What kind of alt-right are you, Sup Forums?
(((Rothman))) every fucking time
And last but certainly least..
The right kind
>White shirts are a holocaust.
Damn I didn't now there was a dress code.
>italian fascist style symbols
>an eagle carrying a fasces
>both american symbols since its founding before modern italian facism even existed
these kikes are so fucking ignorant about the country they parasitize from
Well know you now
>alt right
>Identity Evropa
>Ultimate goal: to turn America into a white ethno-state
So IE wants to kick shitskins from Europe so that 56% will be white?
Guess I'm a proud boy, if we're talking dress code.
Neither. Last event I went to I looked like an obvious vet/military. It worked out well because after I punched an antifa, the cops didn't do anything. When he tried to swing his noodle arm back the cops just descended upon him. It was great.
ancient beat up jeans and flanno shirt
>Sup Forums
>Greek-statue fetish
>Into physical fitness (Greek-statue fetish), feats of strength, being shirtless in the company of men
So not being a fat, out of shape lard ass means you're a bigoted, racist, and closeted homosexual deviant.
the only reason it isn't is because of all the nonwhites.
you wouldn't be a mexican by chance, would you?
The one you can't spot in the crowd.
Pretty sure that Arno Breker was German tho..
Yes exercise is patriarchy
altright is a jewish meme.
Sup Forums is a natsoc board.
altright name is Jewish trick.
>MAGA hat
>extremist clothing
Who the fuck is this kike slut
We're not a fucking fight club you idiots.
>nothing about bondage gear
>nothing about v for vendetta man
what the hell is this cum wizard
who taught this unperson how to draw
you can have minorities and still be an ethnostate.
look at Israel, they have arab muslims and they are one.
An american white ethnostate would remove all sort of legal privileges for minorities, like affirmative action, it would virtually block all non-white migration while promoting white migration, allow complete freedom of association back thus letting certain areas to segregate again.
With those policies, over time, it would turn into a 90% white country again specially when Europeans start feeling the burn of their mass muslim migration policies.
yeah right like i'm going to believe a guy who influenced our election. fake news
I personally like the idea of dressing somewhat like a hipster, but swole. I feel it's disarming to the average normie who's looking for a chad to hate or a nerd to laugh at.
Also someone needs to start an ~alt-right~ motorcycle club.
this is awesome
LOL at the Trad Worker guy
I want to found a WN organization and earn my own trading card
altright is a meme term invented by faggots in order to force you into an easy to identify group. If you take the term seriously you need to get the fuck out.
>no chad nationalists
>of European origin
Pick one, and only one.
I usually dress like this, but without the cap because im not american
Now you get your stawmem in convenient list form, so out propaganda doesn't have to distract you from your mindless reading for more than 2 minutes.
>being into physical fitness is """""""""""""""extremist"""""""""""""""""""""""
So we're at the point that obesity is so common that not being a fat piece of shit is making an extremist political statement? for. FUCKS SAKE
looks like a cuck nu-male to me
I'm in tears now is this has to be a joke
Lol this is meme tier
best uniform desu
I wear plain clothes, say nothing to no one, and just chill at these events.
I mean if I wanted to cause harm or damage, why would I intentionally draw attention to myself? The only thing I can think of would be to make whoever's uniform I was wearing look bad.
Also a pipe bomb costs about $5 to make. Much more effective than a club and shield.
Just light it, toss, and bye you're gone.
there needs to be a version of swedish extremist groups
>t. CIA nigger
These idiots couldn't even label the image correctly.
3 und 4 are switched.
Your muscles are privilege, if you are fit it's discriminating everyone who wasn't born with will to workout
Wew laddies that's quite a set of characterizations
>Also a pipe bomb costs about $5 to make. Much more effective than a club and shield.
noguns plz go. powder isnt that cheap
None of the above
>I know let's put a woman in charge
I wear a flip flops, tshirt, and tighty whities with a skid mark. Decode.
rockwell was objectivley the best
[[Yawning intensifies]]
>(Except Jews)
>Mfw literally have all of these things in my closet but don't get to LARP around with them out in the open at all
Life is pain
Why are they so obsessed with us? This is freaking creepy
and the Alt-right is, as a collective of National socialists, fascists, WNs and racist libertarians, working towards government policy dictated by national socialism, albeit, modernized and read through the magnifying glass of science.
if Sup Forums's a national socialist board, then they're *implicitly* part of the alt-right, like it or not
Also, stop masking yourself, we have the ability to actually converse with these idiots and obvious shilling without intellectual honesty pushes them away from the conversation.
How can you possibly get something this wrong?
>pope is a massive cuck
>they still tie religion into this
hahahahahh, this only proves Eastern Orthodox superiority to Catholics. No matter how hard the cucking of Francis's gonna be, the progressives will still openly oppose Christianity.
>Internet fever swamp
None of this makes any sense. My world was fucked when I woke up this morning. This only adds to the does not make sense factor.
I dress like none of them because Im a functional human being
At least i'm one of the few honest ones around here. So many idiots from Shareblue don't realize how much damage they cause when they pretend to be a part of Sup Forums
literally me, the rest look retarded
>Implying a fine uniform isnt for a normal human being
So Republicans and autistic larpers are extremists now?
retarded propaganda
looks asain
>Julia Rothman
its always a fucking jew
The lies and dirty tricks of the Clinton campaign created a unending well of outrage from a sizable, twitter addicted, black rimmed glasses portion of the population, and now any shit tier blog can write about the esoteric but definitely real threat named the """Alt-Right""" and farm clicks off of it.
this, alt right is a meme for normies, they are edgy 15yo kids who never blame jews on anything, just are neocucks.
stupid putting socialism on the right for fucks sake
right=liberty and individualism
left=authoritarian and collectivism
Don't let your dreams be dreams
Also how do you keep a neck tattoo in your closet?
Did you get it off of a great big fat person?
>German nazi war flag fesigned by Hitler
I laughed so hard, typical burger ignorance.
Where is Antifa and BLM?
Am I the only one that thinks that these all look like angry asian dudes
>no chaos wizard class
one job
Don't you know, republicans were going to kill 24 Million people by removing Obamacare! Republicans are far-right extremists!
This is good! Its basically normal middle aged normie white guy clothes. How many normies are going to take a punch from a feral dindu then get redpilled. perfect.
Social right and economic right are two different things. Why do you libertarian aspies always have to make everything about money?
>right=liberty and individualism
>left=authoritarian and collectivism
Right = pro hierarchy
Left = pro modernity
Everything else is just a tool
>no mention of antifa and their balaclavas
Interesting that (((they))) would leave out actual extremist garb
Chaos rules these last days
The writer is a jew
>All of the Alt-Right outfits
>No outfit that has combined Rick & Morty t-shirts, Trump supporter snapbacks, offbrand Nike-esque shoes, fingerless gloves, Kekistani flag capes, trenchcoats, and anime patches on said trenchcoat
The alt-right is made up largely of East Asians, fun fact
>right=liberty and individualism
>left=authoritarian and collectivism
lol no, those are jew terms that make no sense, and you didnt even get those right.
So you are saying monarchy is left winged? lmao
Judging by the quality of others I thought from a tiny thumbnail this was going to be the Amazing Atheist naked.
random dude with maga hat is "extremist clothing" wtf
This one.
objectivley the best uniform
lmao his is so 2005, i never saw that colour keys again
Tried to "out of Europe" them forever and it never took
That's literally half the men in Canada.