Br t/pol/ - Pr ss F Edit n

>Heckler (Lee Nelson) hands Theresa May a P45 as she chokes to death

>Boris puts his foot in it with Libyan 'dead bodies'

>Rudd "does not need to" understand encryption
>"I don't need to understand how encryption works to understand how it's helping - end-to-end encryption - the criminals"

>Royal Mail to strike over pay and pensions

>Facebuck pays only £2.5m in corp tax after deductibles

>Britain the biggest diplomatic loser in Yemen crisis

>Unmarried men will go looking for ‘the alternative on the internet’ if they don’t tie the knot, says IDS

>Fox promises to copy & paste over 40 trade deals by the end of Brexit

>Brexit is being betrayed by a 'platoon of jokers' : Galloway

>Tories To Axe All Party University Groups Because Of ‘Risky Politics’

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Fellow kids


I have not been here for awhile... How bad has everything gone?

>Theresa May is our nations leader

Oh dear.

we're falling apart at the seams here ausbro
it has cheered everyone up a bit though

Continuing here if you missed it.
Man that doesn't sound very well. Hopefully they can get better and stop acting like delinquents.

Wait is Hillsborough the place where everyone got crushed via the over sized crowd? When I visited Liverpool loads of old blokes in the pubs had tattoos of remembering something like that.

Man I kinda just realised my dad is Catholic and so am I. Aw fuck don't tell me I'm Irish.

Please do.

>see I'm not a robot, my social media managers can poke fun at myself

Bloody ell she's getting murded in that comment section

what is this

>tfw all her chums did a standing ovation till she recovered
A CUUUTE. Is she the most autistic PM oat?

>already riddled with cartoonposters

That's what you deserve for such a shit edition

If Karen was real she'd have been gangraped by pakis already.

I though you couldn't see vampires reflections in a mirror?

Unmarried men often grow into “dysfunctional” human beings and become “a problem” for society, Iain Duncan Smith has claimed.

“Cohabitation is a very different relationship from marriage,” he said. “It is inherently unstable.”

He went on: “The answer I think is because cohabitation suits one of the partners more than the other. Almost invariably it suits the man, because they have to make good on their commitment and when that commitment is facing them they then withdraw.”

“What has been going on all these years is the men that have been absent from these families in many of these low income groups are now a problem.

“They are out, no longer having to bring something in for their family, so they can be released to do all the things they wouldn’t normally do and shouldn’t do, so levels of addiction, levels of high criminal activity, issues around dysfunctional behaviour, multiple parenting – all those things are as a result of the un-anchoring of the young man to a responsibility that keeps them stable and eventually makes them more happy.”

He said: “Out there, these boys particularly, when left without the concept of what [marriage/commitment] is about will find the alternative on the internet.

“And the alternative on the internet, now so readily available, is about abusive sex and low value for women. That is where they will go.

“That’s why, certainly at the bottom end of the income scale, there is such collapse of self-worth among young girls because they see themselves as objects because they are taught from the beginning that is the only way to get a man.”


Yes, good goyim. Get married, and then when your wife falsely accuses you of abuse, we'll automatically take everything from you, and we won't stop punishing you even after you've proven that she was lying.

Someone should call the police, all of those are psychoactive substances that breach her own psychoactive substances bill.

I bet she's making meth, dirty cow.


May did a speech where she was ambushed by a literal Jew and then she lost her voice almost entirely.

Shut your gob you bloody twat.

So who is there to vote for now? Both main parties are shit, UKIP and LibDems are a wasted vote...there's no one else is there?

Spoil your ballot.

Liberty GB?

She was sent to Japan to be spared. True story for why shes overseas.

She needs to up her social media game if she wants to top Trump at shitposting

National Front lad

Good afternoon.

Goodness, how many a Karen; here's an Alice.

yfw you're the guy in charge of security

>there's no one else is there?
For now, no. The BNP hasn't stood in my constituency for years.

I bet most of the people who post her are paki nonces anyway.

They've all got the message, make a tweet about coughing!

Come to the conclusion that democracy doesn't work, and one of the main causes of the problems of the nation

Interdasting that it's never a woman's fault

What I want to know is

Why did May's humanity emulation researchers tell her to channel Thatcher of all people, like why did they think that would work

In the age of feminism where theres actually articles about manspreading thats the one woman you can call a cunt and be seen as right-on

If she chose any other image there wouldn't the same level of schadenfreude and bullycide

>actually voting BNP if they were an option

What does it feel like being dense and angry?

Can someone give me a quick rundown of what is going on in the UK?

>So who is there to vote for now

Yeah, never.
Liberated women who freely choose to idolise whores like Kim Kardashian and end up feeling like objects are actually just victims of problematic young men who don't get married.

Here is your rundown.

>1 Like

British politics are really weird. It all looks like a funny sitcom that tries the hardest to act serious.

>he isn't a cultured thug

none of them making jokes about P45 on twitter though
Boris keeping very quiet, keeps getting cucked by his party and the (non Murdoch) media
also to prevento total party collapse they have to all applaud, put on a show of unity, when behind closed doors there's anything but

they know that their party is dead next election, ut they don't want to lose the reins on Brexit because of all the juicy international trade deals it promises their party

this is all very funny but actually a little sickening when these are the people in charge, they're weaker than the memes. how do we expect them to set the agenda.

You must put AI in charge
Only the robots can save you at this point, goyim

Ah yes, she has a cold so she's definitely not fit to be prime minister.

>something moderately kooky happens in politics
>"hurr durr it's like The Thick of It!!!"

These sorts are the lowest of the low in terms of political engagement

>the title of her speech

i fucking hate this world

Nothing to see here


>Mocking the unemployed
Says more about the Labour party really and its supporters. Lee Nelson (Simon Brodkin) comes from money, trained as a doctor, left the profession and made money mocking the poor in this country and now proclaims to be a champion of the people he spent years insulting, berating and humiliating in his sketches?

The Labour party need to fucking die, don't get me wrong Conservatives are shit but Labour are fucking low.

Keep this filth out of /brit/pol please, take it to the PtG threads.

Fuck voting for parties. Where has that gotten us? Up shit creek is where. Here's what you should do:

>Join the army
>Rise up through the ranks
>Rouse people to your cause with your dazzling passion and charisma
>Stage a coup
>Enforce martial law
>Put the traitors to this country in line of the firing squad
>Declare war on the EU and the globalists
>Start the British Empire 2.0
>UK is now a beautiful White utopia for thousands of years to come

Sorted lad.

What's this? Is it real?

Hello Tunnocks desu


Yes BBC news just showed it and zoomed in on it.

Hello Tunnocks desu!


They showed the edited version?

You think Corbyn personally sent this comedian?
He turned up because the establishment continues to ride roughshod over public opinion. He said what everyone's thinking, Theresa is a lame duck and has to go. The longer she hangs on the worse things get for all of us.
Don't try an high horse sjw moral this argument.

Great to see Tory BTFO though
>m- *cough* muh labour party *cough*

Tory party is the meme today. Sick, dying, falling apart, all to rapturous stunt applause
the only thing missing was the laughter track

What a lad.

Russian hackers strike again!

>may internet defence force


>corbyn flirts with that horrible FOREIGN ideology

what did she mean by this?

Hello ~

David Cameron's sign thing fell off when giving a speech in the EU or outside downing st or something.

No they showed the F falling off as well as showing other letters missing, it didn't look edited.

I don't give a fuck what you say really, Labour are fucking low. You can disagree with someone else's politics but you show some damn respect. Calling for hangings, doing that shit, harassing, threatening. Nah you momentum shills have shown your true colours and the country has seen them. If you really want a red revolution we'll give you one, we'll paint the fucking streets with your blood you disgusting animals.

Jeremy Corbyn can't believe his luck. Everything is turning in his favour and he hasn't had to do anything but appeal to students. Which is a shame because the man is just as incompetent and absolutely insane yet he is getting away with every fuckup.

Made this out of *that* thread.

Why don't YOUUUUU do it then lad huh huh?

Would literally rather have Priti Patel as PM then Jeremy Corbyn. And I'm sexist and racist.


What, right now?

how many of you care?

> REEEE Men aren't being slaves to women this is unfair to women and to society REEEEEe

kek its the israeli with robot porn
haven't seen you in a while mate

Doing well?

Looks like nu male trash to me, I'm not surprised

kek that guy had a conversation with boris before any security came

Corbyn will have a landslide victory. Screencap this.

Reminder that you're upsetting this qt Jewess with your mean words

Ya ain't yellow are ya?


disgusting toe nail fungus
absolute filthy unhygienic whore
cool robot porn, thanks user


Literally never. Most people aren't that stupid, just students.
Hello goyim, from this moment forward we will be pillaging your body for all your organs without your say so the moment you've been declared brain dead

>that cheeky mention of a suicide bomber before she turns off the radio to instill a tribal mentality

Hello robot porn kike, I haven't seen you in a while

feel like I'm probably on a list for watching that now

>don't get married and have kids goyim
>think of all the nice products you can buy instead
JIDF please go.

It IS men's fault though. Our ancestors didn't whine about the weaker sex being weaker. They formed a patriarchy and dominated them. It's what makes them wet, what they evolved to crave. They're a blank canvas waiting to be sprayed with testosterone and YOU are the one denying them it.

Who do you think Karen would vote for?

Just don't take me eyes

Why do you Americans keep making repeated threads about some "15 year for right wing and islam bomb making material" shit? There's been like 30 threads with the same image made by you cunts.

I get it, you've had an attack and you want to divert attention away from your cuckiness but maybe you could try something that is actually in our law system and isn't a suggestion by some halfwit cow that is most likely going to get the sack at some point in the very near future.

Stop shitting up the board please.

Karen would refuse to vote due to her unbreakable belief that universal suffrage was a mistake.

>what is electoral geography
The only way Corbyn forms a government is with the support of the LibDems, and as gay as they are they won't support a budget that makes us Venezuela 2.0