So this is how America deals with mass shootings...

So this is how America deals with mass shootings? No wonder America is a joke and Americans get no RESPECT you're so disgusting.

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We're gonna bait North Korea or Russia into nuking you.

Sounds suspiciously like how Europe deals with terrorism.

all somebody has to do is suggest something

why doesn't anyone suggest something?

>hur u never do anything

you never suggest anything


Sounds suspiciously like how Europe deals with terrorism.

They copied our Muslim terror attack flag filter meme. Fucking left can't meme

> How Canadians deal with tragedy
> How British deal with tragedy
> "dumb americunts doing the same thing that we've done and will do, please trudeau, ram me with your Muslim shot covered cocky

It's just how things are. He shot people. I've donated to families that need it. A human killed other humans for a stupid reason. Rather it be CIA, Cartel, Or just a lone wolf. I like to believe that if you're a decent human when you hear of something like this your chest hurts and you find it hard not to tear up thinking of how many children, husbands, wife's, moms, safe, brothers, sisters lost someone.

The only Americans who remotely care about what foreigners think of America are politicians and noodly-armed faggots.

>talking about respect

Well a lot of people die in car crashes, why're they allowed to roam free?
All Nazis breathe air and at least 40 in 45 nazis have sinks, i think Sinks are Supremacist symbols on how clean and white their skin can be like the porcellain of a Sink!

Why is Canada such a joke and why the fuck does everyone think you red kale looking retards are worth more than the protein in you, you fucking waste of space.

Is this real? The total lack of self awareness is astounding.


Weak b8 m8


you could easily say this about the Islamic terrorism that happens regularly

>4. Pretend to care about the victims to look like a good person

>terrorism is PART AND PARCEL with living in a big city
>doesn't count for domestic attacks

How can you buryu imaginary dead from false flag shooting hoaxes? Auroa, Sandy Hoax, Stay hoax, Dorner, Rodgers all phony as a 2 dollar bill and exposed 6 ways to Sunday as such take you feeble shillingmind elsewhere...we will not disarm we will not be MASS HARD we know the leftwing pigs and jews want.

>constant, consistent BEGGING from the left to enact gun control laws
>"why do you never suggest anything god useless libs"

>it's gonna happen so why stop it
Why have laws at all? Why bother stopping criminals in any way?

The purpose of a car is transportation. The purpose of a sink is to catch water. The purpose of a gun is to kill living things. Are you so far gone that you don't understand basic words?

Just played this through but they can argue that they do something i.e. install road blockers, raids on terrorism suspects.

If you try to argue "you're not removing the real cause: muslims" they could counter with "why not remove whites or males then".

Forgot the prayfor hashtag and colorful filter, oh wait...

what are "gun control laws"?

why can't you just suggest something real instead of this vague bullshit?

>implying gun control actually works and doesnt shift the murder to knife violence like it already did in the UK and AU
Why dont dems ever suggest anything useful or proven to work? Gun control, communism, blacks - they want all of these things despite them not working

>Makes list citing excuses
>Is an excuse itself

>as phony as a 2 dollar bill
I guess I dont have 5 in my wallet right now...?

Limit. People's. Ability. To. Buy. Guns.

No, how about, at the very least, allow for research on gun violence. Currently even RESEARCHING the topic is illegal, thanks for NRA lobbying. Maybe with a little information, we can figure out a fair next step. But we can't even get the info.

Just openly declare you're retarded. You're using Occupy Democrats, not even Democrats support them.

How Europeans deal with mass terrorist attacks
1. Hose down the blood
2. Mend the wounded survivors
3. Bury the dead
4. Send thoughts and prayers
5. Arrest citizens who get mad
6. Rinse and repeat

>implying laws prevent criminal acts from occurring
lol Sure, the law can serve as a public policy tool but you're an absolute idiot if it will prevent all crime as outlined by that law from occurring. If that were the case there would be no drunk driving, no drug dealing, and nogs would stop shooting each other over their "turf."

The purpose of an item is defined by its user. The purpose of a car can be made to be a show model, a vehicle, an investment or any other such. A sink can be for washing, for decoration or for getting "drinking water".

A gun could be for decoration, sport, defense or killing but it's not dissimilar in that a car could also be used to kill

Do you kids really believe objects only have one purpose and can only be used for one specific thing only?

So, because some laws do not always prevent the actions that they are designed to prevent, there's no point in having other laws? What kind of retarded argument is that?

If even 10% fewer gun-related deaths were to occur from passing a law, it's fucking worth it.

>being purposefully obtuse
At least you got nice digits so your post wasn't a complete waste

>So this is how America deals with mass shootings? No wonder America is a joke and Americans get no RESPECT you're so disgusting.

How Canada deal with them?
How 'bout France?

I mean we do have the justice system and due process.
and if you note all the investigations going on right now.
but I assume you mean americans don't feel guilty enough to give up their guns.

>Limit. People's. Ability. To. Buy. Guns.

How, fucktard?

Suggest something REAL, stop being vague as fuck. HOW would you limit the ability to buy a gun? What would you actually DO? Do you have ANY ideas at all, or are you just going to cry about it?

Cowards like you is why canada is turning into shit

Can say the same thing for terror attacks in the EU

>researching the topic is illegal
No it isnt. The CDC posted a study on the impact on guns on America a few years ago and found that they were overwhelmingly positive despite Obama's both lack of funding and explicit attempt to halt the study. It only went through because the CDC said it was a study of public importance and in their realm of duties

>occupy Wall Street because of greed and corruption
>occupy democrats ______________

A fucking leaf.

>Im stupid and assign things only one purpose
Absolutism makes you look stupid

>So this is how America deals with mass shootings?
Yes, the exact same way Europe deals with Islamic terror attacks.

No, ALL laws do not always prevent the unlawful act they are meant to. You're not supposed to text and drive in most states. Why? Because you are not paying attention to the road. You are a clear danger to others. Drive down any interstate and you can count the number of people on their phone. This is in blatant violation of a law. Apply that same line of logic and hopefully you'll see why you're an idiot. Especially when it comes to a constitutional right. That's not even getting to the ascriptive meaning of "common sense."

So you're just going to attach an arbitrary number to the action that the law is supposed to prevent? Really effective and it opens the gate for more laws to be passed, because according to some the first one wasn't effective enough.

oh I tell ya, I tell ya I get no respect

Source or gtfo.

>if even 10%
Maybe we should only permit people to say pre-approved govt things in order to prevent deadly barfights or other situations which are caused by bigmouths

Maybe we should reinstate the 18th Amendment to prevent drunk driving

If only one person was saved, it was worth it

If it makes you feel better those people would have died eventually anyway.

>'Do nothing'

What is the Muslim travel ban?

I know that it doesn't include Saudi Arabia, nor does it prevent Muslim converts or non-Muslim shooters, but it will most likely save a number of lives, and qualifies as 'doing something'.

How did Australia do it? Read

I know you're not actually going to read it though because you can't possibly stand being proven wrong.

>"none of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may be used to advocate or promote gun control."
Yeah seems like some real great research can come out of that.

>design trumps usage

Something being designed to "kill" does not mean usage of that item will result in more deaths than something designed not to kill. This is such a shitty argument.

and the media rave about gun control

but in europe when the same thing happens they can only cry about how it's nobody's fault because they already took the guns

Everything is bait and distraction. Sorry for the copy pasta.
This was a government gun op gone bad.

It has nothing todo with government gun laws.

→ # #
>why he did it.

Stephen Paddock was spook. This was an arms deal gone bad. The bad guys showed up and were video'd on his cameras in the hall and the room.

Stephan was American and got shot.

Then the bad guys hosed down the fairgrounds and left before LVMPD arrived. Their operation was well coordinated. There were probably lookouts all over the mandelay keeping them up to date on LVMPD where about. I would look to see if mandelay's camera system got hacked.

Stephan had gloves on and that is a nice touch for a dealer who does not want his prints or DNA on guns being transferred.

The fact that Stephan was a spook is further reinforced by the fact that he wired 100,000 usd to the phillipines last week. This would have put him on the government radar immediately and he obviously didn't care because he was in their employ. Stephan Paddock worked for the us government.

This was an Isis gun deal gone bad. The government got duped into thinking it was some low level shit and didn't provided Stephen with the appripo back up.

The government is now doing what it does best: covering its ass.

C'est la Guerre.

BTW - there is a professional well supported Isis hit team at work inside the us. I wonder where they will strike next?

Also - Some one needs to look into Stephan bug out house in the phillipines before it gets wiped from the public record.

>So this is how America deals with mass shootings?

You're forgetting about the liberal press "DRAMA' coverage that produces liberal tears in their gated communities.


Murder laws are reactive you fucking faggot. The equivalent would be banning knives, fists and anything else that can be used to murder.

>just copy australia dude
>mass gun confiscation

Oh so you're a fucking retard. Nobody wants your draconian laws faggot.

>no u
The worst non argument that has ever been made.

What do you do when people die? Beta post

This is literally Europe every time after a truck of peace.

>pray for paris
>pray for brussels
>pray for nice
>pray for munich
>pray for berlin
>pray for stockholm
>pray for london
>pray for manchester
>pray for london again
>pray for barcelona

Kill yourself leaf

1. Be glad we don't live in a frozen tundra whose main export is tree jizz and trailer park stoners.

>rail against (((fascist))) trump
>demand trump take away rights

>Limit. People's. Ability. To. Buy. Guns.
Which people? White people? Black people? Crazy people? What is limited? Who decides what's justified as being too white or black? Or who decides what qualifies as mentally fit? Once you give them a little they'll take everything.

Needs a 'ban kitchen/assault knives' bullet point then its spot on.

You forgot “declare martial law” and “confiscate knives and pressure cookers”

OK, so your only thought is "Just ban all the guns"

Why didn't you just say that to begin with? Why did you dance around it for two hours?

Yeah, and Donald Trump was right to call for a shutdown on Muslim immigration. He's not a touchy-feely person, he's very pragmatic and results-oriented. He's the kind of guy who sees a problem and then say "Okay, so here's what we're gonna do about it..."

So, naturally, it's just a matter of time until Donald Trump calls for more strict gun regulation, right?

Or... could it be that Donald Trump is actually a huge racist, and only cares about mass murder when it's committed by a minority person?

Tillerson will resign

>"Donald J. Trump is calling for a complete shutdown on all firearm sales until we figure out what the hell is going on!"

We should at least restrict the sale of firearms to the demographics that commit the most mass shootings. Those demographics are white men, black men, hispanic men, middle-eastern men... oh, hm, does anyone else see a pattern developing?

Discrimination. Illegal for the government.

So.... like how the left deals with foreign terrorism? Wait no, they actually ramp up the foreigners, whereas no one on the right says "we need everyone to have tanks now"

>The purpose of a gun is to kill living things.
So? That's a legitimate use. And the threat of that use keeps the rule of law in place.

>America gets no Respect!

Says the Canadian.

I'm saving this. Kek.

Honestly it's often safer to just do the opposite of what the left says. In fact it's a general rule to live by for most sane people.

>How did Australia do it?
They didn't. There are still thousands of improvised firearms being used regularly by criminal gangs and drug traffickers in Australia

>Limit. People's. Ability. To. Buy. Guns.
What did he mean by this?
I own 9 guns and have never shot anyone, why should I be limited?

You forgot welcome more terrorists after 4