He's really gonna do it... He's going to cuck his younger self, isn't he?
He's really gonna do it... He's going to cuck his younger self, isn't he?
I hope so.
No. The best way to get a guy to make the first move is to make him jealous. Trunks is basically forcing his younger self to get on with courting the loli instead of being a spoiled little shit about it.
But Future Trunks doesn't even know his younger self is a spoiled shit.
Plus he believes that future Mai is dead.. When he sees young Mai he may see the opportunity for his love to live on. :^)
Why does he where the mask?
Blue'd / Future'd
Little Trunks didn't take it well though. he became a fag. Epilogue of Z is still canon
>Epilogue of Z is still canon
It is for now.
I'd say there's a good chance Toriyama outright retcons it at some point. As of now though you're right, it's still canon.
With Mai, Beerus and Whis, SSB, and Goku still being around, and not being gone for five years like Bulma said in the epilogue, I am 90% sure it will be retconned in the furlture.
shit subs,
the spics subs say "his handsome face"