Today I ripped an antifa sticker off a wall. What did you do to further our cause?

Today I ripped an antifa sticker off a wall. What did you do to further our cause?

Careful m8, you don't wanna attract the attention of the thought police.

don't do that, dumbass!
how can we get the normies to realize how big the problem is unless they see the propaganda everywhere?

after antifa starts their bullshit "coup" the normies will come out in fullforce.

oh my god are you serious???
tough shit right there!

I got a life and binned that knife.

>tfw rural australia
>no commies to upset

there is not a single normie in this world.

all normies are steve paddock

good job bcs antifa are not the true "peacekeaper" but a cancer who want to islamise europe

They put one on a retirement home :`) every 2 years we get to vote there, So go figure, Its ANTIFA Frysia, Which is ironic, Because it means that they see it seperate.


i hate antifa

I feel you

>not a single normie in this world
jesus christ.
i don't think this one's larping, guys.

>What did you do to further our cause?
I masturbated to Taylor Swift.

Rigged two polls. One about trust in institutions, the other about acceptance of shitskins and non Europeans. Tonight I'll go hunting again.

antifa want to kill all french people and islamise the europe

Speaking of "furthering a cause," do you think that the Left powers that be will start convincing their more popular and gullible celebrities and idealogues to kill themselves to send a message?

Sounds far-fetched, but wouldn't someone like Jimmy Kimmel, after his tear-drenched opening monologue crying over gun control (and NOT the victims - do notice that), if he were to kill himself imagine how quickly the Democrats would push their agenda.

It would take a real moron (Kimmel) and a real puppet of the Left (Kimmel - remember he got Chuck Schumer to write part of his show?) to convince to do something so drastic (Kimmel is already really depressed from a day to day, as it were), but it could be a game changer.


what do you hunting

what do you hunt

I wish this fag would kill himself.

I went to the gym, even exchanged a few words with my gym waifu

hopefully I can talk to her a bit more next time



I glared at a paki and honked my car horn at a black jogger

*gets arrested*

>meme fascist flag
>namefag aryan88
Either a kid or some larper who should deffo lurk moar

Yesterday I punched a faggot and made him bleed a bit.

I printed 10 and paste em where I know some republicans gather. then sit down and enjoyed the show

Stop punching yourself

Is it really that entertaining of a show watching people roll their eyes and remove a piece of paper from a wall?

no, its entertaining when they start to argue how antifa is worst that ISIS.

Well, Antifa and the Left are the ones that allow ISIS to exist, directly, so it's fair to say they're pretty equally vile

are you fucking 12?


Last night I saw an ad poster with a mudshark and nigger; I always carry around a little purple sharpie and give the white whore a mudshark monocle.

Dont be a sissy

You're dreaming but I wish he would, Jimmy is a worthless tool.

Was your boyfriend being a bitch or something?


someone explain how nature is fascist.

I stared menacingly at a nigger.