I understand that the whole "philosophy" of the ancient Greeks is just a scrap of what they managed to grab while traveling to India

So you streetshiters are superior because you are older? Are Neanderthals then also superior than you?

No its just the fact that street shitters achieved more in 70 years after independence than all of the Muslim world could even with the oil, now shoo leaf

Based crypto panjeet