Maximum Rage for Minimum Wage

Maximum Rage for Minimum Wage

its going to be $14 an hour in ontario by january
its probably gonna fuck absolutely everything up

min wage increases wouldn't be necessary if companies continued to practice paternalistic capitalism like they used to - y'know, that thing that boomers benefited from and then cut the moment they got into management. No more training, regular wage increases, room for advancement, pensions, benefits, etc. Instead of building a worker up and increasing their value, they'd rather have off the shelf workers that they don't have to put any effort into.

Minimum wage went up to 10 bux in Arizona, now I work half the amount I used to. Its fucking bullshit.

This fuck boomers I advise all anons to steal from work

Source on pic?

Another angry child mad that they have to work

Gg America

Not him, but it sounds like he wants to work.

I wish I could, no one wants to hire me over doing an under the table deal with an illegal immigrant for less than minimum wage.

>if companies continued to practice paternalistic capitalism

You mean sort of like what happened before companies were taxed and regulated to oblivion to fund state wealth distribution schemes?

It's OK, Gomrade, just tax the evil corporations.

yes because that's exactly what I said.

Those poor corporations

>boo hoo I'm making slightly less profit paying my employees reasonable wages

not gonna happen in a multicultural society

google it numbnuts


If a minimum wage ensures that people have enough money to live then why does it always have to keep going up?

Wouldn't putting progressively more and more money into the system accelerate inflation?

Good. If you cant afford to pay employees you shouldn't be in business.

IMHO, minimum wage wouldn't have to budge if the cost of a place to sleep was lower.

Or maybe you could not be a complete newfag and provide links when you post a thread? You fucking retard.

Less hours but more workload for workers, all the cost passed on to the consumer, who is also working less hours with a heavier workload.

What could possibly go wrong?

tbf in 1947 they had no competition anywhere in the world, they'd just flattened all foreign factories with bombs. so the gov could tax the shit out of them. today, many other nations compete with merifat coorporations, so they can't carry as much tax

Minimum wage in Australia is high but works here, so why are you against an increase in the minimum wage?

its to wipe out competition from small businesses. jew mega corps can pay minimum wage easy cos they get bailed out by the fed.


People need to think of the economy or your personal income as a pie. Everyone is trying to get as big a piece of the pie as they can.

No one cares what sacrifices a person will have to make, all that matters is that companies/ industries get as much of the pie as they can.

this graph is the result of tax location competition


If you cant afford to pay employees a fair wage then you have no business running one

Restaurants do not make high profits. It just isn't a high margin industry, like 3%. It's totally believable that an increase in wages (which are about a third of costs) could just totally wipe that out.

becauase you can't pay someone more than the money they bring in. nogs and young liberals arent worth $10/hr

>permanently closed due to poor business management and dwindling sales


Most people on a minimum wage here are uni students doing casual work for retail stores

t. boomercuck

Sneed, pls

We have it here too.
Instead of am lower wage we have slave labour aka unpaid internships.
Wasted 4 years doing free work but thank god I don't earn lower than minimum wage!

Why invest in a millennial worker who is most likely to change jobs in less than 24months.

Millenials are just as lazy as boomers. They all want high pay low work comfortable jobs writing 8th grade level articles about hating trump for buzzfeed and checking tinder 8x an hour.

its not the boomers (((they))) blame the boomers and you fall for it the boomers got screwed along with everyone else

>fair wage

I for one literally don't care if mom and pop have to close shop because they can't run their business as efficiently as a mega corp

>Millenials are just as lazy as boomers. They all want high pay low work comfortable jobs writing 8th grade level articles about hating trump for buzzfeed and checking tinder 8x an hour.

Is that not what our granpappys stormed Normandy for? A comfy life

>Why invest in a millennial worker who is most likely to change jobs in less than 24months.

Funny you say this when companies of today have absolutely no respect for their workers, my mother who has had a job with the same company for 30 years as a Team Leader in a retail store was recently made a regular old dock worker, she's old and now has to pack and unpack crates, boxes and pallets all day

Walmart shill

Good goy, you only need us big companies to take care of all your needs.

>waah i have to close my plantation because slavery is illegal now

this. noblesse oblige was killed by boomers

No, they stormed Normandy to avoid jail time and for the fun of it. Nobody cares about you enough to make your life comfy you lazy kike

Mom and pop general stores do literally nothing better than Wal-Mart. They both sell Chinese garbage, but at least Wal-Mart charges less for theirs.

Minimum wage jobs used to be summer jobs for teens and part-time jobs for college students. It was a way to get job experience, and make a few bucks to put toward a car/college/beer. These were NEVER jobs to make a livable wage on. People who refuse to get training in a trade or choose to major in retarded things in college are useless people with no skills at all, and do not deserve to be handed money for flipping fucking burgers.

Yeah, boomers got such a raw deal, didn't they? Able to own a home and get a good paying job without having a college degree and then giving themselves entitlement programs and leaving everyone else with the bill. Do you have any idea how fucked up it is when all kids born after 1980 were flat out told by every news organization and the government that it was impossible for them to have a better life than their parents and that they will never be able to attain the success that they did?

Think about this like purchasing ANYTHING in a store.

It's independent, distinct self-interests deciding on a price for the transaction. It requires both parties, the employer and the employee. Nobody is putting a gun to the head of the employee and forcing them into the transaction, and the same for the employer (although not for much longer).

Don't want to pay $900 for the tooth brush at Target, don't buy it. The employer will eventually drop the price when he doesn't sell one.

Wow such a hard worker. 30 years into a "career" and she's a "team leader" your mom is a retard abbo who is employed because of diversity quotas and tax benefits for employing the disabled.

This means it will be harder for the average man to start his own business, that's the entire issue.
You sure you're ancap?

My mum has won numerous awards and turned down opportunities to be a manager and higher because she doesn't want to travel

Don't talk shit you know nothing about faggot

get your hair cut at a local barber or SuperMegaCuts, Inc. subsidiary of BodyCareProducts Of America Corp.

Local guy always does better. Stay a Walmart shopper you shill


People live on that?

Correct analogy IF and ONLY IF the store is in soviet russia with no choice.

If you turn down multiple promotions, what the fuck do you think the higher ups are going to do? They want to get more promising talent advancing, so your mom gets tossed somewhere to rot the rest of her career and they can find actual people to pay that might do better for their store.

Why in the flying fuck would anyone want to open a small business and compete with a much larger and successful rival? Ancaps aren't for forced subsidization of less efficient businesses.

This is an 18+ board your mom should be home from work soon to get you off her pc and into bed.

Fatherless abbo family trying to make a living on a female warehouse workers income. lol

Who was talking about subsidizing? Are you braindead?
All I want is for the government to not help the big businesses by setting a minimum wage

Oh no the poor employer will need to pay their slaves a living wage, god forbid.

Because they want to work for themselves, you stupid commie fuck.

>They want to get more promising talent advancing

They only hire uni students who are casuals who have 0 interest in having a career in retail

>find actual people to pay that might do better for their store.

They still go to her to do their work even though she's in the dock, she's the best worker that store has

It's almost as if SuperMegaCuts, Inc. is catering to a different market than the local barber, and consumers ultimately dictate which business succeeds.

Last time I checked, independent hairdresser shops weren't being put out of business by walmart.

>Be offered promotion that comes with paid for travel.
>Don't want it.
>Be surprised that they just shove you into some warehouse and get someone that's not a retard.

Wew abo.

You are a troll. Nobody is this retarded without trying to be funny.

That would work great - except that there's currently an education racket ongoing where schools and businesses work together to oversaturate workplace markets in order to keep labor prices down. One needs only look at the current state of computer science and IT as a whole. Schools will constantly screech about how there were X new job openings last year but only Y were filled. Meanwhile they ignore that the vast majority of those job openings are made to have ridiculous requirements so that way when a company magically can't find someone who has 5 years experience in a company internal coding language, they can go "oops, we need to shop overseas for workers that we'll bring in on a visa and then pay them less than what a domestic worker would demand! :^) "

Companies are not loyal to employees anymore and then they cry about how employees change jobs every year or two to get better pay and benefits then top it off by whinging about 'dem ebil young people are just lazy!' while half the boomer generation doesn't even know how to put a fucking shortcut on their desktop and think that because they have a signature in their e-mails that means they're important.

She's being taken advantage of because she doesn't want to get paid more for more responsibility. So they just let her have the responsibility and don't pay her more. That's because she's retarded. She should have taken those promotions, or told them she's not doing any more work than other people of her position.

I agree entirely.

Wanting to work for yourself is admirable. Starting a retail business that does nothing better than the competitors, but at higher prices and with lower selection, is idiotic.


Pick one and only one. Unless you go corporate (and you won't go corporate unless you start there or jump on every promotion you can), you'll be just stacking boxes and deal with stupid people until you fucking die.

You know why college students don't give two shits about a "career in retail", because there's no such thing, it's a low skill job to make some beer money and quit it with no notice and no one will even bother listing it on their resume.

It's almost as if Walmart if the world lobby hard for protectionist policies and tax benefits to ensure small companies don't threaten their business.

I see lots of corporate shills like you working hard to boot small biz in favor of your corporate brands

I'm pretty handy with Paint.NET. I could whip up a crate-packer award if you think it'd make her feel good.

It's not idiotic at all, it's satisfaction of wants, and is integral to the libertarian understanding of voluntary interaction.


This only hurts small companies and starting buisnesses that only make like 3% profit. Meanwhile, mega corporations lobbying for this shit get away scott-free with their government deals and loopholes.

Currently looking for a job. I have nearly a decade of experience working in an extremely specialist trade.
>look at related fields

>she's not doing any more work for her higher ups
then she gets fired.

It was different in the 80's, you could actually have a career in retail

She actually refuses to help them

They stormed normandy so they could help ruin the greatest thing that happened to Europe.

>flip burgers for a living
>wonder why you can't afford things
>get mad at everyone else but yourself because you blew off your future by partying in highschool instead of learning a useful skill.

That kind of shit is bullshit. Studies have even shown that if you take a worker and actually train them up to the position you want, you end up with a person that's more productive, more satisfied with work and more loyal to the company while being cheaper than hiring someone outside and making outrageous demands on them because of the 'My company and our product is so unique but all our employees are bought off the shelf." where they think any time spent training and investing means a loss of profit.

Then she works for the other store in town, because she's literally the bottom rung of unskilled labor and there's a ton of those jobs around. And she can cry about having to start at a new place after 30 years all she wants, but it's her own fault she tried to make a career out of a high school job.

I'd rather work for a mega corp that has to face real competition and thus actually try to offer a quality service, than work in some niche industry where ancient and retarded working standards are the common fare

CS in a nutshell. Entry level is 2 years of experience so unless you lie your way through the interviews or have a relative to get you a job you're fucked.

desu, maybe i just dont know shit about the economy, but i personally think that implementing UBI while eliminating minimum wage could be a good option.

A-yo, wait, hol up, hol up, you're telling me dat setting prices above market equilibrium causes surpluses? In this case surpluses of labor?

minimum wage jobs used to able to pay for college

Not true.

Landed mine with my portfolio. I didnt even have a degree. Shotgun approach. Apply everywhere and keep building that portfolio.

I'm all for minimum wage increases as it will be a driver for automation.

You have the mind of a peasant.

The difference is that 25-30 years ago you didn't NEED to go get training somewhere else, you didn't have to pay some fucking training center to train you in basic skills for a trade or go to college unless it was for some super high-skill job like engineering or research.

Companies used to invest in new employees. It used to be common practice that you would apply for a job having little to no experience in that area, and the company would spend the next couple months turning you into a valuable employee with the skills and expertise they needed. When my dad was 20 he applied to a branch of a company looking for people to work with computers, having never touched one in his life. They spent months teaching him how to program, how to troubleshoot, how to manage networks, etc. He worked there for 35 years and retired as head of network security for the entire company.

Companies don't do that anymore. It's cheaper to shift the entire cost of training onto its employees. The consequence of this is that all your employees are in debt and no one feels any attachment to their jobs.

I agree. Now please sign your write up and this will be your final warning before possible termination for using the company pc for non work related shit posting.

nobody is fucking saying that you fucking retard.

All prices will just be raised to accommodate the increase in cash flowing around. Privately owned businesses will have to trim in the short term, but if they're smart they'll just raise prices right there on the day, put a sign on the door saying "prices adjusted to match new minimum wage requirements" and voila.

And by 'voila', I mean "Welcome to Zimbabwe"

I thought whites were meant to be smart rofl

My dream is to open a fully automated burger joint with a touchscreen drivethru menu.

oey vey goyim, wouldnt it be nice if we replaced you with a robot and gave you a 'basic income' heeheehee. they will do the work you don't want to and you will then be free to persue the arts and crafts that your child like manchild mind has always wanted to persue heeheehee.

>comparing a country of 24 million people with a sensible tax system to a country of 323 million people and an absolutely retarded taxation system
please leave


Intelligence is just as frustrating

>you must have X experience in using A program in support of Z
>I have greater than X experience in using A program in support of Y