So all his guns were purchased legally. I thought you faggots said we have "common sense" gun laws

So all his guns were purchased legally. I thought you faggots said we have "common sense" gun laws.

>Paddock apparently bought the guns legally, passing the required background checks.

>At least six of the guns were purchased at one store, a Cabela’s in Verdi, Nev. A manager at the store declined to comment.

>Several other weapons were purchased at Discount Firearms and Ammo, a few blocks from the strip in Las Vegas, the source said. “It’s an open investigation,” said a store employee, before hanging up.

>Paddock, who lived in Mesquite, Nev., also bought some weapons at a store there, Guns and Guitars, according to a statement given by the store owner to USA Today.

“He had good-quality, high-powered rifles,” the source said.

Authorities said Monday that Paddock had used as many as 10 suitcases to transport the arsenal to his room at the Mandalay Bay and had smashed open the room's windows with a hammer-like device.

Other urls found in this thread:

Who the fuck cares? Literally what difference does it make?
What part of ''shall not be infringed'' is so hard to understand?

We do.
And murder is illegal also. Doesn't mean people then stop murdering. Accept the fact the government can't save you from bad people. You're going to destroy us all in the process of attempting so.

>>He used a hammer like device
You mean a hammer?

Why does Solomon's face look so shootable

Here in simple terms is why the Right won't give into gun control. In the 20th century over 100 million people were slaughtered at the hands of their own government. Those people had one thing in common...they didn't have the right to bear arms. 6 million Jews, 20 million Russians, 50 million name but 3 instances. There are dozens and dozens of others. As horrible as Las Vegas was (and it was) the number of people killed there was 59 at last count. This versus an average of 1 million people a year killed by their own tyrannical governments over the last 100 years. In a free country such as the USA that is much less likely to happen. In fact to the best of my knowledge it has never happened. Why? Because tyrannical governments don't like a fair fight. That's why. An armed society is a safety net against this. Couldn't happen in America you think? It already has. The US govt committed genocide on the indigenous people of North America. It can and does happen all the time. If you think a man with a rifle can't stand up to a super power like the US examine Afganistan. That country has fought off not one but two super powers in the last 40 years. No tanks or jets or helicopters. Just men and boys with rifles and a will to survive. If they didn't have access to small firearms they wouldn't have lasted 3 months against anyone. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. These are the facts. This is why I believe the Right is right on this issue.

These faggots do not care about ''bad people'' or deaths. They're just useful idiots marching onward. The only reason they have any issue with guns is because that is the agenda that their masters told them to push. It's something done for votes and power, no one actually cares about deaths.
If any of these people cared about all the deaths in the US, the first thing they would be trying to do is deport all black ''people.''
Anyone who claims to care about lives and the first thing that comes out of their mouth isn't ''deport all blacks'' then they are straight up lying, or they're so fucking stupid you shouldn't listen to them.

Just move OP. There are plenty of other countries that won't let you own guns. Just go there.

Yeah it's really easy to buy guns if you're not a criminal and you never showed any signs of wanting to become one

What a shock

I find it so pathetic when these people immedatiely start crying out for "common sense gun reform" as if it really is common sense. Common sense would be viewing crime statistics vs. total gun owners/guns in the US and realizing we don't actually have a problem and that this is all manufactured bullshit.

Then again our ancestors would have had the common sense to put faggots like this in an early grave.

>muh common sense
>muh children
>muh why need a semi-auto
That's it. That's all. Liberals will never get our guns. Never. Will never happen. But it is nice to rub it in their face how stupid they are when they try.

Remember these are the people who want to ban the scary guys but leave the exact same gun, just with a different appearance, legal. They know nothing about firearms and are just terrified children who want the government to do everything for them.


Exactly, the left doesn't realize they are ushering in bigger government and we need to be able to protect ourselves if need be.

Back to your DUmpster.

US has a problem, but it sure as fuck isn't gun related.
When you look at gun ownership vs mass shootings per country, there is no pattern. There is zero link between mass shootings and how many people have guns, and how easy it is to get a gun. America is a straight up outliner where people go on killing sprees more than any other country.

If anyone actually wanted to tackle the issue of mass shootings they would actually have to start using that brain and realize that there is something much more rotten about America as a whole. The most obvious issue is the racial divide which also creates a cultural divide. One part of the country wants the other dead and vice versa. People are beyond alienated. Whites want to kill blacks. Blacks want to kill whites. Radical centrists want to shoot an equal number of whites and blacks to not look racist before they die.

it's been reported that he had several automatic weapons, show me his FFL I call bullshit. Guy was an arms dealer.

>common sense
meaningless term

I think that going forward it'll be common sense to ban democrats and other leftists from owning firearms.

I've still not yet heard what these "common sense" gun laws are.

The guy had zero history that would keep him from purchasing a gun legally. So, what "common sense" laws should be put in place to keep someone who has zero red flags from purchasing guns?

>common sense
>from the people who believe in 49 genders

>So all his guns were purchased legally. I thought you faggots said we have "common sense" gun laws.

oyyy veyyy! the goyim have guns?!?!?!

if only guns were made MORE legal then the crowd could have returned fire, likely making the number of casualties FAR lower.. and probably fucking up Mandalay Bay's hotel, but meh

>enact "common sense" gun laws
>someone falls throw the cracks and commits a mass shooting
>enact "commoner sense" gun laws
>someone falls throw the cracks and commits a mass shooting
>enact "commonerer sense" gun laws
>someone falls throw the cracks and commits a mass shooting
>ban all guns
>someone falls throw the cracks and commits a mass shooting

no law would have stopped him other the a full ban on all guns. which is what our late night tv hosts are asking for. nothing that has been proposed would habe stopped him, even an assault weapon ban.

None. (You).


i bet he is muslim

the only obvious answer is to simply ban people

what are "common sense" gun laws?

are they like "common sense" knife laws in the UK?

Can you imagine staying in a hotel when suddenly a crowd of 30,000 decides to open fire on you and you wake up to a rain of bullets pouring down on you? It actually sounds fucking funny.

> we need laws that let us arrest gun owners for pre-crime

Should replace "WHAT YOU HEAR" with "WHAT WE MEAN" in your meme picture.

Spot on here.


How do they plan on seizing all the current guns in circulation? It’s basically gone too far now to turn back, don’t get me wrong, I’d like Americans to have better gun laws but realistically nothing can be done at this point to collect them all. Also stop using Australia as an example for mass shooting statistics, we still have quite a bit of gun violence here.

271+ Federal gun laws currently, PLUS State and Local laws. Paddock apparently passed 30 FBI background checks...I mean come on, how much more is neccessary?
500 million guns estimated in US, over 100 million gun owners and 1 FUCKING guy beat out the system. Congrats youre a fucking genius.

because 'common sense 'to a libtard is cutting off his dick and giving a shit what niggers think.

They want to be able to lock all gun owners up for "pre-crime." You know, just in case they decide to shoot.

Politics are turning people into divisive mongrels.
One side wants to do this, the other side says no, so the one side says they're disgusting human beings and people just let those sour pills rot their brains to the point of delusion, aggravation and violence.

Based sage is here

Common sense aka gun grab aka kys

No. It's been reported that he had devices that rendered semi-automatic weapons automatic. These devices can be legally purchased, although they are eschewed by most gunmen because they fuck up the weapon's accuracy. Of course, that wasn't much of a deterrent for this guy as he was effectively shooting fish in a barrel.

>Australia talks about more gun control after Las Vegas shooting
>slippery slope common sense gun laws in full swing


Yeah he could just go out in the hallway... you failed to understand “what is an angle from ground level to 32 floors up”

> ...By the way we should make it more difficult for people to obtain firearms
The only thing more disgusting reactionaries on the left is the ideologically incosistent. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if this guy was a shill.

muh 6 gorillian

He had automatic rifles which are ALREADY ILLEGAL people. This is just another front for the fucking liberals to take away our rights.

we need common sense murder laws and then people will stop murdering.

This has been going on before Trump though, the whole election was essentially the tipping point.

Get better bait.

SAGE this shit.

Every single "common sense law" always winds up as a either a ban on new manufacturing or a straight up confiscation.

Yes, they do want to take our guns. They just don't have the intellectual honesty to admit it outright (at this stage).

This was a government gun op gone bad.

It has nothing todo with government gun laws.

>why he did it.

Stephen Paddock was spook. This was an arms deal gone bad. The bad guys showed up and were video'd on his cameras in the hall and the room.

Stephan was American and got shot.

Then the bad guys hosed down the fairgrounds and left before LVMPD arrived. Their operation was well coordinated. There were probably lookouts all over the mandelay keeping them up to date on LVMPD where about. I would look to see if mandelay's camera system got hacked.

Stephan had gloves on and that is a nice touch for a dealer who does not want his prints or DNA on guns being transferred.

The fact that Stephan was a spook is further reinforced by the fact that he wired 100,000 usd to the phillipines last week. This would have put him on the government radar immediately and he obviously didn't care because he was in their employ. Stephan Paddock worked for the us government.

This was an Isis gun deal gone bad. The government got duped into thinking it was some low level shit and didn't provided Stephen with the appripo back up.

The government is now doing what it does best: covering its ass.

C'est la Guerre.

BTW - there is a professional well supported Isis hit team at work inside the us. I wonder where they will strike next?

Also - Some one needs to look into Stephan bug out house in the phillipines before it gets wiped from the public record.

>Radical centrist.
Seems legit

>So all his guns were purchased legally. I thought you faggots said we have "common sense" gun laws.
They do
>>Paddock apparently bought the guns legally, passing the required background checks.
Sometimes crazy people live out their lives without anyone knowing theyre crazy, he had no background that would imply this would happen
>>At least six of the guns were purchased at one store, a Cabela’s in Verdi, Nev. A manager at the store declined to comment.
Why would the store fucking matter
>>Several other weapons were purchased at Discount Firearms and Ammo, a few blocks from the strip in Las Vegas, the source said. “It’s an open investigation,” said a store employee, before hanging up.
He probably isnt lying
>>Paddock, who lived in Mesquite, Nev., also bought some weapons at a store there, Guns and Guitars, according to a statement given by the store owner to USA Today.
This feels like a "Aha!" Statement but I think I'm missing the point where this matters
>“He had good-quality, high-powered rifles,” the source said.
We already established that
>Authorities said Monday that Paddock had used as many as 10 suitcases to transport the arsenal to his room at the Mandalay Bay and had smashed open the room's windows with a hammer-like device.
>mfw US hotel Windows dont open

Considering the first comment youre probably going to say something along the lines of 'u cant be sure so ban m all lolol' cause considering the details known so far this is the only way you can go with this

Yep. 100%. Because as history has shown, if the criminals can't get a hold of a gun, they wont kill people. *sarcasm*

How would any new policy have helped. Unless they just wanna downright take semi auto rifles. Is that common sense they are talking about?

How would a full firearm ban have stopped a wealthy man from partaking in a black market deal?

That's a hypothetical. "Common Sense" advocates consistently lack the common sense to realize criminals give zero fucks about the law.

Who the fuck brings a rifle out to a concert? Even if it were legal to do so, thats just inconvenient for party time

>6 gorillion Jews

Because he's literally a gay nigger from Africa.

Thank you! *slow clap*

"Common sense" can mean fucking anything to these people including an outright gun ban. We have a god-given right to defend ourselves and honestly had someone or if many of those country fans were carrying a rifle they could've fired back and possibly prevented more death.

Muh background checks
>he passed over two dozen

Drumpf is a fascist!
>Please Drumpf take away muh rights

>You mean a hammer?

The AR in the picture had a stick designed to help him pull the trigger faster. The other recognizable rifle was a $3K semiautomatic .308 AR from Daniel Defense.

in Australia gun sellers are idiot's. I've heard stories of them forging shit so they can approve you from more powerful weapons.

Dude read my mind and knows what I heard?

At least he paid for them all instead of stealing or buying black market? That's the free market for you, baby. Celebrate capitalism.

>ban weapons


"common sense" gun reform is a fucking meme double think term used by the left to disarm the American people bit by bit. Using every single shooting as a platform to DEMAND some "common sense" gun reform. Which includes banning scary looking adjustable stocks and banned pistol grips so owners have to use much less frightening hunting stocks that curve the grip backwards.

There is no rhyme or reason to their logic. Their definition of "common sense" gun laws is hyper liberal or else you are a baby murdering racist nazi pedophile. They will not be satisfied until ALL guns have been banned. Their goal is the complete eradication of our right to bare arms.

Like you just said. There was no laws broken here. In a nation of 330 million people, if someone has fore thought, planning, ample funds, and uses legal pathways to obtain tools to murder people there is no law we can create to stop them all. He was by all accounts a squeaky clean upper class las vegas bum. The only law we could create that would unilaterally prevent mass killings is to make murder illegal.

You see how well that has gone.

Yeah that's exactly what you want in a crowd of 22,000 confused drunk people that in the dark: Crossfire.

Throw yourself out of a window dumbshit


>a hammer-like device
It's called a mallet, burger friend.

I'm responding to what MSM is saying on the attacks and pushing towards the american people. The kinds of things they are pushing for support on an all out gun ban.

Except afghanis had stingers and heavy weapons against Soviets supplied by us. Same story now, just opposite.

I'd argue the point that being situationally aware, getting to a place of cover, make sure you're ahead of the crowd and even though you have the disadvantage from the low ground, you might at least give the bastard pause...but...your digits.

Why it's the quantity of rifles at all relevant? Are you suggesting there needs to be a limit to how many guns a person can legally own? How many is appropriate?

>High powered
Top kek.

Our right to bear arms has already been infringed. The fact that I can't go down to the local gun shop and buy a full auto weapon without a background check, being put on a govt list, etc. is telling enough. They were given an inch and now they're taking the mile.

It's a tag to make it sound irrefutable. Saying you're against common sense gun laws makes it seem like you're against common sense.

The same is true for "progressives". Saying you're against progressives makes it seem like you're anti-progress. It's a tactic that the left uses to attack anyone who refutes their cause.

>I disagree with the progressive movement because...
>Wait! So, you're against progress?!
>No, that's not what I sa-...
>This man is clearly a racist bigot homophone islamophobe xenophobe transphobic-baba-bobic bobe.

>Jews slaughtered over 100 million goyim after disarming them and wish to continue doing so into the future.

he had a literal commie hammer in his room, goy

>see: BLM
You disagree with how BLM conducts themselves?! YOU'RE AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE YOU FUCKING RACIST!

The government cannot prevent mass casualty events, period. If some asshole wants to do it and they have half a brain, they will do damage. Safety is an illusion. Your best bet is to treat everyone with respect and kindness

>Muh 300 year piece of paper that hasn't been updated

American obsession with the Constitution is disgusting. The founding fathers weren't all knowing Demi gods. Reminder that Senators weren't elected by popular vote until the Constitution was amended.

>5.56 NATO
hahahahaha no

>Implying a nigger could solve the Lament Configuration.

"High powered" is hilariously correct and incorrect.

Gun grabbers want it to mean that your typical AR fires some massive caliber magnum cartridge.

It's just as valid to think high powered to be synonymous with high capacity e.g. why Browning called his 9mm auto loading pistol a hi-power.

>>At least six of the guns were purchased at one store, a Cabela’s in Verdi, Nev. A manager at the store declined to comment.
I did business with Cabela's once and never again.
Fucking rip off jew fucks.

Situationally aware? Again 22,000 people in a crowded, dark area, with plenty who were drinking. Its easy to sit there and talk about situational awareness after the fact from your computer, its not as easy when you're there. We didn't even throw the security and the police into the mix who at first didn't even know where the shots were coming from and didn't get a chance to ever return fire. If you think people waving guns around and firing at what they PERCEIVED to be threats would have lowered the casualties then you're high.

Never give up the right to bear arms. They are just scamming you to give themselves more power.

This is the most retarded argument I've ever heard. So we should just legalize murder but some people will do it anyway? You act as if most guns here are imported when they're manufactured here by the millions.

He bought guns in California.

He may have bought accessories from the gun stores and not most of his guns.

>We need gun control!!!
> No no, I mean "common sense" gun control
Oh, well that sounds perfectly reasonable.

Funny how common this sense is, where no lists if these "laws" can be found

Guns will not protect you from a tyrannical government. They're not needed. The only thing that can stop a murderous government is a security apparatus unwilling to shoot civilians.

>that hasn't been updated
>references an ammendment literally two sentences later

This is why no one takes you people seriously. We aren't using a single argument from 200 years ago that is completely removed from time to support our right to bear arms. We're using a statement that has been challenged time and time again throughout the years, and has been defended and re-affirmed time and time again.

does anyone even give a shit about the murder rate in Chicago anymore?
>this is just one month, in one city

They probably lose tic tac toe against other races

That's not gonna stop. As soon as there illegal bubba and Ricky are gonna be crafting unregistered rifles in their garage and selling them on the black market. Americans are persistent and stubborn as a mule.

>>common sense
>>from the people who believe in 49 genders
and celebrate abortion like its a birthday party