Why should we care about the fallout from this shooting? The only thing they will ban are slidefires and bumpfires IF they do anything after the next election/president and mmmmmmaybe high capacity magazines such as anything above 30 rounds, the worst they could do is to try and limit pistol mags to 10 which would be totally impossible. That's all they will ever get out of the next decade of gun debates with exception to other random dumb shit. Sounds like not so big of a sacrifce to get these statist ass holes off of our backs for a good while. Best case is they will forget about it all in a few years allowing us to destroy them with facts when public and emotional hysteria dies down.
Why should we care about the fallout from this shooting...
Other urls found in this thread:
Give them an inch blah blah blah. We've already given up too much of our rights. NO MORE
>Sounds like not so big of a sacrifce to get these statist ass holes off of our backs for a good while.
They always come back for more.
You sound like a statist asshole trying to promote gun control, OP.
>If we give up slide-fires. They’ll stop
>Limit mag capacity. They’ll stop.
>Ban semi-autos. They’ll stop.
They never stop.
>The only thing they will ban are slidefires and bumpfires
Fuck off. Even if that were true, you shouldn't concede to them
I don’t care either way, a ton of gun owners are racists anyway, besides if all you have is “legal” guns then you’re a fucking cuck.
People should have criminal background checks to buy a gun. Simple as that. They don't need to take anything away, just make criminal background checks mandatory and the problem will go away.
This guy passed his
Criminals will always be able to get guns because they're criminals
They don't care if they break the law retard
I don't know if you've noticed. But the term "Slippery Slope" has it's roots in American Politics. That's the first step. As soon as that's done you'll hear (D)'s saying "Now we have to get rid of x" and some derp like you will say the same shit you just did... just replacing the new objectives.
>Criminals will always be able to get guns because they're criminals
>all criminals are of the same caliber with the same access to illegal goods
my favorite fallacy
>just make criminal background checks mandatory
You mean NICS, which is mandatory?
Because silencers were about to be legal.
Just like how a congressman got shot the last time they almost got passed.
>have no desire for bump fire stock system
>contemplating buying a few and some memepul D-60s in case there is a panic
fucking hell
I can go into the hood right now and buy a hi point
Dear Friend
Why not blame the Russia?
The shooter has Asian girlfriend that swayed his belief of America. She is Russian spy and not a Chinese.
You already are required to do a background check before sales.
user you just fucked up by posting your face on Sup Forums.
too late
That wont stop mass shootings, these guys fly right through background checks. This guy was a retirement age former accountant.
Fuck you, the taking never stops, give them an inch and they take a mile
>Why should we care about the fallout from this shooting?
Paul Ryan just pulled the SHARE Act
Are you black or mexican? If not, no you cant
>Sounds like not so big of a sacrifce to get these statist ass holes off of our backs for a good while
Reminder that no matter what these people might tell you to sound reasonable, the majority of them want total confiscation a la Australia. They'll just wait for the next massacre and then ask for more. Piece by piece until 2A is completely neutered.
>for a good while
they will keep chipping away at freedom
politicans would have us in work camps to maintain their mansions and golf courses if they could get away with it. you cant give them an inch
because this fucked up the hearing protection act and all pro gun laws that were in the pipelines and t urns neutral people into antis QUICKLY
>Implying a nigga is gonna care what skin color you are as long as you are buying
You've outed yourself as a whiteboy who's never been to a ghetto neighborhood.
How in the hell did you think that was op?
Every time time I buy a gun from a store or gun show I have to take one. It's the law, it's already been a thing.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
found the mouth breathing window licker.
go tell your mom you just learned that there's no such thing as a gun show loophole, and that its just liberal propaganda.
You sound like a fatalist asshole who thinks there is nothing that can be done about this, despite never actually trying to do something about this.
The demographic that typically supports the second amendment, country music listeners, was targeted in a very public way for everyone to see. The left will of course yell for more gun control and try to push for new laws... some on the right may even be swayed now after the highly visible carnage that targeted others like them.
It is a good idea to join Gun Owners of America or even the NRA now. We are going to need all the lobbyists we can't get on the side of the second amendment.
They're coming. 2013 was just a warm up.
How does the boot taste user?
>not so big of a sacrifce
>implying everyone who listens to country music is conservative
is every flag is this thread unknown and theres no IDs?
Mods moved it from /k/
No. Fuck you. No one is banning anything.
Repeal the NFA.
When did /k/ ban threads about gun laws?
get a real AR15
Oh no! 'Racism'! Truly the worst of all human crimes