Remind me why we tolerate the existence of CNN already?
What is it exactly that prevents hundreds of thousands of people permanently slandered and insulted to march on the HQ, seize it, cover its directors with tars and feathers and send them to hell?
CNN goes full race war
hi fbi
Fuck off cuck
How America has silently accepted the rage of black men
do they say this shit every time a nigger shoots up detroit?
Why would they talk about this every day?
>why we tolerate the existence of CNN already?
it's called freedom. freedom of speech and freedom of press. It's part of our American values.
Go back to your backwoods safe space and cope harder, you sweet sweet child.
you stormfags really are a bunch of fuckwits aren't ya
Because they have the freedom to spew diarrhea and we have the freedom to mock them or ignore them. They are really harming themselves.
>freedom means the media can demand genocide
Freedom should not apply to those who wants to destroy it.
You are trapped in here with us.
>an article about the tragedy of mass shootings that are putting our citizens in harms way
where in the fuck are you getting "genocide" from? can you be more triggered?
Freedom of spouting unchallenged propaganda?
Excuse me sir, would you please indicate the competitor that balances CNN's endless spew of hateful lies for western civilization?
If I build an monopoly for myself where I can't be reached and start telling everybody that you're a pedophile and a murderer, will you defend muh freedom to do so?
Fucking dimwit, you're the one in need of a safe space.
>Using facts to argue
Stop being so racist user, check your privilege
says the fascist...
fox news
When I was a teen in the 1990's I remember thinking that people who said the media was lying and brainwashing must be crazy. Now I understand the truth and millions and millions more wake up everyday. The more extreme left and self destructive the media becomes, the more people awaken.
so you don't have any response to what I said? just this retarded niggerbabble?
Lurk newfag
I get the point of your image, but please don't give them any ideas - I'm not sure which one of these freedoms the commies hate more.
lol let's get serious for a second here shall we
Fox News is basically John McCain-tier. Where is the conservative mass media that ensures muh freedom of the press is respected? Otherwise, the press is all left-leaning, which means it basically spouts propaganda, with CNN as the spearhead.
I too was a teen in the 90s and what I distinctly remember was a LOT more skepticism towards media in general. It was not conspiracy theory-tier, but the average chap was significantly more wary of what journalists said at the time, as their monopoly and bias were more obvious.
The paradox of the internet is that traditional journalism manufactured a new virginity for itself where journos pose as the wardens of true information where in fact they still apply the same agenda of their owners they always have worked for.
Please be patient with t_d user. Their mongoloid brains can only retain so much information.
I had to fucking click
>Author: Naaz Modan
The solution is simple:
1. Overthrow the (((new world order)))
2. Instate a far right fascist gov't based on the Nazi's
3. Implement a Final Solution and execute everyone who has ever posted so much as a leftist trope on social media anywhere.
4. Take the children of the slain leftists and turn them into child-soldier shock troops
5. Hang the Nazi flag throughout the galaxy as we rape and conquer, the way white men are supposed to.
We can just stay Christian beta cucks and import blacks/browns into countries to satisfy our whore wives while we are all brutally genocided.
I'm not a leftypol fag you cunt
CNN is race baiting like crazy
this is as worthy of attention as the Paddock investigation, nobody will let it slide anyway
I work with a black guy that has a shotgun like that. This is fake news.
They are a 24/7 agency after all
More like we've just silently accepted the rage of niggers. They kill each other every fucking day. And it's not news. Why? Because we've just accepted that that's how they are. Full of uncontrollable nigger rage.
Meanwhile, white guy kills people and its the story of the year. Why? Because it's rare. And whites themselves consider it unacceptable nigger-tier behavior. That's why it's news.
So again, with CNN it's the exact opposite of what they say.
As always stormfags don't get it, their head is too deep in their arse to hear anything else than their little echo chamber.
It doesn't matter who owns them. It could be the Pope or the Queen of England. What matters is they are the ones broadcasting, and it's the broadcast we need to cut. Simple as that. Get that into that tiny brain of yours, nazifag.
I don't know what you're talking about, officer.
>>Full 1776 CNN HQ
I just want to be left alone in peace and safety. I don't really like having to think about guns and ammo and situational awareness. I would rather fish, read books, and make love. When will we have peace?
why do i find this picture cute
what the fuck brain
What a load of shit everyone has ignored black crime, while over analyzing any crimes committed by white men.
bull fucking shit. what about the niggers who kill people daily?
Anons with android phones can download an app to turn off any tv playing CNN wherever you find it. I got a little key ring ir device that allows me turn off CNN tvs. All anons need to step it up
Whan an evil institution. They are literally pushing for a race war.
>What is it exactly that prevents hundreds of thousands of people permanently slandered and insulted to march on the HQ, seize it, cover its directors with tars and feathers and send them to hell?
because in a civilized country you just ignore people who spout bullshit instead of getting so mad you burn down your neighborhood and instill fear into the spectators.
Not everyone.
CNN thinks this is rage? Wait till they try to seize guns. That will be rage. Or maybe wrath.
Do I sense some rage?
Good thing the left is so """tolerant"""
Time for being civil is coming to an end as they erode our country
I think the time has come gents to invest more energy in bringing down CNN once and for all.
The only way is to destroy their credibility with facts, which both Chans have been doing since the election. Next is to destroy the credibility of its journalists. There must be an immense amount of info they post online without thinking anyone would find it.
CNN is as evil as google and needs to be cleansed off this planet. This is not only for the sake of conservatives, but for the sake of mankind. They have taken for granted the typical viewer. Knowing that viewer will not look up any information being fed to them. And if they do, then that person has to contend with googles bias. So the brainwashing is perpetual.
Both these entities must be destroyed before 2020. They can not be allowed to thrive anymore.
Most of you are very intelligent. Determined. Angry. Plus both Chans have eyes everywhere. We are everywhere. They are not. They think that they are untouchable because they are established. That hubris will be their downfall.
Call me crazy or neet or whatever. Your talents and focused autism are gifts. Use them wisely.
Dont assume the genders of his facts.
Well dont hold out, what is it?
>silently accepted the rage of white men
I tolerate CNN because it is the easiest litmus test for intelligence. If they watch it, then they are retards and all their political opinions go straight into the trash.
I wonder the same about the BBC and most of our media now. They openly hate us, why do we tolerate them to poison our culture further?
Why the hell does she look like a man? Is it the whole bunch Dyke thing that should have died when she became an adult?
>the rage of white men
Just not in the same incidents.
It's disgusting. A fucking dark haired brown eyed person mixing with someone who has blonde hair and blue eyes. Why not just exterminate aryans outright and get it over with?
How America has silently accepted the rage of the Zionist Jew.
Exactly, and whenever a conservative outlet arises they are branded 'fake news' or 'that web site for Nazis'.
Yikes! Kinda rhymes with...
>only half white
Fake Racist News Network
What about green eyes?
Do you have to use the N word? Can you not make your point and not sound ignorant?
As an American, I feel ashamed.
There is no longer any source of pride in calling oneself American — only shame and ridicule remains.
I live in an area that's positively full of the kind of people who voted for Trump. I see and hear the collective "fuck you" they keep giving the international community. I hear statements like this:
"Why should I give a rat's ass about what's happening across the ocean on the other side of the planet?"
or . . .
"Who cares if some dipshit in Manchester blows up a theater full of children? Serves them right for letting terrorists into their community!"
or other, even less-palatable commentary.
(I kid you not - the Manchester comment is one that I overheard in casual conversation at the Waffle House across from my apartment.)
If there was a way I could undo the damage through apologies and contrition, I would, but because I know that there is very little I can do now, all I can do is hang my head in shame and hope that maybe, just maybe, when the next voting opportunity comes around, those like me will be motivated to do more than feel ashamed of our countrymen for their hatred, intolerance, ignorance, bigotry, and willful stupidity.
They may say of our flag, 'these colors don't run' — but they do fade.
I just hope they haven't faded to black.
I don't say this often, but actually kill yourself.
America is silent, but not when it comes to white men. Indeed, the media only has the courage to lash out at white men, which makes anything they say, about white men, tainted..
Eat the cup Schlomo.
Hahahahaha can’t wait till you guys get fucked midterm.
her arm looks like my fat dick
did anyone else see a massive penis coming out of her cup from the thumbnail?
Can you imagine them saying this when that black guy shot those cops and shit because "he wanted to kill white people"? That would have been more accurate at least, we rarely talk about how at only 13% of the population commits over 50% of the violent crime. But I guess that we have just accepted black men's rage in America.
Go die somewhere.
I hope you our joking Johnny
show your flag, Bjorn.
what is he getting shot with lol
Because of course they employ armed guards.
That's bullshit. We've been getting called racists for years.
Freedom should be taken from coporations and the government to be given back to the people.
kill yourself you pathetic europoor pussy
He's a real hologram survivor. No bullshit. My fucken sides to this day when i see that goofy fucks face.shes pointing right at it.
I have no idea why people think CNN is all that bad compared to the fake news behemoth that is Facebook. CNN, Mic, AJ+, Facebook has optimized their strategy for leftist fake news companies. Leftism will always exist and foremost thrive as long as Facebook has the ability to continuously fuck over its right-wing users. AI and the blackbox is beyond comprehension to even the smartest people in the world so perhaps I shouldn't be shocked that even Trump has thrown away America to Zuckerberg. Some people think Zuckerberg is going to run in 2020. Why? He holds the keys to the Ferarri already. He get any demographic to do anything he wants with a few adjustments to the system. People think this can all go away by boycotting Facebook. Why? Do you think leftists will follow you off the platform? American's both right and left are just idiot fish unaware that they're living in water because it's always been there.
Should be a printing press. They had those. But no internet, no radio, no TV. Hell while the founding fathers could conceptualize of a repeating firearm (they existed) there's no way they could have fathomed radio and the internet.
>Remind me why we tolerate the existence of CNN already?
We don't. In all fairness we dropped it years ago, it was always shit, utter shit. Didn't even notice it was gone until later, don't even know how many years ago this is. Must be 6-7 or something
Good, bring it commies
t. Jews in 30's Germany
Are you autistic? He's not talking about your subjective opinion. He's asking why Trump hasn't shut them down along with all the other propaganda organizations.
Oh hi, your psyop isn't working anymore.
Oh CNN, it ain't wypipo the ones who kill the most.
Jew media blames the white male. Big fucking surprise.