CIA love thread


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Finally some appreciation for the GOAT intelligence agency safeguarding American freedom and democracy.

MI6 user here, love you guys.


>takes out a coalburner
>Sup Forums butthurt for some reason

>I love them. They do God's work.

Well done you. You made 1 friend today. Keep it up.


Treasonous CIA niggers will get the rope

Why does this man hate the CIA so much?

I love and trust the US government

Helo smal guys

>cant compete with an anime image board with a 40 year head start
>intelligence agency

Call me when you actually do something

Love you bros!

Nothing like getting paid tax money to surf Sup Forums all day

Because they glow in the dark, you gotta run them over

I love rabble rousers who have turned democracy into a duel of a demagogue dichotomies who just want to shackle us in red tape on both sides while pitting us against each other in a Cold Civil War


I'm appreciative and vulnerable right now, senpai.

Stop putting LSD in our tap water, thanks

t. France btw

Tyrone loves fucking their wives while they sit all day fwapping over spy drone footage.

Some shit they do is good, like Pinochet, other times they're CIA niggers

I unironically believe that the CIA is doing good work safeguarding the US against terrorism and the population should be less distrustful and more grateful.

Everyone should dump their computer history into this thread for patriotic reasons.

I love and trust the us government. I can’t wait to offer my children as tests for the rfid implant chip!

Btw my teeth are turning a little yellow. Can you increase the amount of fluoride in the water so my tooth enamel can be strengthened?

I'm fine with this, just less estrogen plz

If the CIA throws out all non-whites and women and starts using their resources to advocate for white supremacy and starts working to confound the plans of international jewry and freemasonry, I'll support them. Otherwise I'll just continue to consider them an anti-white ZOG intel entity working toward white genocide.

The goodest of goys



I know that sounded intelligent in your head, but when you use words you have a poor gradp of you end up looking ten times as retarded as if you just stuck to what you know

I did my best.
Tell me how I'm wrong

Criminals,.... Fucking Killers. The whole World hates You!

Their MK-ULTRA gifted and talented program taught me explicitly about propaganda from the third grade on and prepared me to see things as they are

I love the CIA. You guys should see the indoor giant suburb blacksites where we simulate gun confiscation and martial law. It's pretty cool.

I already told you. You used words you dont understand and that had nothing to do with the topic because they sounded intelligent in your head.

Believe it or not, there are good people there. 0bama and Clinton weaponized the top slots there so you had bad actors at the top that may have damaged their integrity for years to come.

There have been some very good people that gave the ultimate sacrifice for us there and we should remember that every day.

Remember the guy that mowed down antifa, got arrested, then never heard of again? Me neither. I love you, my glow in the dark friends.

Wanting to be poor.

What did MI6 spy Gareth Williams do to your organisation that led to you demanding his recall to Blighty and his eventual sordid execution?

My syntax may be fucked but the terminology is sound ...
...I know ..I googled it

Fuck off NAZI.

I have it on good authority that they aren't working towards that.

you're a fucking leaf

yeah idkwtf they're doing

Saving democracy

>You guys should see the indoor giant suburb blacksites where we simulate gun confiscation and martial law.
I don't doubt this for a second.

CIA niggers are owned by (((money)))

CIA niggers work to destroy the country they're supposed to protect, for their owner the Jew

Die slowly in your rotten , criminal , Gay, pedo Country, Demokrat looser.

not an argument

>a f*cking leaf
every time

big if true

love the cia