Why do mods keep deleting my Catalonia thread?

Why do mods keep deleting my Catalonia thread?
Someone redpill me on Catalonia please.


because nobody gives a fuck

Fuck off shills, I'm looking for answers.

because fuck catalonia and their low tier-sounding version of spanish. bunch of separatist asshats

no one gives a tossers cunt faggot

Why do you need a redpill, it's not that complex


Redpill of what?

>region of Spain
>think new England for USA.
>Speak their own Spanish slang
>have some unique history
>they're well off financially (the reason why this is such a big deal)
>Spain takes a lot of taxes to heep their economy stable
>now they wanna leave

i still dont get it

Word "redpill" made popular by transexuals. Lets redpill OP

Catalonia is whiter and wealthier than the rest of Spain and provides gibs for everyone and supports the government. Without Catalonia Spain would have to step up to its economic problems.

>Why do mods keep deleting my Catalonia thread?
Because you suck

Spain is a fake country formed by different nations and now Catalonia wants to get out of the shithole that's Spain.

it's not spanish slang you stupid hick. it's a language completely unrelated to any other language in the world.

Because you're too retarded to read the rules.

No. It IS spanish slang.

You're thinking about the Basque language, which is very unique (even if related to other celtic languages spoken in Ireland, Wales and Britanny).

Why don't you drop your flags, stupid cucks? Oh wait, you don't have your own hahaha.


How about this one? Catalonia is a leftist, muslim loving jihadi infested Marxist shithole.

>Catalonia wants to stop being leeched by Spain, and go from well off city to wealthy country

>Spain use ever legal way they can to prevent this cause that would cause their economy to worsten, they would potentially use military force because it's a matter economic stability

>however Spain doesn't give much to Catalogne, especially compared to what they take, so catalogne doesn't want to sacrifice its economy for basically occupying forces

>Its a language completely unrelated to any other language in the world

Separatist turboaustism 2000

>Someone redpill me on Catalonia please.
Why would you want to go there? We can redpill you from here.

Fucking subhuman worthless shitkin moor. If you love Spain so much why did you leave? Garbage spanigger rapefugee go back.

shills threads along with leftypol are flooding the board today. wonder whats going on?

Spanish language is a mix or catalan and portuguese.

We command them to delete these threads because you cuntalonians are a threat to our plans

Says it on the sticky

>Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or Sup Forums-tier threads:

>>Red pill me on X.

Is Catalonia about the same size as Switzerland, both in population and size?

Switzerland is a bit bigger in size and population.