See the lifes you torn apart all for a piece of paper written by some old white men 200 years ago

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Good. Would have been bad if they created a crazy hapa kid.

Fuck em

Let is be. Americans will always mow each other down. That's part of American culture.

Boil the rice pay the price would surely work better? Not that I'm against mixing with asians. Just helping your text scan better.

I would rather deal with potential maniacs with firearms rather than dealing with a potential Soviet Union-like government being the only ones with firearms.

What's wrong with mix racing Asians. They tend to have higher IQs on average

>the 2nd amendment LITERALLY killed these people

See me post here
People should fear the power of the government more than the power of a psychopath.

yep. this is the country that had the Wild West ffs.

>racemixing was prevented

Maybe the shooter was right-wing after all...

Why do democrats hate freedom? Why do they hate white people? Why do they treat black people like house niggers? Why are they so evil?

they are slow, and this is a disadvantage in any sort of race. unless you are running accross australia and happen to be a 63 yr guy that can run for 72hours straigh. but he wasn't asian was he.

in any even racing asians, even mix racing, isn't a good idea, they really aren't even fast if you put them in cars or airplanes.

White Democrats, the group of people which lead and direct the party, have always been racist, stretching back to the KKK.

They don't hate American, they just hate everyone poor. They are the elitist bourgeois selling communism to the masses, when in reality they're just passing out bread to the starving.

What data do you have asserting this?

They are made to feel superior to others by their "overwhelming intellect and kindness". It is a proven method from the Democratic south post civil war and Nazi Germany. Elevate even the lowest of one group or ideology above the highest of another. Most are given degrees and believe they know all without any real investigation. Truth is they are intellectual light weights outside the narrow focus of their degrees, but it is easier to believe the lie than reality.

He has none. Lazy trolling. Azns practically invented all martial arts so it's pretty damn funny that he regards them as "Slow". I'd rather mix with an Asian than a Lazy Nigger or a Muslim with general Lower IQ.

Fuck out of here pinko!

Move to the Euro Caliphate if you don't like it.

Then again i have options so i'd rather choose White or Hot Latina.

I wish democrats would stop shooting people instead of calling for gun control.


sorry OP but digits command it

Muh lifes

I don't choose poltard bf if I were woman.

Lower empathy on average, not a rule but a trend.

You know you should be ashamed of yourself since "Whites" are an actual Endangered Species now lol. If anything you should be trying to preserve them.

Real Sup Forums is alpha and women go for alpha men.

Why you chose to put yourself in a woman's shoes supports the notion that jap men are beta cucks and the reason why your population is dropping.

Sorry, but the average Brit Woman is ugly as hell son.

Chairman mao 60 million dead......

Bill is a top tier shitposter, always has been

Just like a childish leftist to blame the actions of a sentient human being on inanimate objects.

>Lower empathy
sounds OK as long as my kids don't kill their dogs.
as I understand it jappos keep dogs as pets

Then leave the nation. If you hate our constitution so much then fucking leave, you low life pussy. No one here wants you anyway.

Move your ass to the left wing utopia known as North Korea. We'll give you a one way ticket. You'll love it there. Their leader is almost as fucking retarded as Hillary.

So the shooter prevented a future Elliot Rodger? Hell, he could've saved more lives, than he took.

They actually teach japanese children to respect and care for animals. It depends on the Asian Culture. Chinese are different just like Koreans. Chinese even eat dogs and have numerous violations of human rights.

>They actually teach japanese children to respect and care for animals.
so you're saying only jappos are human while chinks and other gooks are niggers?


Why is that republitards always move to "YOU LIKE COMMUNISM? GO LIVE IN VENEZUELA OR NORTH KOREA!"

That's not even what he was talking about. Seems like you can't criticize anything these days.


Not really. Those crazy hapas seem to just come from the parents who have 2 completely different kinds of culture.

I mean, japs also go on mass whaling hunts for basically no reason.


race mixers BTFO


Thanks Sonic.

Its the communism that poisons gooks. Taiwan is #1, also the Philippines is the mexico of Asia.

Eating dogs is a Vietnamese thing.

Ever read Moby Dick? Whale hunting is the greatest passion a man can have in life.

our population is dropping because almost 0 immigrants.
You have to see other developed countries birth rate stats.

And Dolphins. This is my problem with Japs.

And Korean

Well, you have to remember Japanese are Americanized and they never went through Communism Hell. But they still do crazy shit like killing Whales and Dolphins. And of course there is Hentai too lol.

Japan won't be Japan if you allow immigrants free reign into your nation.

You see what is happening to these other 'developed nations'. Immigrants move in, destroy the culture, rape the populace, freeload off the government.

They bring down the nation to the 3rd world level that spawned them, because they want their new home to resemble their old home, without the iron fisted tyrannical ruler which kept these subhumans in check.

This is something that most naive people or liberals seem to not comprehend. An immigrant that NEEDS to flee its homeland was a part of the problem which created the environment requiring abandonment.

You do not want them in your country.

A developed SMART nation only takes in the best of the best. Anything short of that only invites disaster.

I would rather have the ability to carry than be in a cucked country where even the police cower to foreign scum in the motherland

The Founding Fathers are the worst mass murdereres TO THIS DAY!!!



>our population is dropping because
low birth rates and women in the work force

one subhuman and a jungle nigger engage in mating ritual, suddenly a predator appears and the the subhuman kills the jungle nigger and escapes unharmed. He must find his love elsewhere or risk being eaten himself.

-10/10 b8

>they still do crazy shit like killing Whales and Dolphins.

Who doesn't do this though?

OP's a kike...

A hillbilly (probably a faggot cunter) and a gook bitch .
Not 1/10 of a fuck given.

>Who doesn't do this though?
Tell us who does faggot!

Cute jungle Asians like fat white dudes? There is hope.

INB4 TOP 5 Pro Transgender Eurofag Countries.

uh, the Quran is older than 200 years sweatie


If americans are fine with people killing eachother and cops and cops killing others then let em. Its their country plus you have state rights for this reason

>...then the gunshots started. so he knocked her to the ground 'to save her from being shot'. Then he got ontop of her ' to shield her from bullets'. Then he did a bit of mouth to mouth ' cos she'd fainted due to shock' . then he did some as to mouth . by this time everyone was screaming and lying on the floor, so i thought fuck it, we'll all be dead in a minute, so i ripped off her pants and had sex with her. then when he realised it was a hoax, and they weren't both going to die, he got out his magnum and shot her squarely between the eyes. ' ohno another poor victim of this other bloke who the media are gonna frame '. ' i love hoaxs, there's so much potential for rape. thats why the kikes do them. they love rape too '

4th thread like this so far so that's the shill BS for today eh.

P.S. so good it has a thing to let you update it and has been done so 26 times

Explain this, globalist.

It has always been a Tradition of the Americunt People and you should respect it.

For life!!!

And republicans run this shit now. We have it all Senate,House,Supreme,Presidency,Funding,Special Elcetions..... guns aint going anywhere snowflake.

This attack just makes me want more guns.

>Finally find a woman who wants your d
>Get cockblocked by some old coot with a gun


Lemon juicing is more accurate.

this is just proof that country music creates violence and everyone should be listening to rap instead

also, this is a good example of what happens when a guy find out his girlfriend is a trap

>Revolver and the magazine

I understand it's doing an R symbol but that still is weird.

If anything we need a gun law that states every adult must be armed at all times.

Jesus, I am so tired of Jewish histrionicism.

Nearby synagogue has a bunch of T-shirts on sticks, I don't even know whose deaths they represent anymore.

Constantly trying to manipulate you with statistically insignificant anecdotes.

Gotta just gas 'em I guess



You're no true Confederate unless you want to reinstate Slavery. And make Muslim Slavery legal too while you're at it.

1/01 low energy leaf

This image has meme potential.

That O'relly guy shitposts better than any burger on here
Although he's probably on Sup Forums too