Nigger Rick

Can an Airborn or Nigger to Nigger virus be made? Is this possible and if so, why has no one done it yet?
Will we ever get a Bio-weapon that targets Niggers at a genetic level?

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Risky (at the moment, because of targeting and mutations

Targeting shouldn't be an issue though. All one has to do is create a virus that targets Spicule cells and high levels of Melanin in the skin.

I'm personally willing to risk mutations.

>I've done it, Morty! I've turned myself into a nigger!

Muh Dick and Shawty

Whites also have small amounts of melanin though, only albinos don't

do blacks get a tan?

You just need something that targets their biologically determined psychology and behaviour.

Gangster culture, crack and AIDS are working OK.


gangster culture and crack are reasons black communities are fucked in the first place

> targets Spicule cells and """""high levels"""" of Melanin

But can you make it airborne and Nigger only?


>mfw I realize Nigger Rick is lore friendly

I fucking love Rick & Morty

No, like... WAAAAYYYY up there.


>B-b-b-ut whhy?

it has been done

Wouter Basson aka Dr death

was a south african apartheid chemical weapons scientist.

was charged with making viruses and diseases that target pigmented people.

he was found not guilty, and aquitted on all charges. he's still alive.

funny thing is that he actually did make them and there is proof they were used.

check this out

Fuck, why doesn't he release his findings online?
Imagine if that shit was available for anyone to see.

A pickle wasn't useless enough.

Well a pickle could feed a child

I Turned myself into a nigger Morty! I'm Nigger Rick!!!

>Develop a bacteria to specifically wipe out blacks
>wtf why do blacks hate whites?!?!

Jews used his research too, they were trying to make an ethno-bomb, I'm guessing they are too closely related to Arabs for it to work. Targeted bio weapons are probably in our future.

its ok blacks wipe themselves out just left to their own devices

leave it to the chinese whites are way to cucked and retarded these days to get something like that going

that's every race, the second they got rid of blacks they'd pick a new target till there's nothing left


Why risk a virus?
We've got plenty of rope to deal with the nigger infestation.

> Contribute nothing to society and commit rape, murder and theft 24/7
> Why does every race on earth want blacks dead?

You can't realistically kill 1.5 billion Niggers all over the world. Hunt each and everyone.
Sure, you can Nuke Africa (though it would be a waste of land) but you'll still have to hunt for others in Latian America and in small islands around the world.

The surviving small population would be of little consequence. Like aboriginals in Australia, they'd dissapear with time.

just stop giving them food and watch themselves starve to death and cannibalize each other

Actually the South Africans developed a disease that would target only blacks.

No, but there is a huwhite virus. It's called the sun.


>Uh...R-rick? that you?
>I did it *BURP* Morty! White bois can't even compete with me now M-Morty.
>Aw geez Rick, I-I'm pretty sure only uh, fat girls really go for uh-
>Oh my god Morty *BURP* I can actually feel the energy of Ra flowing into my pineal gland Morty. I'll never sunburn again Morty.
>Uh, Rick
>Holy shit Morty! I can say the fucking n-word Morty! I can say n-*BURP*nigger Morty! I can finally get that record de-
>No Rick! That w-word's really offensive y'know? Y-you've only been black since this morning Rick. I-I-I don't think the African American community would apprecia-
>What's the matter you jealous honkey? Huh Morty you little honkey *BURP* bitch? You jealous of my big black *BURP* dick Morty?
>Stop it Rick
>You want to see it Morty? I bet you want to see it. You want to see my big black *BURP* cock don't you Morty. Hey you know maybe I'll *BURP* head down to your school later. I'll let you watch me fuck Jessica in the janitor's closet Morty.
>Y-you know what, Rick? I-I'm tired of this. I'm calling the NAACP!
>Why? Because a black person was mean to you?
>yeah I don't know Morty. That's seems a little racist Morty
>Aww geez!
>w-what do I d-d-do Rick?
>Gee I don't know Morty. Maybe start with some *BURP* reparations. Some reparations you know, show me you're not racist.
>Okay I guess that's fai-HEY WAIT A SEC-

That way I can't be discriminated morty. And aI can say the word nigger

Why would you kill a bunch of people when you could just turn them into white people? Or make everyone's skin metallic gold and turn humanity into ubermench?

Because I can, Morty! For *uhhrrrp* ironic effect. Isn't it cosmically hilarious that the most intelligent living being in the universe is a nigger?


It's more than just fucking skin color. It's intelligence and ability to contribute to society in any way.

Niggers are savages who can't live with anyone. Every race on this planet hates them and it's not just because of their skin.

Why would anyone make himself in to a nigger?