Please describe this child

Please describe this child

What's wrong with her hare lmao



10/10 dreamy prince




Perverted idiot, but charming as hell

Ignores cute girls trying to have fun days hanging out with him

Super strong, far above any level five

He's awesome bf material

Inferior to the other two protagonists of OT.

I can only see a man there in the pic.

An average highschool boy you can find any where. He is also very unfortunate.

That's a young man who gets on other people's cases for living their life wrong.

That's lazy as fuck, he could at least shave

Whiny, judgmental, perverted and oblivious.

I laugh every time. It's just so pathetic.

who the FUCK wins??

Incredibly vulnerable but plot armor is absolute

depends, does this man live his life correctly?

Не isnot livng his live correctly

Shut up biribiri

in the way

Reminder that Touma has been exposed as a liar who doesn't believe half the speeches he gives people.

Normal Highschool Student.

Good, because half of those speeches were retarded

He said it hiself

I hope he keeps some kind of mental note as to the different bullshit he has spouted to different people. If he doesn't keep it straight it might come back to bite him.

Shitty main character that made me drop the show.

Just living his life correctly doesn't mean he'd be right.

he still doesnt know what await for him at othinus arc


This should have been the first post. Come on Sup Forums, you can do better than this.

Well they both have enough plot armor to survive the apocalypse, but Shirou's plot armor is based in magic so I'm giving it to Touma

vulnurable to bullets

i've not read the novels. Does any one ever just try to straight up shoot him instead?

Happened like 3 times already

Several times. Sometimes he takes cover, sometimes he dodges and sometimes he just gets shot. The fucker tanked it like a champ though.

Tanked it so well somebody who just wanted a fair fight shot himself to make it even.

Accelerator and Hamazura's group tried to shoot him at the end of index 2.

Hasn't fucked the nun that lives with him

She'd bite his dick off

He breaks my illusions. Is also a manly MC.

>Photo: By my step-dad

every fucking time

What the fuck does @ Toaro kagaku no railgun mean?