Would you watch an anime news channel detailing live world events?

Would you watch an anime news channel detailing live world events?

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How would that even work? a big bank of stock-animated "reporters" with each mouth shape required for all sounds in , with voice actors/actresses and some software to switch between the mouth shapes? except it'd have to be limited animation (just the mouth) unless you want to see the same gestures over and over and over again.

Probably not, but I WOULD read editorials written by cute anime girls


only if it has moe news anchors and isn't run by the left

Yeah, then I might finally know what's happening outside my room.

Cute girls reporting cute things.

I was thinking that you could do this just with that webcam-to-animation software as long as you got decent voice talent. You could even dub over the animation. Well, that would cover the 2D part anyway; you'd have to make the rest of the news cast stuff normally too.

I can get down with this.

That actually might work if it's Sup Forumsnons doing it, but I doubt I'd trust Sup Forums's news coverage to be accurate and unbiased.