Why are women like this?

Why are women like this?

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Because men let them be. I honestly wish more men would wake up and see the evil that is female.

Why waste a good opportunity to insert your face into the moment, just as we've seen with countless other pics, from gym girl to jigglypuff

she's doing her job, while trying to have some tact.
though it is pretty bold to use a spree shooting to promote your dance club.


don't waste your time with women like this and you'll never have to care

>still below his chin


Like millennial men aren't this faggy, too

>Don't get shot just anywhere-
>If you must be seen dead, be seen at
>Marquee Nightclub & Dayclub

who cares?

>the evil that is female
The womanjew, if you will.

I bet you liked her image too.

Men give them attention. If no one likes these sort of photos, they will stop posting it.

But you had to think with you dick, didn't you?

because if men are weak and cucks the women start to go wild

>Why waste a good opportunity to insert your face into the moment

>just as we've seen with countless other pics, from gym girl to jigglypuff
these were my exact thoughts when i read the op, too

women are attention whore trash who will find any reason to insert themselves into anything possible



Why would I talk to strangers in public when I can scroll through Sup Forums on my phone?

I had some fucking cunt all random on my feed yesterday. I never added the whore, and she had like 360 followers. I guess she used some "bot" to get followers, then made a "statement" with a whore-pic.

why? because pic related.

Oy fucking vey

is he jew confirmed?never thought that

Filthy phoneposting scum

She's still pretty hot though.
>still below his beard
>not just his chin

fuck you, degenerate scum.

nigga I can't take my desktop with me to the metro

Have you ever tried?


>conveniently cropping out his jew cap

You're really only getting narcissistic people when it comes to social media like this - and narcissism is mostly classed with women unfortunately. I know a lot of women who are uninterested in such pointless things. So in this case, and the many like, I would point to the previously stated narcissism. I'm not going to argue that the women who despise it aren't the outliers. There are also a lot of men who support these habits. It's a vicious loop.

Lotta bacon for a high rise jew.

Some spic hitting on her in pic. seems like what i remember of FB


This tune is sweet, fuck yeah

like what stupid good looking and unwilling to give you any attention? look at these Sup Forums faggots trying to take a moral high ground about mass shootings

>Be me.
>See a qt from the back.
>Thinking I should speak to her.
>She turns around and has glasses like those.

Or tits

>>She turns around and has glasses like those.
is that when you realized you couldn't afford her?


Needs more hashtags

That's millenia gen. Always "me.me.me.". That's why people wants to troll them. People have been hitting hard against hybris since the dawn of time.


Hott photo


KEK well done sir

Would you dump your 10/10 gf if she posted something like this?

I laughed

nope, characteristic of the breed

she is nowhere near attractive enough to be this picky. back when i used to troll okc for pussy by just blasting out shirtless dick pics to women it would normally be women like this that let me deep dick them--women like this and also the ones who explicitly state "not here for hook-ups [with betas] so don't ask!"

no cunt, that was autistic as

Look at Leo Di Caprios face tho

but thats a dead meme thats why its autistic, r u a newfag or wat

>r u a newfag or wat
about 90% of pol is newfags, cunt

I'm newfag regular since "he will not divide us". I used to browse 10+ years ago when there was that gore/porn image board but I stopped because Sup Forums was too fucked up.

I didn't realise there was a libertarian / conspiracy / redpill / banking skeptics community here

Yfw this will be the gf of the next Stephen Paddock

vanity is a key trait of their sex


you mean straight out pure gynocentrism?

yes - and redpills generally

When the fuck did the rainbow flag stopped symbolizing gay men and started symbolizing alphabet soup?

Thinking of ways to make white babies isn't redpills, it's PUA for whites.

Because thirsty men give them way too much attention and money for like that. Just existing means profit for them.

Top par.

such a short time span from gloom to doom.
they have to make the most of it i guess

for being like that*

He's not wrong though. Show us your real flag, 3rd worlder.

Because a young woman's main goal in life is to be on display for a high status male to choose her. If she fails to do that, her life will be considered wasted.

Women are biologically designed to be attention seeking, they need to put themselves out there at all times to maximize chances of being noticed by a chad

I'm a 2nd worlder :(

hell fucking no

Not saying he is wrong, I completely agree.
His flags says LGBGTSPWXYZ thought instead of gay.

is she called DIng Ling?

i know a rice goblin that i think got married to a yank from one of these sites. she was basically a whore who would trade sex for meals.

Why are women like this

>"Sup Forums - Banking Skeptics"

maybe if she was a burger, i'd marry her for citizenship, but since it's Birmingham, I don't really care for that north korean island.

Unfortunately it reveals that a woman's value in society is based mostly on her physical appearance and sexual appeal

A 10/10 is perfect in every way so she wouldn't post something like this.
But no, all women are like this

he is a cuck though.

well, you know - Austrian school economists, I suppose.

Also I tried to name the jew with out naming the jew

textbook example of what this comedian describes

it means she has small tits

I wouldn't dump her, but it's tacky af

Wow you guys are women hating closet faggots and this is coming from someone who sucks tranny dick.

>go to a uni football game
>the stadium has become a set for girls to take selfies for social media and not actually watch the game

how the fuck is he a jew when he eats literal boxloads of bacon? You realize not everyone with -stein,-berg,-man lastname suffixes doesnt mean they are jewish.

this men reward women for being attention whore or just whores

Because they have very underevolved brain.
Should be obvious by now.
Very very underevolved.

he is a boring cuck, jew or not he deserves death.

Because attention is what they want.

Technology has led women to afford a personal Paparazzi

This lady probably just trying to get citizenship

Because all men let her, and some men congratulate her.

Many jews are atheist and dont follow the rules, but they always put their tribe first regardless.

>blbalbla I'm such a good person
>hott photo
I don't know what but this cracks me up.
Show vagener.

Um, yeah it does. There are such things such as non practicing jews. Jews even have genetic diseases specifically related to them. You probably don't know shit because you suck on circumcised baby dicks.

Its because they aren't property

preach it brother.

she a trap?

>someone who sucks tranny dick.
Why did you make it so easy to discard your opinion?

Wait, there is a non-jewish online defense force now too?!

I bet someone grabbed her breast before they died, I would.

Greece is first world you fucking jewish implanted imblecile.

This is the only right answer