Fuck the Shills lets break this down Barney Style


Original, full, taxi driver footage. Not an echo liars..."Now it sounds like its coming from farther away" 3 bursts from far away then close by, danger close.

kill yourself

You might not want to summon "him".

Whats wrong fag pirate? You can't watch awhittle video?

Yes the fuck i do, we need him more than ever.

The truth is out there

It was the ISIS? Or the Jew?


Now that's a tweest even Shyamalan would shit himself at.


Check out our threads, we have been doing this for hours.

Stop posting your Jew faggotry in every thread. It wasn't anything to do with that. Fucking kikeroach.

Disinfo faggotry.


Nope just the truth

Why won't the (((LAMESTREAM MEDIA))) comment on this?

The las vegas poster was a shill. This is a mossad operation.

It was a psyop hoax, faked horrendosuly even a first "responder" in the video was liek no entrance wound no exit wound I can't help you

You have nothing but what? Calling me a liar? Fuck you Israeli deep sate CIA MOSSAD JOO FAGGOT

the truth will come out and we will glass Israel

The Las Vegas user was a shill.

You're a fucking faggot. Stupid Jew.

I know right they kept trying to shill for the psyop hoax conducted by DHS, ANTIFA agents and this video proves it far away gunfire from where how? MG firing blanks on the middle floors=muzzle flash, speaker system freaking people out with psyop sounds...what gives?

Correct sir, correct

Based off what evidence user? You have nothing but we have real Americans willing to put their lives on the line to tell us the truth. Fuck you traitorous scum, DAY OF THE ROPE IS SOON

Look bitches I want a Barney File everypost dammit, you post its got be Barney style, simpel to the point boiling down easy to udnerstand and translate factoids...I just showed a video, and truthfully explained what the video has in its contents, audio wise. Concerning far away gunfire independent and seperate from any "local" Mandalay based gunfire, THEN explained how it shows the close gun fire in the two seperate vastly spaced beginnings to be clear and distinct from the far away gunfire. DISCUSS!

(((real americans)))

You have JIDF you fucking retard.


>"I-I-I'm a girl, by the way."
Fucking trannies. I knew he sounded off.

The jews did a hoax same as the last no wounds no blood the video they showed us or was some guy who randomly thought hey I can help people, he looked at one guy no exist wound or entry wound, fake blood everywhere even a doll.

I agree jews code stuff, but my point is, lets talk about and agree there was in the distance automatic gunfire not at the Mandalay, the shots she heard originally that were close were directly *overhead and close*, all the others till a few seconds after she gets moving, were brusts from far away, not close at all and independet and and seperate from *Mandalay based shooters*

Based off what information you dumb shit mother fucker? I posted the full thread where this info was originally posted. If this isn't what happened then fucking enlighten me all knowing wizard of time or just shut the fuck up and go push NEOKIKE JOO BS down other peoples throats, day of the rope is coming JOO

Fucking die Barneyfag


Lol no logical argument or anything of the sort, just falling back onto the same old tricks huh JEW?!


Nobody cares who you are
We’ll beat you with a bar

Die, you fucking Barneyfag

You’ll gain many more haters

Your intelligence won’t save you later

Die, you fucking Barneyfag

And you’ll bask in the shadow of your past childhood But jet fuel can’t melt steel beams

Fuck off, you manchild, you fucktard, you loser,

Fuck off, you master of lies and deception, and die!

Nice argument, did your mother give that too you with her gneital herpes as well?

Come out and play you piece of shit. Don't post this shit on my board again degenerate Barneyfag

Nigga you mess with barney you get the gang bitch

MFer I've been to jail you wanna play lets play