All Races are Equal
Other urls found in this thread:
>eating off the floor to strengthen immunity to bacteria and disease and thus thrive better in any circumstance
Not even me and my sister are equal ... so no fuck off saged
My god Pajeets are building a master race .
>not being closer to nature
Her tits maker her superior so yeah you're right.
Fuck me I don't know if i wanna visit India now. Thought the poo thing was a joke and looking into it seems like it's not.
no it's not ...
hahahahah Holy shit, i thought it was a joke video but its made by fucking Unicef India..........
SUPAPOWA BY 2020!!!!111
Let's get a good old DESIGNATED thread, shall we
>implying Indians are human
I'm sitting here all excited waiting for a Pajeet to come in and tell us how advanced India is how they're "Aryans"
>I'm sitting here all excited...
Was reading "I'm shitting here all excited..."
Better than niggers honestly. If it wasn't for whites Niggers would be just as bad when it came to shitting in public.
Jesus German bro that's an impressive poo collection. More WE DEMAND MORE
so i guess shitting on the floor next to the carpet is fine?
>floor so clean you can eat from it
even the poos are cleaner than you, filthy burger
Thank you, but even a Germans runs out of poo memes at times.
But I have a few pee bags
Burgerland would conquer Argentina in about a week so calm down buddy.
>designated eating streets
wtf is that? Is that a Poo thing also?
Or just don't shit on the floor and there's no need for some crazy immunity.
Who ib his right mind will gamble and piss on that ? Can you imagine if you're the one that overload it and it explode on you
ree-rah, ree-rah-wree, ree-raah