Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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>them digits tho
We should never have been there and we never should have hung that man.
Poor Saddam
Bushes, Saudies and Israelis
Bushes for being oil hungry
Saudies for wanting to topple their rivals in the Middle East and for oil
Israelis for again wanting Greater Israel and wanting to weaken arab country
His fate was sealed when W got elected.
both of them. HEIL HITLER!
>b b b b but he was a dictator!!! he was BAD
Saddam knew what it took to keep jihadist in check.
Saddam kills muslims. USA kills Saddam... gj.. not
No doubt. We had 2 pit bulls on leashes, Sodom and Godfly.
I really can't imagine the thrill that must come from completely dismantling a figure of power, of its power.
That dude holding Saddam must feel like a fucking action movie hero. Adrenaline rush unlike anything else I would imagine
>tfw you realize Saddam is whiter than the average US soldier
>being nice to the platoon nigger
Was fun while it lasted.
that poor Saddam lookalike
Nigger and sandnigger, who ever loses, humanity wins.
nice get
Saddam and Gaddafi should have lived.
That soldier was actually an Iraqi-American
They chose him to be the one in the photo for obvious propaganda reasons
I'll take far right one please
>start war
>lose war
Why commie Arabs are so dumb?
they lied about his capture too
dates on the trees in the background show it couldn't have been december
Saddam should have lived.
Saddam should have played ball. would of saved us a lot of hurt.
The non white in the picture. Saddam was a white man and who had to use a firm hand to rule over the shitskin population of Iraq.
>Who was in the wrong here?
He fights Iran with support/supplies/weapons from USA. Loses
Iraq is economically devastated from conflict. Has debt with Kuwait
Kuwait is producing more oil than OPEC agreement calls for, keeping prices low.
Sometime after, Iraq accuses Kuwait of using slant drilling technology to tap into Iraqi reservoir in their territory.
Unable to pay war debts with depressed oil prices and with the accusation of stealing Iraqi natural resources, he invaded.
Bush 1 pushes him back into his country and stops. Bush 2 topples him under a weak and no-proof argument he had dubya-em-dees. Area has been a shitshow ever since.
He was a tyrant, but history has shown the region was much more stable under that kind of rule. We were wrong to kick the hornets nest and leave, but hey, they had oil.
The nigger. Saddam did literally nothing wrong. Also
>dem digits
>Saddam should have played ball.
He DID play ball, though. He only invaded Kuwait because he thought the United States would support him just like it did when he invaded Iran, but YOU kike faggots betrayed him. HE didn't betray you, YOU betrayed HIM.
>mfw he was probably assyrian and jumped at the chance to be in the photo
the only problem with the us going into iraq was they didnt fucking stay there and colonize it to remove all kebabs. they should have just taking it over and started mesopotamia 2.0
he doesn't look like an iraqi.
Did hitler summon you?
wikipedia says so
Saddam for not going full 1488 on Israel, and the nigger for chimping out. Nice digits, by the way.
RIP Saddam, miss you bro.
At least Iraq was stable not like now
but he did a mistake invading us through invading Kuwait
Though there might have been a deal with him for the better for both of SA and Iraq but They knew it wont stop in Kuwait
>but he did a mistake invading us through invading Kuwait
that one one of few things he did that weren't mistakes
Well...what happened then when he tried too ?
American oil contractor or actual Saudi?
What do you think about women driving now?
Let them drive....
They say death rates in accidents among the young males are more than the females one
There might be a balance after that desion
>Well...what happened then when he tried too ?
america screwed him over
He signed his fall when he went full berserk on the whole region after few years with that war with Iran