It's now government policy that by default every person in Britain will have their organs harvested upon death

I see nothing wrong with this

Well your body your choice isn't it ?

Free market would unironically fix the organ problem.

The state already demands +30% of your income as a wageslave, I don't see that much of a logical leap for them to own your body as well.

>Take what you need

I don't want to get sent to the Blood Refinery. :(

This is an attack on Asians! It is well known that they are not allowed to interact with society except for gibmedats. This bill is racist! Muhammad is crying!

Or you could take a minute on the internet and opt out. Like you can with being on the open register for voting.

this. I don't get what's the problem, you can still say no

Next up. Death penalty for having the wrong views.

They will tell you when your views are wrong

For now

Yes goy it's just a little harmless programme where you can opt out it says nothing of significance about the relation between the state and its subjects

You honestly think the EMT is going to scroll through an internet database while your organs cool off or that the database will be accurate? I bet doctors will kill you for having a cold so that Ahkmed's 3rd wife can have another year at life.

there's no "your" after you're dead
it's just "a" body

it's anyone's pick, the government just has the better hability to assert dominion over that fine piece of property.

Nothing wrong with this.
Instead of having to go sign something to get your organs removed, you go sign something to not get your organs removed.

Everbody wins, except the dead body.


pretty sure the same system is already in place here ... don't be a greedy fooker m8te what you need those fancy tubes, sausages and shit when the government decided to kill you or you just happen to die by the hand of a shitskin

worst case your organs are planted inside another shitskin ... and you kinda become accomplice in a future crime at least partially

To be honest, I really won't be needing my organs when I'm dead.

go to heaven, your assholes missing > eat stuff explode > die again > this time you go to hell because the system is decided upon a coin flip

think again mate

This is the same country which refused to allow a toddler to travel to America for medical treatment. I bet they will tax you to death for opting out. And if you stay in they will let you die for your organs.

Well I'll make sure my corpse's organs are utterly destroyed before I die

Good. If you give a shit you should say so. We have enough problems with people dying waiting for new organs to make this reasonable, and i'm not a fan of transplants at all.

>having to manually opt out of having your organs stolen
Bongs really don't care that the government owns every ounce of their flesh, do they? You all deserve that 15-year jail sentence just for letting yourselves get to your >absolute state.

Guess it's just >part and parcel.

I work in the funeral home business in the US.
After the hospitals remove the organs they need from you they will send the body all cut up and unsealed.
They don't use the amount of care they would use in a surgery, and often there is damage to the outside of the body that can't be repaired easily.
For example, those who have had their eyes donated will often have their eyelids mutilated and we have to create fake eyelids to make the body presentable.
Point is, if you don't want your body to be defiled after death, don't be an organ donor.
>inb4 embalming is defilement
We take the upmost care, as it is our job to make the deceased as they were in life.

Yes it's very good that you're someone else's property now

not even that, hepatitis is enough ... although they still might harvest a heart if nothings better around

I saw this coming. This shit is sick, irrelevant of the reasons. If my last will and testament specifically stated that I wanted my organs intact, it still would have been read too late. This is totally fucked.

>T: registered NOT Organ donor.

>Sudden influx of HIV-infected organs hitting the market

Britain is turning more like the old soviet adage: you don't own the state, the state owns you.


This is all I could notice about the entire message.

>caring about your body after you die


if I'm dead then so should everyone else be

>there's no "your property" after you're dead
>it's just "a" property

>500 people died waiting for a transplant

You mean 500 people died of various illnesses.

I hope you carry your will everywhere you go for the EMTs.


The only way to fight this is smoke and drink as much as you can.

You all were property for a long time, mate.

Have fun giving Mr. Shekelstein his fifth heart transplant, britbongs

>there's no "your" after you're dead
>it's just "some" property
>it's anyone's pick, the government just has the better ability to assert dominion over that fine piece of property (source needed).
Inheritance of property is unfair to the poor government who could use it better than you or your family! Respecting wills is for fags that don't have a monopoly on force.

most won't but you can opt out ... i had to the Salzamt and made it clear i do not wan't to be harvested for niggers

they be like "we make no discriminations", i'm like ... for fucks sake just write down "don't use spar parts for niggers"

... in the end they just opted me out

anyway i can rest easy knowing my stuff won't be helping no niggers

after you lose your ability to assert dominion over your property, you have no property.

How can something that doesn't exist have property?

Like taxation, i don't like it in principle, but it will most definitely be a societal improvement nonetheless.

Horrifying is the fact people have no comprehension why it was opt-in to begin with.

Hospitals will kill you for your organs if you're a donor. This is completely fucked.

When you may or may not survive a car accident for example, (((doctors))) pull the plug and sell your organs to those who have a higher percentage chance of living. Or if they have more money/deemed very important.
>look it up

you need to be alive for your organs to be taken out, retard



>what is inheritance
That property belongs to the relatives, not the state.

this is genuinely a good idea

put a bomb in your body that blows up 5 minutes after your heart stops.

if they cannot revive you in 5 minutes they cannot have your organs

This. Why should i risk that my organs end up in a new german? Fuck this. That's like adding insult to injury even when you're fucking dead already.

lol it will only be muzzies complaining about this

I'm confused though. It says "opt out". That means you can choose not to donate, yes?

i'm leaving this shithole. I'm fucking serious. I hat this shitty fucking cuckhole.

fairness is a false god
we're talking about property and who gets to own property
whoever has the ability to own something, owns it.
inheritance laws are just useful social conventions, you don't have to be mad at this.

something dead can't ever possibly own property.

They're not selling my gubbins to the wogs overseas ond profitting from me

You can choose to do so but equally the government can also make it unfavourable to do that now they legally own us

>I, Reginald Shittooth, hereby leave my liver to my son, as we shared many great drinks together, and my lungs to my daughter, as the stress of raising her caused me to pick up smoking again

a social construct, that's what it is, ensured by the government

Then the rest of your carcass would be rendered into Soylent Green to feed the starving masses of niggers, nothing goes to waste.

>I hope you carry your will everywhere you go for the EMTs.
I am not a DNR, just not an organ donor. It is specifically stated on your ID in my state, which I carry with me. They got only 2 choices if I get to er. Save me or put me in the fridge. no middle ground.

I aint donating my fucking organs. If they want them, they can pay for them. What is the going rate for an organ these days? Because you're only getting mine if you give that amount of money to my family after I'm dead.


Government itself is a social construct. Inheriting something your tribe used is more natural than the central government making decisions for and against you.

Inheritance is an out out system as well

There is basic ruleset that says where your stuff goes unless you opt out by leaving a testament (and even that can't change the basic rules in some countries)

>it's anyone's pick, the government just has the better hability to assert dominion over that fine piece of property.

what a bluepilled moor. jesus christ

your organs are worthless if you're dead. the hospital keeps you alive and then kills you to give your organs to someone else, even if in many situations you could have lived on otherwise.

yes goy, let the govt decide what to do with your body, we won't do you any harm promise

So when I take your dead mother to the taxidermist so I can fuck her corpse and post the webms here you won't mind, right?

Would this help in any case? Finding suitable organs is extremely hard outside the close family. Increasing "offer" increases probability, but not by that much.

Denmark don't have organ problems because of a lack of donors, we have organ problems because we are the most alcoholic country in the world. Maybe if working class losers stopped drinking and smoking their livers and lungs out, they wouldn't need so many transplants.
More donors won't solve the real problem. It will only make it worse.

How is this new system any different than the existing one? If you don't want to be a donor, don't be a donor. The only thing this changes is that people who haven't bothered to make the choice (or don't give a shit) are considered donors instead of not donors.

It has to be fake

It is every citizen's final duty to go into the tanks and become one with all the people.
-Chairman Sheng-ji Yang, "Ethics for Tomorrow"

It's almost like this gives them an incentive to make you "their" body by leaving you dead on the operating table.

stupid idea, my Religious belief says i must be burried and wait for the judgment day. harvest or donor organs is a sin because its not my body its god's body.

>If you don't want to be a donor, don't be a donor.

>never get around to sorting out that organ donation thing
>get into car crash
>doctors kill you so that Rockefeller Jr can get his 6th heart transplant

>You're fed to the nigger who now has your heart beating in his chest

>t gets life in prison for defending themselves

nice on yankcuck

The issue is that the choice is made for people who are unaware that they had to make this choice.

Hell yeah, post that shit

HAHAHA good joke lad. You should've known you're property of the state when you found out that suicide is not allowed and you can be locked up in an instituation for trying to do it. You don't want to have your investment go to waste, every suicide = one consumer gone. After you stop consuming (and producing), they'll obviously try to make use of it to help other consumers live longer and continue doing so. The same with forced vaccinations in a lot of EU countries. If more people die, it's an economic loss.
And of course - the more detached, materialistic and generalized the consuming masses are, the better. I imagine the fututre as this very dystopian authoritarian state where everyone thinks how very free they are, but probably couldn't even wipe their arse without the government/corporations/the rich allowing them to do so. A people so mixed, they don't have a culture, genderless machines that work and consume, so the top crust can rule unchallanged. The US's libertarianism will also slowly fade into obscurity as history progresses, attacks such as the Las Vegas ones are staged to provide ground to further take away the rights of the common man.

How is it different? How about the fact that it's a new policy for starters? Seems like a good starting point you fucking retard.

>this retarded cultist might kill someone because of his retarded beliefs from fear mongering called the church for absolutely no reason other than comfort beyond death

Why are libtards so afraid of death?

I'll give you 5 cents for your penis

A tribe raiding your tribe, killing everyone and taking things for themselves is also very natural.

You can picture the government as this tribe that is much more stronger than you, and as such shows a greater ability to own much more property than you.

>if you don't give free shit to the strangers you're literally Hitler killing them
Fuck off commie.

and? who cares? brits arent even people. you exist to serve your lords. dumbass.

IF they can take it.

>ahmeds will be given the organs of the people they truck of peaced

>im a commie because i think disregarding being a donor because of muh jewish diety is retarded
i dont even think im an organ donor 2bh

the strong rule over the weak.
if people are stronger than the gov, then they can revert this situtation.
and in this case the gov is even letting you not give your organs. mighty generous of them, if you ask me.

I, with the strenght of the government, will not let you because we will be able to exert our ownership of said property.

You are, however, free to try.

>It's now government policy that by default every person in Britain will have their organs harvested upon RISK OF death

>"Oh, he's practically brain dead. Go ahead and cut him up."

Wait, how are they going to harvest the organs without knives?

It's not hard to be stronger when you have a monopoly on violence

>using laziness as an excuse
>using ignorance as an excuse

>Hospitals will kill you for your organs if you're a donor
This is an urban legend though. It comes from those chain letters and those weird email chains peddling ideas such as "7 signs the rapture will happen this year".

There was a single incident in the US where a lifeless braindead husk clumg to life 5 days longer than expected after the family pulled the plug on life support, and the doctor eventually administered fatal dose of morphine to end it's life. When they went to harvest the organs they were all ruined though due to the prolonged state of living death. The family then accused the doctor of hastening the death for the purpose of organ farming, but the hospital won the lawsuit. The family had already yanked the life support days earlier.

I can't imagine a worse fate than literally decomposing while "alive" as the heart clung to life and fed blood to the shrunken remnants of the brain as the rest of the withered organs. Bring on that morphine.

>every person in Britain will have their organs harvested upon death
To feed the queen?