How will governments solve the birth rate problems in Europe?

Almost not a single country in Europe has a birth rate of 2.1 or higher (the break even point).

This means that countries in Europe will decreae their population, or in Sweden's and Germany's case, replace their own population with arabs.

Arabs and Africans are among the few on earth today who has a positive birth rate, so they increase in numbers.

Of course, nothing will happen in 10 years. But if this continues, what do you think the governments will do? Will artificial ways of making children prosper, or will politicians give families money for producing kids?

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this webm is a lie
OP kys


Cash bonuses for 4th generation German couples who have babies.


Kicking out all the shitskins

Why do we even need more people?
Small stable indigenous population is preferable to xbillion foreigner.

>implying lower populations are bad
Nothing needs to happen, demand and prices will decrease with lower populations and automation. The expansion of urban sprawl will halt and strain on the healthcare industries will be lifted.

There;s no birth rate problem in Europe, there is birth rate problem in other continents like Africa, Asia and S.America, which are too high

>women wont put out
>everyone blames migrants and old people
get rid of womens suffarage

Don't you care about GDP growth, goy? Never mind your high skill jobs being outsourced and low skill ones being taken by migrants, failing healthcare system, higher crime and violent crime, increasing debt, increasing life cost, lower education standards and lower wages

>How will governments solve the birth rate problems in Europe?
By replacing the aging and non-reproducing white population with different people of color and ethnic backgrounds until the whites are gone

It's what their doing now, you'd be delusional if you think they'll change this strategy in the future

They obviously don't want to. They like that Europeans are becoming less numerous. They could easily expel all non-whites and stop pushing feminist bullshit, but they won't.

Stop bullshitting, why would anyone want to do that?

Who is this flabby arsed bird?

Two words that will fix the west:

End Feminism


the problem is that older people, who are largely useless economically speaking, will make up a larger portion of the population

There are some 700 thousand Europeans. Even if 10 million couples have 5 children each,that would be huge. It would add 50 million white babies in some 5 years time.

Did you vote?

I meant 700 million, not thousand.

Nationalize women and force them to birth 3 babies in government birthing camps.

Seriously if you can conscript men to essentially become serial killers then its not that big a deal to force women to having babies. My body my choice doesn't apply to men in war so it shouldn't apply to birth. Its a national emergency.

Another option is MGTOW and using artificial wombs (we'll eventually have it in 5 to 10 years) to make white baby boys who're raised in the traditional Christian faith ofcourse (none of that faggot chit).

>decrease their population
Is NOT always a bad thing, it would be nothing to worry about if not for the 'replacement migration' being forced unto us.

This. Our country feels crowded as hell, it's not big enough for 60m people

(d) Scenario III
Scenario III keeps the size of the total population of Europe constant at its maximum of 728 million
and calculates the number of migrants that would be required in order to prevent the decline of the
population in the face of an increasing excess of deaths over births. The calculations show that a net total
of 100 million migrants would be required during the period 1995-2050 just to maintain the total population of Europe at its 1995 level. This corresponds to an average of approximately 1.8 million net
migrants per year. By 2050, out of a total population of 728 million, 127 million, or close to 18 per cent,
would be post-1995 immigrants or their descendants.

>implying Musl- Uber driver "aggressive mating" babies won't start popping out in the coming months

Pretty sure it'll all sort itself out.

>Solve probles
pick one

You do know that women are really ridiculously controllable, and the only thing you have to do to boost birth rates is simply pro-baby propaganda?

Like, show as a mother of 5, happily married to idk the in a suburban setting in the next blockbusters. Do shit like that all the time. Within 10 years you'll see a birth bump that will eclipse the fucking boomers. Of course you have to have control of (((Hollywood))) to do this, so good luck with that.

This has been well documented, you can look it up (esp. around the second world war). The reason why women are having less kids isn't technology, advancement or whatever. It's because they are bombarded by anti-kid propaganda. It doesn't have to do anything with money and the likes - women don't think rationally. If they think babies will make them happy, they will get babies. If they think 6+ children will make them a woman, they will have 6+ children.

Yes, they really are this stupid. No, it's not a problem and no reason to not love them. Women were never meant to be in politics. People will look back in a thousand years and shake their heads saying "how stupid must they have been to even think that giving women the right to vote could possibly be anything but a disaster?".

It can actually be beneficial for the population in many ways, but what this is all about is economic growth and competitiveness of EU countries and ultimately the United States of Europe. Their idea of globalism can not work without constant economic growth at the cost of the native populations.

There are lots of shills here, whenever I post this
in combination with your link, many seeming shitposters quicky turn on me.

If that happens to you ask them this control question and do not relent until they answer:
>Do ethnic Europeans and European cultures exist? Do they have a right to exist?
They will do anything to avoid it, even abandon the conversation. Be weary.

All stuff we dont need.
A small indigenous population that looks after its own kind first.
This is the future, its happening already with the breakup of the EU

More like lower educated people are controllable. Women today are better educated than men, and that will show in the next 25 years.


Maintaining a birthrate of 2.1 will become a thing of the past in a society and economy where automation will do most of the work

There's nothing wrong with the birth rates. The amount of white births in western countries is totally acceptable for a post-industrial, increasingly automated, society.

The only reason white births is even an issue is due to the entirely manufactured problem of mass-immigration and non-white births paid for by whites.

Whites would never be able to out breed Africans and Arabs, especially when they have to pay for the African and Arab kids as well as their own.

I like this post. Reasonable, well thought out, has a positive end. You have my support user

Maintaining a birth rate of 2.1 is necessary to not decrease your population. It has nothing to do with automatization.

you don't want a decrease in population because that adversely affects you economy, not just for the sake of it. take a macroeconomics class. this will be made obsolete in an increasingly automated economy that doesn't require constant population growth

immigrant rape
we just gotta stop them from murdering their victims

Answer is simple, incentivize child rearing and SEAL borders


Communism lowers birthrates. Who knew?

There never was a birthrate problem in Europe. The problem was others breeding too much.

The only place with a real birthrate *issue* would be Japan, but it's not like they can't fix that.

OP should go back